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- West Linton Minutes 1696-1716, 1721-8, 1730, 1731-41, 1743-55, 1767-1807 (with gaps); register of testimonials 1709-16; collections 1716-38, 1742; disbursements 1716-27; 'sessional transactions' (notes of events) 1760-6. 1696-1807 CH2/1304/2
West Linton Minutes 1696-1716, 1721-8, 1730, 1731-41, 1743-55, 1767-1807 (with gaps); register of testimonials 1709-16; collections 1716-38, 1742; disbursements 1716-27; 'sessional transactions' (notes of events) 1760-6. 1696-1807 CH2/1304/2
£5.00 - £20.00
per item
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