Kinclaven one-place study
A. Kinclaven Kirk Session Minute Books The books are all in fairly good condition with bindings, although ‘Book 1’ was used for handwriting practice by children, probably in the late 19th century. 1. BOOK 1 Start 26 December 1725 1 with regular entries to 5 November 17112 1742-1775 – entries made at various intervals 2. 1776-1780 - GAP Some minute entries made for 1781, 1793, 1794 & ?1795? ‘’Collection & Distribution’’ account 1785-1798 – includes name and residence variously Population Census for Kinclaven by fermtoun/farmsteading : head of household plus number of inhabitants according to sex. 3 Mortcloth Account From 6 Dec 1801 – no names 4 ‘’Collection &Distribution’’ account 17 Sep 1801- 3 Feb 1805 includes name and residence variously Population Census for Airntully detailed by fermtoun/farmsteading : head of household plus number of inhabitants according to sex. n.d. 5 Individual Session Minutes appended at end of book; 20 Dec 1858, 22 Mar 1859, 12 May 1859 3. BOOKS 2 and 3 17 Dec 1877 – 17 Oct 1920 6 Extract Deed of Mortification of the Late Wm. HENDERSON inc. certain provisions favouring the parish 7 List and signature of subscription to formula of newly elected elders – 1900 to 1937 4. GAP – 18 Oct 1920 -29 May 19678 5. BOOK 4 – 30 May 1967 to 1995 List and signature of subscription to formula of newly elected elders – 8 Oct 1972 to 28 June 2009 Post 1967 9 B . COMMUNION ROLL BOOKS The books are in various states of preservation: some have no covers and broken bindings, while others are in good condition. Books include completed sections for residents, non-residents and adherents, all arranged alphabetically by name giving residence and some details of occupation. Dates and reasons for removal from the rolls (e.g. death, migration, lapse etc.) are often noted. Occasional notes regarding other personal facts e.g. marriages, first communion and originating parish in cases of settlement etc. are given variously. 1. Communion Roll Book 1880-1896 Both covers attached Arranged in 3 periods 1880-1882, 1883-1888 and 1889-1896 Includes: List and signature of subscription to formula of 14 newly elected elders – 1900 to 193710 2. Communion Roll Book 1897-1923 Still bound, some loose leaves 3. Communion Roll Book 1923?11-1951 Poor condition, lacks rear board cover. 4. Communion Roll Books (3 volumes) Late 20C 1960 to 1984 Kept biannually when communion took place, with the exception of annual recording between 1968 and 1976 5. United Free Church (formerly Kirk O’ Muir Secession Church) Communicant Rolls 1924-1938 12 C. ACCOUNT BOOK 1. Account Book 1920-1944 Includes Major MIDDLETON’s Legacy (£50) annual account for 1931-194013 FURTHER NOTES 1 The preceding entry of 23 December 1725 details the Ordination of Rev. James Fisher (later to become one of the four brethren of the First Secession) 2 Details Rev. Fisher’s removal from the Church 3 single page - p.77 – no date prob. circa 1800 4 Starts p.80 5 single page – no date – prob. circa 1800 6 Mainly kept quarterly 7 Extracted by unknown, annotated by J.C on 8 March 1930 as follows The above farm of Airdrum was situated in what is now the most south- westerly field of stewart- towers, with a few hundred yards of the Parish ?marsh? all trace of it has now vanished. This was further annotated by David SCOTT ‘’ J.C. is John CREE late farmer of Airntully’’ 8 Another Session Minute/Account book is believed to be in the hands of an unidentified parishioner 9 Not examined or catalogued to date 10 Insert, loose 11 Need to check 1923 date as originally noted as 1926 12 One of the original secession churches of the ‘four brethren’ – led by Erskine. James Fisher was the minister at Kinclaven Parish Church from 1725 and later became Erskine’s son-in-law. The building still stands in ruinous and dangerous condition. It is possibly the oldest surviving church built by the first secession. The two church congregations of Kinclaven were united in 1930 when the United Free Church re-joined the Established Church of Scotland. 13 For Burial Ground expenses |