Torphichen records
Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Kirk Session Records). Available from £1 a name a year.
Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
Birth records with no father’s name – Hit a brick wall with no father named in a birth record? Help is at hand: see our list for this parish below.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
Male Heads of Families – Free transcripts of rolls of male heads of families from the 1830s
Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Reference | Title | Dates | Buy |
CH2/503/4 | Minutes | 1722-1774 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/5 | Minutes 1775-1792, 1827-1851 | 1775-1851 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/6 | Minutes and accounts, collections and communion roll Minutes and accounts 1855-1878 (include proclamations) Collections 1850-1879 Communion roll 1855, 1862 | 1850-1879 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/7 | Collection register Includes poor rolls | 1743-1755 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/8 | Cash book and List of poor and their allowances Cash book 1753-1779 List of poor and their allowances 1756-1758 Includes mortcloth dues | 1753-1779 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/10 | Expenditure for part of parish west of Logie water | 1828-1836 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/11 | Communion roll | 1878-1887 | Request lookup |
CH2/503/12 | Communion roll | 1888-1894 | Request lookup |
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
We are pleased to be able to offer to obtain images of the minutes for each appeal, at the following rates:
- £3 for a single minute
- £6 for up to 3 minutes for a single case
- £9 for any single case with more than 3 minutes (some cases have as many as 8 minutes)
Name | Address | Year(s)/ minutes | Order images | Deliverance |
Agnes BROWN | 1854 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Margaret DUNCAN or MARSHALL | Mill Bridge Toll | 1845 (1) | Order images | Refused |
Widow Margaret MARSHALL or DUNCAN | 1864-1865 (4) | Order images | Refused - not in receipt of parochial relief | |
Widow Ann RUSSELL | 1877 (2) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) |
Sheriff Court paternity decrees
Mother name and residence | Defender name | Child birth | Order | Court |
Jane AITKEN Torphichen, West Lothian | Humphrey GRAHAM | 22 May 1877 Torphichen, West Lothian | Order now | Edinburgh SC39/8/45 |
Helen BROWN or CAIRNS Torphichen | Hugh LANDALES | 10 Dec 1874 Torphichen | Order now | Linlithgow SC41/15/4 |
Susan BROWN Arencrook House, Torphichen, West Lothian formerly Alyth | John SMART | Order now | Perth SC49/4/43 | |
Agnes EADIE Mill Bridge, near Torphichen | James CRAIG | 6 Feb 1884 Mill Bridge, near Torphichen | Order now | Linlithgow SC41/15/5 |
Elizabeth GRANGER Hilderston, Torphichen | William THOMSON | 30 Jan 1878 Torphichen | Order now | Linlithgow SC41/15/4 |
Catherine GRAY Bridgehouse, Castle Cottage, Torphichen | William STEWART | 21 Apr 1888 | Order now | Linlithgow SC41/15/5 |
Mary ROBERTSON Torphichen, West Lothian | Peter BRYCE | 1 Mar 1884 | Order now | Falkirk SC66/6/7 |
School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
Child name | Date of birth | Mother name | Order |
William AITKEN | 21 March 1856 | Janet AITKEN | Father found |
William Adams AITKEN | 7 February 1872 | Jane AITKEN | Find the father |
Elisth. Joan Henderson ANTHONY | 24 April 1858 | Christina ANTHONY | Find the father |
