Upcoming family history talks and events in Scotland, 16 - 22 October 2017
Note that there may be a small charge for some of these events, and some may be for members only. We will be publishing lists of upcoming talks and events regularly - if you are organising a talk or event relating to Scottish genealogy or history, please let us know and we will be happy to add your events to our list. Monday, October 16 2017, 4 pm Slavery, the Middle Passage and Plantations: ‘Minecraft’ software and teaching materials
Venue: University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ Black History Month We invite you to the launch of ‘Minecraft’ software and associated teaching materials, which have been designed for use by school learners, teachers and others. These materials introduce users to the ships used to carry enslaved Africans to the Caribbean, and then to the towns and plantations in the Caribbean in which they would spend their lives. With introductory remarks by Prof. Sir Geoff Palmer. Free event Email [email protected] Monday, October 16 2017, 7 pm for 7.30 pm Builders of Edinburgh's New Town
Venue: Augustine Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh Tuesday, October 17 2017, 1 pm The Scottish Cemetery in Kolkata Tom Addyman Venue: G16, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh University of Edinburgh Diaspora Studies graduate workshop. For more information see http://edin.ac/1MSzwtw Tuesday, October 17 2017, 1 pm - 1.10 pm Medals of Haile Selassie’s Patriots and the Liberation of Abyssinia Jesper Ericsson, Curatorial Assistant, The Hunterian Venue: Hunterian Museum Gilbert Scott building University of Glasgow G12 8QQ Black History Month www.gla.ac.uk/hunterian /visit/insighttalks/ Tuesday, October 17 2017, 12.30 pm - 2 pm ‘With angels and dark angels’ - Black depictions of sacred figures in Christian art and devotion Harry Dunlop Venue: St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art, 2 Castle Street, Glasgow G4 0RH Black History Month In this talk Learning and Access Curator Harry Dunlop explores different cultural representations of Christ and the Virgin Mary in Christian art. The talk examines the intentions behind the representation of an angel as a Black African in a 1950s stained glass window in nearby Glasgow Cathedral and also explores the symbolic and perhaps subversive representation of the Virgin Mary as the Black Madonna. Free event www.glasgowmuseums.com Wednesday, October 18 2017, 10 am - 11 am Standing Stones of Stenness Walk
Venue: Stones of Stenness Circle and Henge Join the Orkney Ranger Service for a free guided tour of our oldest stone circle, and explore the fascinating links with the nearby Neolithic village of Barnhouse. Wednesday, October 18 2017, 10 am - 12.30 pm Walktober - Historic Plockton Village Tour
Venue: Plockton Visitor Centre Explore the historic planned village of Plockton, dating from 1801 with the Trust ranger. Take a gentle stroll, listen to some stories from the past and get to know the jewel in the Highland crown. The tour visits the main areas of the village, the old pier and pontoons, the Brae with its crofts and ancient trees, the Open Air Church and the War Memorial. Learn about the history of crofting and planned villages in the Highlands, the split in the Church of Scotland and the sailing tradition of Plockton. Wednesday 18th October, 10am - 12.30pm Adults £5, Children free No need to book. For more information phone the Balmacara Estate Office on 01599 566 325 Meet: 10am at Plockton Visitor Centre Bring waterproofs and wear sensible stout footwear. Walk is 1.5 miles/2 km and is relatively flat. Walktober is a week of walks spread across the impressive range of properties under the care of the National Trust for Scotland in Wester Ross. Events will be running at Inverewe, Torridon, Balmacara Estate and Kintail. Experience the unique autumn atmosphere of the Highlands, amongst some of the country’s finest backdrops, and learn from those who know these areas best; the local National Trust for Scotland Rangers. Wednesday, October 18 2017, 2 pm Battle of Killiecrankie
