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- Perth St Andrews Communion Roll 1885-1896
Perth St Andrews Communion Roll 1885-1896
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Extraction of Communion Roll for Perth St Andrews 1885-1896. NRS Reference CH2/996/32. This record set contains 3316 entries (in PDF format).
You can see an example of a Communion Roll transcript (for Kinclaven parish) here.
You can see an example of a Communion Roll transcript (for Kinclaven parish) here.
This record set includes the following surnames (number of entries for each surname in brackets: Adam (9); Adams (16); Adamson (1); Adie (2); Aimes (8); Ainslie (3); Alexander (1); Allan (21); Allison (8); Anderson (39); Andrews (8); Arnot (1); Auld (8); Balfour (6); Bannerman (6); Barlass (13); Beat (1); Beaton (1); Beattie (7); Bennet (1); Bett (1); Beveridge (5); Birrell (7); Black (13); Blair (4); Blyth (6); Blythe (3); Bonar (13); Boyd (3); Boyle (2); Brand (4); Brewster (3); Brooks (3); Broome (1); Brough (3); Brow (8); Brown (29); Bruce (22); Bryden (1); Brydson (1); Bryson (6); Buchan (7); Burns (9); Buttar (4); Cameron (32); Campbell (39); Cantley (6); Carling (1); Carmichael (18); Carr (2); Carroll (2); Carstairs (6); Chalmers (12); Chaplin (2); Christie (11); Clark (23); Cochrane (18); Coleman (1); Colman (1); Connacher (1); Cowan (1); Cox (1); Craig (5); Craigie (1); Cram (2); Cree (4); Crombie (1); Cross (3); Crow (1); Cruickshank (2); Cruickshanks (7); Cunningham (8); Davidson (13); Denovan (2); Deuchars (9); Dewar (33); Dick (10); Dickson (2); Doig (19); Donald (15); Donaldson (7); Dorward (2); Douglas (12); Douglass (2); Dow (5); Dower (4); Drawbell (8); Drewitt (1); Drummond (4); Drysdale (2); Duff (35); Dunbar (12); Duncan (8); Duncanson (6); Easson (16); Edward (4); Edwards (18); Erskine (13); Ewing (1); Farquharson (12); Featherstone (2); Fenton (7); Ferguson (8); Ferrier (4); Findlay (1); Finlayson (8); Fisher (1); Flight (9); Forbes (5); Fordyce (4); Fowler (1); Fraser (31); Frazer (13); Fyfe (2); Galbraith (8); Gall (4); Galletly (4); Gallie (4); Galloway (8); Garvie (8); Gatherum (6); Gellatly (33); Gibson (8); Gillespie (8); Gollie (1); Goodall (3); Gordon (5); Gorrie (2); Gourdie (6); Gow (9); Graham (16); Grant (11); Gray (22); Greenhill (4); Grieve (2); Grindlay (10); Gruar (4); Gunn (4); Guthrie (8); Haggart (1); Hahn (2); Hannah (4); Harley (2); Harris (4); Harrower (3); Haxton (1); Hay (6); Heggie (4); Henderson (25); Hendry (4); Hill (10); Hobbs (2); Hogg (3); Honeyman (8); Hope (8); Hunter (14); Hutcheson (1); Hutchison (2); Imlah (2); Imrie (6); Inglis (6); Ingram (5); Innes (6); Irvine (5); Irving (1); Jack (3); Jackson (7); Jamieson (1); Japp (2); Jardine (2); Jessop (4); Johnston (5); Johnstone (9); Kay (2); Keddie (3); Keillor (4); Keir (5); Keith (6); Kellock (11); Kelman (1); Kennedy (5); Kermath (1); Kerr (9); Kettle (4); Kettles (10); Kevan (1); Kidd (4); Kirkwood (1); Knight (4); Laidlaw (1); Laing (27); Lamb (22); Langlands (8); Laughton (2); Lawson (7); Leitch (4); Leuchars (2); Lindsay (10); Little (2); Littlejohn (9); Lobban (2); Louden (3); Loudon (3); Low (15); Lowden (14); Lowe (2); Lowson (5); Lumsden (2); Lunn (2); Lyall (4); Macdonald (5); Macfarlane (17); Macgregor (6); Mackay (7); Mackenzie (6); Mackintosh (2); Maclean (2); Macnaughton (1); Macpherson (2); Malcolm (21); Malloch (7); Manuel (2); Marker (1); Marnock (8); Marshall (16); Martin (12); Mather (4); Matthew (4); Matthewson (2); Maule (8); Maxton (12); Maxtone (5); Mcadam (6); Mcarthur (17); Mccallum (2); Mccash (1); Mcculloch (2); Mcdonald (21); Mcdougal (6); Mcewan (12); Mcfarlane (59); Mcgill (2); Mcglashan (18); Mcgregor (32); Mcguire (2); Mchardy (1); Mcinroy (1); Mcintosh (29); Mckay (23); Mckenzie (9); Mckinlay (3); Mclagan (6); Mclaren (57); Mclauchlan (9); Mclaughland (2); Mclean (34); Mcleish (8); Mclennan (2); Mcleod (1); Mcluskie (4); Mcmain (1); McNab (11); Mcnaughton (4); McNiven (6); Mcpherson (11); Mcqueen (2); Mcritchie (2); McVean (6); Mcwilliam (1); Meldrum (5); Melville (5); Menzies (8); Mercer (1); Millam (2); Millar (2); Miller (25); Mills (1); Milne (9); Mitchell (6); Moi (1); Moir (27); Mollison (1); Monteath (6); Monteith (8); Morgan (1); Morris (1); Morrison (5); Morton (8); Muirhead (2); Mundall (16); Munro (17); Muris (1); Murison (3); Murray (37); Murrison (1); Myles (12); Mylne (2); Nairn (2); Newlands (2); Nicholson (2); Nicol (19); Nicoll (3); Niven (2); Ogilvie (8); Ormiston (1); Ormond (2); Paton (17); Paul (6); Pearson (1); Peat (1); Peddie (2); Peebles (11); Peters (1); Philip (2); Phillips (4); Pitcaithly (4); Pitkeathly (2); Pratt (2); Ramsay (22); Rattray (5); Readdie (2); Reddie (1); Reid (4); Rennie (1); Ritchie (6); Robertson (97); Robson (8); Rollo (2); Ross (14); Rough (4); Russel (2); Russell (4); Sands (2); Scobie (3); Scotland (10); Scott (13); Scrimgeour (14); Scrymgeour (9); Seaton (4); Sharp (30); Shaw (20); Shepherd (11); Sievewright (2); Sim (5); Sime (2); Simpson (26); Sinclair (27); Sivewright (2); Skinner (15); Small (17); Smith (25); Soutar (10); Speed (2); Spence (8); Sprunt (3); Staig (25); Steedman (2); Steele (1); Stewart (85); Stoddart (2); Stott (6); Straiton (2); Strang (1); Strathdee (13); Stratton (7); Strawbridge (21); Sutherland (9); Suttie (4); Swan (2); Swanston (1); Syme (2); Tainsh (1); Taylor (15); Thom (1); Thomas (1); Thompson (4); Thomson (15); Thornton (8); Todd (16); Tuke (2); Tunnah (8); Turnbull (1); Turpie (7); Urquhart (2); Valentine (9); Valley (8); Walch (1); Waldie (8); Walker (5); Wallace (6); Walsh (1); Wannan (1); Ward (2); Watson (30); Watt (6); Webster (4); Weir (1); Wells (18); Welsh (11); White (15); Whyte (12); Wighton (3); Wilkie (5); Williamson (25); Wilson (13); Winter (3); Winton (31); Wishart (2); Wotherspoon (7); Wyllie (3); Young (37).