Jean Bell ANTHONY | 24 April 1858 | Christina ANTHONY | Find the father |
Mary Ann ARNOT | 29 May 1855 | Ann ARNOT | Find the father |
Joan Brunton ARTHUR | 17 November 1859 | Mary ARTHUR | Find the father |
John ARTHUR | 26 March 1857 | Janet ARTHUR | Find the father |
Janet BARNARD | 17 August 1867 | Christina BARNARD | Find the father |
Elisabeth BELL | 2 February 1868 | Margaret BELL | Find the father |
Jemima Thom BEVERIDGE | 11 August 1866 | Elisabeth BEVERIDGE | Find the father |
Margaret BEVERIDGE | 19 April 1864 | Agnes BEVERIDGE | Find the father |
Robina BEVERIDGE | 28 November 1869 | Elisabeth BEVERIDGE | Find the father |
George BLACK | 18 August 1858 | Barbra BLACK | Find the father |
Jean BLACK | 13 November 1862 | Marion BLACK | Find the father |
John BLAIR | 6 December 1862 | Margaret BLAIR | Find the father |
Agnes Mckenzie BROWN | 3 December 1869 | Alison BROWN | Find the father |
Jean BROWN | 5 January 1863 | Mary BROWN | Find the father |
Thomas Cleland BROWN | 18 March 1867 | Helen BROWN | Father found |
James BRYCE | 29 September 1866 | Ann BRYCE | Find the father |
William Landels CAIRNS | 10 December 1874 | Helen BROWN | Father found |
John CLARK | 9 January 1859 | Isabella CLARK | Father found |
Robert Crawford CLARK | 11 April 1869 | Agnes CLARK | Find the father |
James Paul CLELAND | 17 September 1866 | Mary CLELAND | Find the father |
Robert Veitch CRAWFORD | 15 May 1863 | Jane CRAWFORD | Find the father |
Alexander Chalmers CUNNINGHAM | 19 September 1867 | Catherine CUNNINGHAM | Find the father |
Jane CUNNINGHAM | 5 October 1858 | Margaret CUNNINGHAM | Find the father |
Jane CUNNINGHAM | 24 September 1862 | Cathrine Aitken CUNNINGHAM | Father found |
Alexander CUTHILL | 3 August 1859 | Jane CUTHILL | Find the father |
George DICK | 19 December 1870 | Agnes DICK | Find the father |
John DICK | 5 August 1866 | Jane DICK | Find the father |
Samuel Mcbride DICK | 8 January 1872 | Jane DICK | Find the father |
Thomas Napier DICK | 26 December 1869 | Jane DICK | Find the father |
Thomas Reid DICK | 16 May 1874 | Allison DICK | Find the father |
Alexander DOWNS | 20 March 1856 | Margaret DOWNS | Find the father |
John Scott DRUMMOND | 10 January 1869 | Agnes DRUMMOND | Find the father |
George Youill FERGUSON | 7 November 1870 | Agnes FERGUSON | Find the father |
James FINN | 16 October 1874 | Margaret FINN | Find the father |
Janet Binnie GARDNER | 6 May 1856 | Janet GARDNER | Find the father |
Thomas Bishop GILLON | 8 April 1869 | Mary GILLON | Father found |
Alexander GREENWOOD | 4 June 1871 | Joann GREENWOOD | Find the father |
William HARDIE | 1 December 1858 | Christina HARDIE | Find the father |
John JOHNSTON | 15 November 1866 | Elizabeth JOHNSTON | Father found |
Mary Jane JOHNSTON | 28 August 1871 | Agnes JOHNSTON | Father found |
Elisabeth KERR | 21 September 1863 | Mary KERR | Find the father |
Alexander KIRKPATRICK | 1 November 1857 | Maron KIRKPATRICK | Find the father |
Helen LAMB | 24 June 1859 | Helen LAMB | Find the father |
Isabella Baillie Bell LANDELS | 13 December 1872 | Cathrine LANDELS | Find the father |
Agnes LAURISTON | 25 December 1861 | Helen LAURISTON | Find the father |
Arthur LAURISTON | 30 December 1857 | Helen LAURISTON | Find the father |
Margaret LAURISTON | 17 March 1860 | Helen LAURISTON | Find the father |
Archibald Bell LIDDELL | 29 January 1871 | Margaret LIDDELL | Find the father |
Elisabeth Hendrig LIDDLE | 1 January 1866 | Elisabeth LIDDLE | Find the father |
