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- Blairgowrie St Marys Communion Roll 1887-1899
Blairgowrie St Marys Communion Roll 1887-1899
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Extraction of Communion Roll for Blairgowrie St Marys 1887-1899. NRS Reference CH2/1462/10. This record set contains 2261 entries (in PDF format).
You can see an example of a Communion Roll transcript (for Kinclaven parish) here.
You can see an example of a Communion Roll transcript (for Kinclaven parish) here.
This record set includes the following surnames (number of entries for each surname in brackets: Adams (2); Adamson (1); Aimer (1); Aitken (1); Aitkenhead (2); Allison (6); Anderson (36); Anson (4); Anton (1); Archibald (2); Arnott (2); Ballingall (9); Barnett (3); Baxter (10); Bayler$ (1); Begg (1); Bell (61); Berry (2); Bett (4); Binny (15); Black (2); Blair (7); Blyth (19); Boyd (2); Bradley (1); Brough (6); Brown (70); Bruce (5); Bryden (2); Brydie (2); Butchart (2); Cadenhead (10); Calderwood (7); Cameron (1); Campbell (18); Chisholm (2); Christie (4); Clark (14); Cochrane (2); Colville (2); Comb (1); Coupar (4); Coutts (2); Cowpar (2); Crerar (12); Crichton (2); Crockart (1); Cromb (5); Crowe (13); Cruickshank (2); Cruickshanks (2); Cumming (1); Cunnison (15); Cuthbert (16); Dall (8); Davidson (4); Denham (5); Dewar (2); Dickson (5); Dingwall (2); Doig (13); Dollar (2); Donald (10); Donaldson (7); Douglas (9); Dow (7); Downie (15); Duff (21); Dulton (1); Duncan (24); Dunlop (2); Easton (5); Elder (2); Erskine (15); Farquharson (2); Fell (6); Ferguson (5); Fernie (5); Findlay (6); Fisher (4); Fleming (12); Foote (4); Forman (2); Fox (1); Fras (1); Fraser (19); Gardiner (5); Gellately (32); Gellatly (1); Gibson (7); Glenday (4); Glennie (2); Gordon (2); Gow (18); Graham (2); Grant (30); Grieve (1); Hallyburton (16); Hardie (2); Heggie (1); Henderson (27); Hendry (1); Hill (14); Hodge (10); Honeyman (4); Hunter (10); Hutcheson (12); Irvine (2); Jackson (30); Jamieson (37); Jobson (1); Keith (8); Kerr (16); Kilgour (23); Kinnear (12); Kirkland (4); Kydd (1); Langlands (2); Leckie (4); Leighton (6); Lennox (2); Leslie (4); Lindsay (16); Louden (4); Low (7); Lowe (8); Luke (10); Lyall (4); Macintosh (4); Malloch (21); Martin (6); Mcalpine (4); Mcandrew (1); Mcbeth (3); Mccullie (5); Mcdonald (8); Mcdougall (10); Mcewan (10); Mcfarlane (12); Mcglashan (5); Mcgregor (31); Mchardie (10); Mcintosh (60); Mcintyre (40); Mckay (5); Mckillop (2); Mckintosh (2); Mclagan (9); Mclaggan (20); Mclaren (27); Mclean (2); Mclennan (2); McNab (26); Mcnaught (1); Mcnicoll (11); Mcpherson (10); Mcquattie (34); Meldrum (1); Melville (2); Michie (2); Millar (11); Mitchell (26); Moir (11); Morris (2); Morrison (38); Muirhead (2); Muller (1); Murray (22); Myles (2); Neil (16); Ogilvie (12); Ogilvy (3); Orr (2); Pandrich (8); Paterson (6); Patterson (4); Peebles (14); Pendrich (3); Petrie (12); Powrie (10); Ramsay (20); Rattray (3); Reid (4); Robb (10); Robertson (67); Rodgers (2); Russel (9); Russell (3); Saunders (34); Sawers (10); Scott (15); Scrimgeour (11); Seaton (10); Sime (2); Simpson (6); Slater (27); Smith (65); Soutar (12); Spalding (24); Stark (4); Steele (9); Steven (1); Stewart (69); Strain (21); Summers (2); Talbert (5); Tarbat (1); Tarbet (1); Templeman (8); Thom (3); Thompson (3); Thomson (31); Tosh (4); Turpie (4); Waddell (5); Walker (5); Wallace (8); Watson (6); Watt (9); Watts (2); Webster (4); Weston (2); Whitton (12); Whyte (2); Williamson (11); Wilson (28); Winter (2); Yeaman (2); Young (24).