Venue: Killiecrankie Visitor Centre, PH16 5LG The Battle of Killiecrankie in 1689 was the first of the Jacobite uprisings. Get to grips with the gory details of this gruesome battle with an interactive battle talk (1 hour) taking place in the woods above Soldier's Leap, followed by a walk to some key battle locations. There will be a display of, and opportunity to handle replica weapons with children's craft activities afterwards outside the Visitor Centre. Meet outside the Visitor Centre in the stone circle. £3 per child £5 per adult. No booking required. For further information please call 01796 473233. Wednesday, October 18 2017, 7.30 pm The History of the Trades House of Glasgow Craig Bryce Venue: Best Western Eglinton Arms Hotel, Eaglesham Members free, non-members £3 at the door Wednesday, October 18 2017, 7.30 pm War and diplomacy on the northern frontier: the impact of the Romans in Scotland Fraser Hunter, National Museums of Scotland Venue: Acredale House, Mid Street, Bathgate West Lothian History and Amenity Society Wednesday, October 18 2017, 7.30 pm Choice Border Ballads from Ettrick and Yarrow Poppy Holden Venue: Volunteer Hall, Galashiels Wednesday, October 18 2017, 9 am Bannockburn Lecture Series: New light on the Brochs of The Forth Valley Dr Murray Cook Venue: Bannockburn, FK7 0LJ While we normally think of brochs as being from the north of Scotland, Stirling and the Forth Valley has a large number of brochs, all of which were constructed in the 1st century BC/AD and many traded with the Romans, taking advantage of the bottleneck at Stirling. The majority were destroyed by fire?..was this the Romans turning on traders following a change of Imperial policy or angry locals burning our quislings? Find out more with Stirling's very own Murray Cook on the 18th October only at The Battle of Bannockburn. Tickets Five pounds with proceeds to the Learning fund Email [email protected] or call 01786 812664 Thursday, October 19 2017, 10 am - 2.30 pm Walktober - Inverewe Roundhouse Ramble
Venue: Inverewe Garden & Estate, IV22 2LG Join the Inverewe Roundhouse Ramble for thousands of years of history in just a few hours! Poolewe has a fascinating history dating back to late bronze/early iron age when the earliest settlers began crofting. Inverewe Estate has over 40 points of archaeological interest. This walk will take you to the archaeological remains of our roundhouse and a visit to Trig Point, a WW2 place of interest. It offers splendid coastal views and you will also pass by our resident seal colony. This walk has a couple of steep inclines and is a strenuous walk over uneven terrain and boggy ground so sturdy outdoor shoes are essential. Bring a packed lunch, water, sunscreen, waterproofs and don’t forget your camera! Thursday 19th October, 10am-2.30pm Adults £5, Children £3 Booking Essential For more information or to book a place, please contact: Inverewe Visitor Centre Tel: 01445 781229 Walktober is a week of walks spread across the impressive range of properties under the care of the National Trust for Scotland in Wester Ross. Events will be running at Inverewe, Torridon, Balmacara Estate and Kintail. Experience the unique autumn atmosphere of the Highlands, amongst some of the country’s finest backdrops, and learn from those who know these areas best; the local National Trust for Scotland Rangers. Thursday, October 19 2017, 5.15 pm for 5.30 pm ‘“The few Villainous Countries”: Contesting definitions of the Highlands in Post-Culloden legislation’ Alastair Noble (University of Edinburgh) Venue: Room 1.434 (Teaching Room 7), Doorway 3, Old Medical School University of Edinburgh Scottish history research seminar. See here for more details. Thursday, October 19 2017, 5.30 pm ‘#Medieval?: 19th Century Highland Castle Architectural Aesthetics and 21st Century Digital Responses’ Dr Linsey Hunter (University of the Highlands and Islands) Venue: New Seminar Room, St John’s House, 71 South Street, St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research See here for more details. Thursday, October 19 2017, 7.30 pm A Soldier of the Rough Wooing Arran Paul Johnston Venue: Abbey Church Hall, Abbey Park Place, Dunfermline Dunfermline Historical Society Visitors are charged a fee of £2.00 per meeting and are made very welcome. Thursday, October 19 2017, 7.30 pm Lest We Forget Morag Sutherland and Ellen Lindsay - Brora Venue: Brora Community Centre Stories behind the Clyne War Memorial Great War names - part 2 Thursday, October 19 2017, 7.30 pm Questions and Answers Members' Night Venue: Portland Church hall, South Beach, Troon Troon & Ayrshire Family History Society Thursday, October 19 2017, 7:30 pm Workshop