William LOW | 8 August 1862 | Jean LOW | Find the father |
Margaret Thomson LYON | 17 July 1871 | Joan LYON | Find the father |
Thomas MALCOLM | 8 January 1866 | Helen MALCOLM | Find the father |
Thomas MALCOLM | 2 April 1867 | Christina MALCOLM | Find the father |
Elisabeth MARSHALL | 14 June 1872 | Mary MARSHALL | Find the father |
Elisabeth Henderson MARSHALL | 14 December 1869 | Mary MARSHALL | Find the father |
Janet MARSHALL | 1 August 1860 | Margaret Laurie MARSHALL | Find the father |
Janet MARSHALL | 28 March 1863 | Margaret Laurie MARSHALL | Find the father |
Janet Lindsay MARSHALL | 13 August 1871 | Margaret Hamilton MARSHALL | Find the father |
Robert Smith MCLAREN | 28 June 1862 | Margaret MCLAREN | Find the father |
John MINILLAY | 28 April 1864 | Mary MINILLAY | Find the father |
Marion MORRISON | 28 June 1868 | Agnes MORRISON | Find the father |
Martha Donaldson MUIR | 11 October 1855 | Elisabeth MUIR | Find the father |
James NEILSON | 9 November 1857 | Janet Mathew NEILSON | Find the father |
Margaret Forrest ORR | 11 January 1868 | Mary ORR | Find the father |
Agnes POLLOCK | 1 June 1873 | Mary POLLOCK | Find the father |
William POLLOCK | 16 November 1874 | Elisabeth POLLOCK | Find the father |
Janet RAMSAY | 21 May 1857 | Allison RAMSAY | Find the father |
Mary Campbell REID | 7 March 1871 | Margaret Duns REID | Find the father |
Isabella Finlay RUSSELL | 14 December 1862 | Margaret RUSSELL | Find the father |
Joseph Noble SAWERS | 2 May 1860 | Margaret SAWERS | Find the father |
Margaret SIMPSON | 22 January 1856 | Margaret SIMPSON | Find the father |
William Sharpe STEEL | 11 February 1872 | Isabella STEEL | Find the father |
James Walker STORRIE | 8 March 1873 | Cathrine STORRIE | Find the father |
William TAYLOR | 30 May 1860 | Margaret TAYLOR | Find the father |
Isabella Laing WALKER | 16 May 1861 | Christina WALKER | Find the father |
James WALKER | 24 March 1865 | Jean Cassiday WALKER | Find the father |
Jean Reid WALKER | 25 January 1864 | Allison WALKER | Find the father |
Maron WEIR | 8 July 1856 | Maron WEIR | Find the father |
Alexander WHITE | 3 May 1859 | Isabella WHITE | Find the father |
George WILLIAMSON | 20 July 1865 | Mary WILLIAMSON | Find the father |
Janet WILSON | 9 December 1871 | Margaret WILSON | Find the father |
Peter WILSON | 3 May 1858 | Magdalene WILSON | Find the father |
General Register of Lunatics
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
Forename | Surname | Occupation | Address | Notes |
Andrew | King | Minister | ||
Ebenezer | Oliphant | elder | ||
David | Jardine | elder | ||
William | Hay | elder | ||
James | Meikle | elder | ||
James | Taylor | elder | ||
William | Calder | elder | ||
James | Aitken | innkeeper | Torphichen | |
Magnus | Aitken | wright | Torphichen | |
Robert | Aitken | farmer | Bridgehouse | |
William | Aitken | miller | Torphichen | |
James | Anderson | labourer | Woodside | |
James | Arthur | labourer | Entryfoot Bedlormie | |
William | Arthur | labourer | Rigghead | |
William | Arthur | quarrier | Torphichen | |
Robert | Beveridge | wright | Torphichen | |
William | Beveridge | labourer | Torphichen | |
James | Black | farmer | Westerton Bedlormie | |
John | Black | farmer | Westerton Bedlormie | |
Robert | Black | labourer | Torphichen | |
William | Black | Torphichen | ||
William | Black | labourer | Blackfaulds | |
James | Brock | farmer | Netherhillhouse | |
John | Brown | shoemaker | Torphichen | |
Archibald | Buchanan | servant | Blackridge | |
