School Leaving Certificate Exam Results
Have you ever wondered what your grandparents' best subject at school was? Or how well they did in their exams? Now is your chance to find out.
The National Records of Scotland hold records showing the results of School Leaving Certificate examination results for the whole of Scotland from 1908 onward (in the ED36 series). We have begun indexing these records, which can make fascinating reading. The records show each student's results in every subject they were examined in. We can provide copies of the records showing the marks they obtained, as well as copies of the actual exam papers they sat. Even if you don't know what school they attended, you can find the records for your ancestor, as ED36 gives the name of the student and their date of birth, allowing you to confirm that you've found the right record.
There may be multiple records for your ancestors, as the records include both the intermediate and the higher leaving examinations, and in some cases students took exams in different subjects over several years.
The index currently covers 1908 to 1924 (volumes ED36/1 to ED36/163), and contains nearly 250,000 entries.
The National Records of Scotland hold records showing the results of School Leaving Certificate examination results for the whole of Scotland from 1908 onward (in the ED36 series). We have begun indexing these records, which can make fascinating reading. The records show each student's results in every subject they were examined in. We can provide copies of the records showing the marks they obtained, as well as copies of the actual exam papers they sat. Even if you don't know what school they attended, you can find the records for your ancestor, as ED36 gives the name of the student and their date of birth, allowing you to confirm that you've found the right record.
There may be multiple records for your ancestors, as the records include both the intermediate and the higher leaving examinations, and in some cases students took exams in different subjects over several years.
The index currently covers 1908 to 1924 (volumes ED36/1 to ED36/163), and contains nearly 250,000 entries.