Records -> Statutes
Short title | Calendar year | Regnal year | Chapter | Long title | View text |
Tancred's Charities Act | 1871 | 34 & 35 Vict. | 117 | An act for confirming a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for the several Charities founded by the Settlement and Will of Christopher Tancred, of Whixley in the county of York, Esquire, deceased. | View statute |
Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, etc. Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 60 | An act for repealing an Act passed in the First Year of King James the First, intituled, An act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers occupying the cutting of Leather; and also for repealing and amending certain Parts of several other Acts of Parliament relating thereto. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 8 | An act for granting to his Majesty certain additional Duties on Paper, Pasteboard, Millboard, and Scaleboard, made in or imported into Great Britain; and on Tea imported into and sold in Great Britain. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 10 | An act for granting to his Majesty additional Stamp Duties on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Insurances; and on certain Indentures, Leases, Bonds, or other Deeds. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 28 | An act for granting to his Majesty certain Duties of Customs on Timber, Sugar, Raisins, and Pepper, imported into, and on Lead exported from, Great Britain. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 29 | An act for granting an additional Duty on English Spirits imported into Scotland, and for allowing, until forty Days after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, the Distillation of Spirits in Scotland, from Melasses or Sugar, at a lower Rate of Duty. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 33 | An act for repealing certain Duties upon Tea imported into Ireland, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof; and for granting additional Duties on Sugar and Coals imported into Ireland. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 40 | An act to permit Persons in Holy Orders to keep one Horse only for the Purpose of Riding, without being subject to the Duty granted by an Act of the thirty-eighth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, under certain Limitations. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 42 | An act to exempt Elephant Oil sold by Auction in Great Britain, from the Duty imposed on such Sales. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 44 | An act for reviving, continuing until the twentieth Day of May one thousand eight hundred and two, and amending an Act made in the thirty-ninth and fortieth Years of the Reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act to repeal the Duties on Sugar and Coffee exported, granted by an Act passed in the thirty-ninth Tear of his present Majesty's Reign, for allowing British Plantation Sugar to be warehoused; for reviving so much of an Act made in the thirty-second Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, as relates to the ascertaining the Average Price of Sugar, and regulating the Allowance of Drawback on the Exportation thereof; and for allowing certain Drawbacks on Sugar exported, until the tenth Day of May one thousand eight hundred and one. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 51 | An act to permit Portugal Wine to be landed and warehoused without Payment of Duties, under certain Restrictions, for a limited Time. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 62 | An act to exempt from the Payment of certain Duties, such Members of both Houses of Parliament serving for that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, and such other Persons herein described, as may have only an occasional Residence in Great Britain. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 69 | An act for transferring the Receipt and Management of certain Duties on Certificates for wearing Hair Powder, or using Armorial Bearings, from the Commissioners of Stamps to the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes; and also for making further Provisions in respect to the said Duties so transferred. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 71 | An act for transferring the Receipt and Management of the Duties on Licences for using or exercising the Trade and Business of an Horse Dealer, from the Commissioners of Stamps to the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes; and also for making further Provisions in respect to the said Duties so transferred. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 74 | An act for regulating, until the twentieth Day of May one thousand eight hundred and two, the Allowance of Drawback on the Exportation from Ireland of British Plantation Sugar; and for allowing certain Drawbacks on Sugar exported from Ireland; and for allowing British Plantation Sugar to be warehoused in Ireland. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 75 | An act to permit the Exportation of Tea to Ireland without Payment of any Duty, under certain Restrictions. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1805 | 45 Geo. 3 | 5 | An act for explaining and amending an act made in the forty-third year of his present Majesty, for consolidating certain of the provisions contained in any act or acts relating to the duties under the management of the commissioners for the affairs of taxes, and for amending the same, so far as relates to the power of acting as commissioners in certain districts. | View statute |