Venue: Paisley Museum, High Street, Paisley Renfrewshire Family History Society Saturday, October 21 2017, 10 am - 12 pm Old Scottish Handwriting Kirsteen Mulhern Venue: Scottish Genealogy Society Library, 15 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2JL Old Scottish Handwriting: Just when you think it’s great because you have traced your family back into the 17th and 18th Centuries, you suddenly find the writing in the OPRs changes and you can’t read it! Kirsteen Mulhern from the Scottish Records Association will give a Beginners workshop on how to decipher it. Saturday, October 21 2017, 11.15am - 12pm 12.15pm - 1pm 2pm - 2.45pm 3pm - 3.45pm From Waterside to Waterloo
Venue: Edinburgh Castle Hear the heroic tale of Sergeant Charles Ewart's daring feat to capture the Colours and the Standard of The 45 Regime of Napoleon's Army at the Battle of Waterloo 1815. Included in the normal admission price Saturday, October 21 2017, 2 pm - 4 pm George Square - Slavery & Abolition Dr Michael Morris Venue: Meet outside Glasgow City Chambers George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU Black History Month Glasgow’s George Square was laid out in 1781 and the statues, erected between 1819 and 1902, are designed to celebrate scientists, writers, military figures, politicians and royals. But these sculptures and monuments largely tell a sanitised story of Empire - whether a clean story of trade from the Clyde, or an orderly procession of colonised peoples paying tribute to a monarch. Dr. Michael Morris’s walk and talk looks to highlight a more difficult context and to provide a counter-narrative to this cleaned up history. Join him as he reveals a hidden history of Scotland’s complicated involvement in slavery associated with each and every one of the statues on display. Free event with registration Register at tinyurl.com/crereventbrite Saturday, October 21 2017, 2.30pm-4.30pm Bazaars, Benevolence & Buildings In NE Scotland Douglas Lockhart Venue: Unitarian Church Centre, 43A Skene Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1RN Aberdeen and North East Scotland Family History Society Saturday, October 21 2017, 7 pm The Witches of Culross Leonard Low Venue: Royal Burgh of Culross, KY12 8JH Learn about the horrific witch trials that took place throughout Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries and particularly about the poor souls in and around Culross. Renowned Fife Author, Leonard Low, will tell the gruesome truth about the lives of many who were accused of Witchcraft.......and he will demonstrate the torture instruments used to extract their confessions. 7pm-9pm Tickets £12 Sunday, October 22 2017, 1 pm - 3 pm CRER Walking Tour
Venue: Starting point at Glasgow Cathedral Just off Castle Street, Glasgow G4 0QZ Black History Month Join us on an historical journey through Glasgow’s mercantile past and examine the connections with slavery, tobacco and the abolition movement. See the reality of Glasgow’s role in the enslavement of human beings.The tour will be led by Adebusola Debora Ramsay and Marenka Thompson-Odlum. Sunday, October 22 2017, 1 pm - 5 pm Biggar Gasworks Steam Days
Venue: Biggar Gaswork Museum For upwards of 130 years – from 1839 to 1973 – Biggar Gasworks made coal-gas for the town and surrounding district. It was one of the first small-town gasworks to open in Scotland, and among the last to close. It is the only preserved gasworks left in Scotland. Not long afterwards, it passed into State care, to be preserved as a lasting reminder of an industry that provided so much benefit to all the country’s citizens. During the 'Steam Days' the boiler will be operating and driving various items of steam driven machines associated with gas production and distribution. Tickets can be purchased on the day. £5 adults, £4 concessions, £3 children. Under 5s go free, children must be accompanied by an adult. Sunday, October 22 2017, 11.15am - 12pm 12.15pm - 1pm 2pm - 2.45pm 3pm - 3.45pm From Waterside to Waterloo
Venue: Edinburgh Castle Hear the heroic tale of Sergeant Charles Ewart's daring feat to capture the Colours and the Standard of The 45 Regime of Napoleon's Army at the Battle of Waterloo 1815. Included in the normal admission price
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