- Counties
- >
- Fife
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1693-1700 CH2/77/6
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1700-1715 CH2/77/7
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1715-1727 CH2/77/8
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1727-1735 CH2/77/9
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1735-1774 CH2/77/10
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1740-1742 CH2/77/11
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1749-1757 CH2/77/12
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1774-1833 CH2/77/13
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1833-1862 CH2/77/14
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Kirk Session Minutes 1862-1915 CH2/77/15
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Deaths and funerals 1855-1893 CH2/77/27
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Culross Abbey Church of Scotland - Communion roll 1879-1909 CH2/77/28
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Minutes 1695-1707 CH2/390/4
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Minutes 1708-1733 CH2/390/5
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Minutes 1733-1776 CH2/390/6
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Minutes 1777-1821 CH2/390/7
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Minutes 1821-1842 CH2/390/8
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Cash Book 1779-1828 CH2/390/9
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Cash Book 1828-1848 CH2/390/10
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Poor's Accounts 1747-1764 CH2/390/12
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Poor's Accounts 1764-1790 CH2/390/13
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Poor's Accounts 1791-1809 CH2/390/14
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Poor's Accounts 1810-1833 CH2/390/15
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Poor's Accounts 1833-1845 CH2/390/16
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart List of Dysart Poor 1830-1840 CH2/390/17
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Treasurer's jot book 1846-1878 CH2/390/18
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Account book headed The Earl of Rosslyn's Farm Tenants and their rents 1841 CH2/390/19
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Seat rent accounts 1827 CH2/390/20
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Seats in the Area 1830-1842, 1890 1830-1890 CH2/390/21
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Seats in the Gallery 1832-1842 CH2/390/22
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Burials 1795-1817 CH2/390/23
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Burials. [Burying ground opposite Ld. Rosslyns] 1818-1838 CH2/390/24
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Burials. [West Burial Yard] 1838-1861 CH2/390/25
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Burials. [New Church Burying Ground] 1825-1861 CH2/390/26
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Communion roll 1817-1841 CH2/390/27
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00
Dysart Communion roll 1826-1866 CH2/390/28
£5.00 - £20.00
£5.00 - £20.00