Taxation Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 84 | An act to grant certain Allowances out of the Duties, under the Management of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes, to Persons in respect of the Number of their Children. | View statute |
Taxes (Regulation of Remuneration) Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 13 | An act to regulate the Remuneration payable to Clerks to Commissioners of Income Tax and Inhabited House Duties and to Assessors and Collectors thereof. | View statute |
Taxes (Regulation of Remuneration) Amendment Act | 1892 | 55 & 56 Vict. | 25 | An act to amend the Taxes (Regulation of Remuneration) Act, 1891. | View statute |
Taxes (Scotland) Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 150 | An act for consolidating certain of the Provisions contained in any Act or Acts, relating to the Duties under the Management of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes; and for amending the said Acts, so far as the same relate to that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. | View statute |
Taxes (Scotland) Act | 1805 | 45 Geo. 3 | 95 | An act to amend so much of an act of the forty-third year of his present Majesty, for consolidating certain of the provisions of the acts relating to the duties in Scotland under the management of the commissioners for the affairs of taxes, as relates to the appointment of assessors and sub-collectors, and the notices required to be delivered to persons assessed to the said duties. | View statute |
Taxes (Scotland) Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 95 | An act to amend and regulate the Assessment and Collection of the Assessed Taxes, and of the Rates and Duties on Profits arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. | View statute |
Taxes (Scotland) Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 161 | An act to amend and render more effectual an Act of the Fifty second Year of His present Majesty, to amend and regulate the Assessment and Collection of the Assessed Taxes, and of the Rates and Duties on Profits arising on Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. | View statute |
Taxes Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 99 | An act for consolidating certain of the Provisions contained in any Act or Acts relating to the Duties under the Management of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes, and for amending the same. | View statute |
Taxes Act | 1805 | 45 Geo. 3 | 71 | An act to amend the several laws relating to the duties under the management of the commissioners for the affairs of taxes. | View statute |
Taxes Act | 1810 | 50 Geo. 3 | 105 | An act to regulate the manner of making Surcharges of the Duties of Assessed Taxes, and of the Tax upon the Profits arising from Property, Prosessions, Trades and Offices, and for amending the Acts relating to the said Duties respectively. | View statute |
Taxes Act | 1821 | 1 & 2 Geo. 4 | 113 | An act to continue several Acts for the Relief of Persons compounding for Assessed Taxes from an annual Assessment, for a further Term; and to amend the Acts relating to Assessments and Compositions of Assessed Taxes. | View statute |
Taxes Act | 1856 | 19 & 20 Vict. | 80 | An act to grant Relief in assessing the Income Tax on Lands in Scotland in respect of certain Public Burdens charged thereon; to alter and regulate the Allowances to Clerks to the Commissioners of Income Tax; and to amend the Laws relating to the Land, As | View statute |
Taxes Management Act | 1880 | 43 & 44 Vict. | 19 | An act to consolidate Enactments relating to certain Taxes and Duties under the management of the Board of Inland Revenue. | View statute |
Taxes on Carriages, etc. (Ireland) Act | 1809 | 49 Geo. 3 | 75 | An act to provide for the better Collection of the Duties and Taxes on Carriages, Servants, Horses, and Dogs, in Ireland. | View statute |
Taxing Masters (Ireland) Act | 1848 | 11 & 12 Vict. | 132 | An act for the Appointment of additional Taxing Masters for the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, and to regulate the Appointment of the Principal Assistants to the Masters in the Superior Courts of Law in Ireland. | View statute |
Taxing Officer (Ireland) Act | 1853 | 16 & 17 Vict. | 55 | An act to make better Provision for the efficient Discharge of the Duties of the Taxing Officer in and for the Common Law Business in Ireland. | View statute |
Tea Duties Act | 1833 | 3 & 4 Will. 4 | 101 | An act to provide for the Collection and Management of the Duties on Tea. | View statute |
Tea Duties Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 32 | An act to impose certain Duties on Tea. | View statute |
Tea Duties Act | 1855 | 18 & 19 Vict. | 9 | An act to suspend the Decline of the Customs Duties on Tea from and after the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. | View statute |
Teachers of Schools (Ireland) Act | 1844 | 7 & 8 Vict. | 8 | An act to facilitate the Recovery, by summary Process, of small Sums due to the Teachers of Schools in Ireland. | View statute |
