Historical research - tailored to your needs
Discover your ancestral past at a pace you can afford
You may wish to take your research back to connect with more generations, or to discover deeper details about the life of a particular person already in your family tree. This service is especially helpful if you are looking for details about people in Scotland in the period pre-1855, and allows you to investigate your earlier ancestors.
The Old Scottish team of genealogy, family history and local history specialists are experienced in finding the best records and sources that may contain the vital detail to progress or deepen your research.
Archives, museums, institutions and other repositories across Scotland hold a wealth of information that the Old Scottish team of expert researchers are able to investigate to answer your specific question or research goals. We shall provide you with a quotation, plan and customised research report as part of the service - Just follow the three easy steps below to discover more...
You may wish to take your research back to connect with more generations, or to discover deeper details about the life of a particular person already in your family tree. This service is especially helpful if you are looking for details about people in Scotland in the period pre-1855, and allows you to investigate your earlier ancestors.
The Old Scottish team of genealogy, family history and local history specialists are experienced in finding the best records and sources that may contain the vital detail to progress or deepen your research.
Archives, museums, institutions and other repositories across Scotland hold a wealth of information that the Old Scottish team of expert researchers are able to investigate to answer your specific question or research goals. We shall provide you with a quotation, plan and customised research report as part of the service - Just follow the three easy steps below to discover more...
Step 1. Ask us for a quotation
Use the 'Make Enquiry' button below to ask Old Scottish for advice about your genealogy or family history project or research requirements?
Step 2. Start Research
.When we have provided you with a tailored historical research quotation - order your research here |
Step 3. Complete Research
When we have been in touch to let you know your research is complete - order your research report here |