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- Forteviot Communion Roll 1894-1903
Forteviot Communion Roll 1894-1903
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Extraction of Communion Roll for Forteviot 1894-1903. NRS Reference CH2/1243/6. This record set contains 603 entries (in PDF format).
You can see an example of a Communion Roll transcript (for Kinclaven parish) here.
You can see an example of a Communion Roll transcript (for Kinclaven parish) here.
This record set includes the following surnames (number of entries for each surname in brackets: Adam (1); Adams (2); Alfred (1); Allan (2); Ames (2); Anderson (12); Andrews (1); Angus (3); Armit (4); Baird (4); Baldie (2); Barry (2); Bayne (4); Bell (4); Bird (1); Bisset (1); Blacklaw (2); Blacklaws (2); Blyth (2); Bonthron (5); Braid (1); Brand (6); Brown (1); Brunton (6); Buchan (2); Budge (2); Cameron (3); Campbell (14); Carruthers (1); Cassidy (1); Chalmers (7); Christie (9); Clark (3); Clarke (1); Coulthart (1); Coupar (2); Coventry (1); Cox (1); Craig (2); Crawford (1); Cree (1); Crerar (2); Crichton (1); Crombie (2); Cruickshank (1); Cunningham (1); Davidson (10); Dawson (1); Dewar (2); Dibbs (2); Dick (2); Doig (8); Donaldson (2); Dowell (9); Dowie (2); Drummond (13); Duncan (2); Dunn (3); Fergusson (1); Forbes (7); Forsyth (2); Fraser (5); Fyfe (2); Gairns (1); Galloway (1); Garvie (1); George (1); Gilmour (4); Goodfellow (1); Gordon (4); Gourlay (3); Gow (4); Gowans (1); Graham (7); Grant (4); Gregor (2); Grieve (1); Hamilton (5); Hay (1); Henderson (7); Hendry (2); Hird (1); Hogg (1); Honeyman (1); Hosie (1); Jack (2); Jackson (1); Keddie (3); Kemp (1); Kidd (1); Kinloch (1); Kirk (2); Laing (2); Lauder (2); Leslie (1); Lindsay (1); Longden (2); Low (4); Luke (1); Lumsden (11); Macara (1); Macdiarmid (2); Macdonald (5); Macgregor (3); Macinroy (4); Macintosh (1); Mackenzie (8); Mackie (7); Maclaren (4); Maclean (9); Maclellan (1); Macmillan (2); Macrae (12); Malcolm (6); Martin (8); Mason (2); Matthew (1); Mcara (5); Mcdonald (2); Mcdougall (2); Mcfeate (1); Mcgregor (7); Mcintosh (3); Mcintyre (2); Mckenzie (2); Mcleish (6); Mcmahon (2); Mcmaster (1); Mcnee (1); Mcrae (1); Middleton (1); Miller (10); Mitchell (2); Monteith (8); Morrison (2); Morton (1); Mudie (2); Munro (4); Murphy (1); Murray (3); Myles (1); Ness (8); Nicholson (2); Nicol (3); Nicoll (2); Niven (2); Ogg (1); Ogilvy (1); Oliphant (4); Paterson (1); Patterson (5); Pearson (1); Peddie (4); Peebles (1); Peter (2); Pickard (1); Pringle (2); Proctor (6); Proudfoot (2); Rae (1); Ramsay (1); Reid (1); Riddell (1); Rintoul (1); Ritchie (1); Robertson (4); Russell (4); Salmond (2); Scobie (2); Scott (6); Seth (2); Shand (1); Sharp (1); Shepherd (1); Sim (2); Sinclair (2); Smith (7); Spark (4); Sprunt (2); Stalker (2); Steele (4); Stephen (1); Stephenson (2); Stewart (10); Sutton (5); Swan (2); Syme (2); Taylor (2); Thomson (2); Turner (4); Watson (6); Webster (6); White (5); Whittaker (1); Wilkie (2); Williamson (1); Wilson (1); Wright (3); Young (10).