William | Carlile | labourer | Torphichen | |
Alexander | Crawford | mason | Torphichen | |
James | Crawford | grocer | Torphichen | |
William | Dale | farmer | Torphichen | |
James | Duguid | labourer | Torphichen | |
Alexander | Ferguson | groom | Torphichen | |
John | Flint | labourer | Torphichen | |
Andrew | Forrester | labourer | Torphichen | |
William | Frazer | Blackridge | ||
Alexander | Gardner | farmer | Drumbeg | |
Robert | Gardner | mason | Crombliefaulds | |
Peter | Gentleman | labourer | Torphichen Bridge | |
Peter | Gentleman | farmer | Canty | |
William | Gentleman | farmer | Craigmarrie | |
John Ferrier | Hamilton | Cathlaw | | |
James | Hay | farmer | Drummelzie | |
John | Hay | farmer | Drumbowie | |
William | Hay | tailor | Torphichen | |
James | Henderson | farmer | North Logiebrae | |
Robert | Henderson | labourer | Blackridge | |
Robert | Hill | Broomparkwell | ||
James | Hutcheson | grocer | Blackridge | |
Alexander | Kirkpatrick | gardener | Wallhouse | |
David | Laing | farmer | Gormyre | |
David | Laing | labourer | Strathloanhead | |
Robert | Laurieston | miller | Torphichen | |
James | Liddell | shoemaker | Blackridge | |
James | Liddell | labourer | Torphichen | |
John | Liddell | shoemaker | Logiebridge | |
William | Liddell | wool spinner | Westfield | |
John | Lindsay | shoemaker | Torphichen | |
Alexander | Lockie | butler | Broomparkwell | |
John | Low | labourer | Torphichen | |
Alexander | Mcgregor | schoolmaster | Blackridge | |
William | Mckenzie | labourer | Torphichen | |
David | Marshall | weaver | Torphichen | |
John | Marshall | labourer | Torphichen | |
Meek | Marshall | labourer | Torphichen | |
Richard | Marshall | labourer | Bowden | |
Robert | Marshall | weaver | Torphichen | |
William | Marshall | smith | Strath Loan | |
William | Marshall | labourer | Little Cathlaw | |
David | Maxwell | gamekeeper | Mallet Cottage | |
Andrew | Meikle | labourer | Torphichen | |
George | Meikle | labourer | Torphichen | |
James | Nicol | labourer | Torphichen | |
William | Orr | farmer | West Craigs | |
William | Pate | smith | Blackridge | |
George | Paterson | farm servant | Muckraw | |
George | Purvis | wright | Torphichen | |
George | Reid | weaver | Torphichen | |
John | Roberts | smith | Torphichen | |
Peter | Roberts | farmer | South Logiebrae | |
James | Robertson | carter | Torphichen | |
Gavin | Russell | farmer | Brunton | |
John | Salmond | labourer | Torphichen | |
George | Samuel | farmer | Kipps | |
Alexander | Shepherd | smith | Torphichen | |
John | Simpson | baker | Torphichen | |
Andrew | Smith | labourer | Blackridge | |
James | Steel | farmer | Langside | |
Robert | Steel | labourer | Entryfoot Bedlormie | |
William | Stevenson | labourer | Wallhouse Muir Toll Bar | |
William | Storrie | labourer | Torphichen | |
Alexander | Summers | labourer | Broomparkwell | |
Henry | Taylor | mason | Torphichen | |
James | Taylor | wright | Torphichen | |
John | Taylor | wright | Torphichen | |
John | Thomson | wright | Torphichen | |
Alexander | Wardrop | Bridgehouse | ||
James | Waugh | farm servant | Netherhillhouse | |
James | Waugh | farmer | Birkenshaw | |
John | Waugh | farmer | Birkenshaw Mill | |
Robert | Waugh | miller | Strathmill | |
John | Weir | labourer | Torphichen | |
Robert | Wilson | wright | Torphichen | |
James | Young | labourer | Torphichen | |
William | Young | farmer | Backmuir |
Kirk Session Records Index
We have not yet indexed any Kirk Session records for this parish.