Technical and Industrial Institutions Act | 1892 | 55 & 56 Vict. | 29 | An act to facilitate the Acquisition and Holding of Land by Institutions for promoting Technical and Industrial Instruction and Training. | View statute |
Technical Instruction Act | 1889 | 52 & 53 Vict. | 76 | An act to facilitate the Provision of Technical Instruction. | View statute |
Technical Instruction Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 4 | An act to amend the Law relating to Technical Instruction. | View statute |
Technical Instruction Amendment (Scotland) Act | 1892 | 55 & 56 Vict. | 63 | An act to explain and amend the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, 1890, with respect to Contributions for Technical Instruction in Scotland. | View statute |
Technical Schools (Scotland) Act | 1887 | 50 & 51 Vict. | 64 | An act to facilitate the Establishment of Technical Schools in Scotland. | View statute |
Teinds Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 138 | An act for defining and regulating the Powers of the Commission of Teinds, in augmenting and modifying the Stipends of the Clergy of Scotland. | View statute |
Teinds Act | 1810 | 50 Geo. 3 | 84 | An act for augmenting Parochial Stipends, in certain Cases, in Scotland. | View statute |
Teinds Act | 1824 | 5 Geo. 4 | 72 | An act for amending and rendering more effectual an Act for augmenting Parochial Stipends, in certain Cases, in Scotland. | View statute |
Telegraph (Isle of Man) Act | 1889 | 52 & 53 Vict. | 34 | An act to amend the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1885, and the Post Office Acts in relation to the Isle of Man. | View statute |
Telegraph (Money) Act | 1871 | 34 & 35 Vict. | 75 | An act for enabling a further sum to be raised for the purposes of the Telegraph Acts, 1868 to 1870. | View statute |
Telegraph (Money) Act | 1876 | 39 & 40 Vict. | 5 | An act for enabling a further Sum to be raised for the purposes of the Telegraph Acts, 1868 to 1870. | View statute |
Telegraph (Money) Act | 1896 | 59 & 60 Vict. | 40 | An act to provide for raising further Money for the purpose of the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1892. | View statute |
Telegraph (Money) Act | 1898 | 61 & 62 Vict. | 33 | An act to provide for raising further Money for the purpose of the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1897. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1863 | 26 & 27 Vict. | 112 | An act to regulate the Exercise of Powers under Special Acts for the Construction and Maintenance of Telegraphs. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1868 | 31 & 32 Vict. | 110 | An act to enable Her Majesty's Postmaster General to acquire, work, and maintain Electric Telegraphs. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1869 | 32 & 33 Vict. | 73 | An act to alter and amend "The Telegraph Act, 1868." | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1870 | 33 & 34 Vict. | 88 | An act to extend the Telegraph Acts of 1868, 1869, to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1873 | 36 & 37 Vict. | 83 | An act for explaining the Telegraph Acts, 1868 to 1871, and for enabling a further Sum to be raised for the purposes of the said Acts and of the Pensions Commutation Act, 1872. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1878 | 41 & 42 Vict. | 76 | An act to make further provision respecting the Post Office Telegraphs. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1885 | 48 & 49 Vict. | 58 | An act to amend the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1878. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1892 | 55 & 56 Vict. | 59 | An act to make further provision respecting Telegraphs. | View statute |
Telegraph Act | 1899 | 62 & 63 Vict. | 38 | An act to make further Provision for the Improvement of Telephonic Communication, and otherwise with respect to Telegraphs. | View statute |
Telegraph Act Amendment Act | 1866 | 29 & 30 Vict. | 3 | An act to amend the Telegraph Act, 1863. | View statute |
Telegraphs (Money) Act | 1877 | 40 & 41 Vict. | 30 | An act for enabling a further Sum to be raised for the purposes of the Telegraph Acts, 1868 to 1870. | View statute |
Temple Balsall Hospital Act | 1861 | 24 & 25 Vict. | 24 | An act for confirming a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for the Hospital of Lady Katherine Leveson, at Temple Balsall in the County of Warwick. | View statute |
Temporary Removal of Convicts Act | 1823 | 4 Geo. 4 | 82 | An act to authorize for One Year, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the temporary Removal of Convicts from the General Penitentiary. | View statute |
Tenants Compensation Act | 1890 | 53 & 54 Vict. | 57 | An act to amend the Law with respect to Compensation due to Tenants on Land under Mortgage. | View statute |
Tenison's Charity Act | 1860 | 23 & 24 Vict. | 43 | An act for confirming a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for the Administration of Archbishop Tenison's Charity in the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the City of Westminster. | View statute |
Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act | 1878 | 41 & 42 Vict. | 73 | An act to regulate the Law relating to the Trial of Offences committed on the Sea within a certain distance of the Coasts of Her Majesty's Dominions. | View statute |
Test Abolition Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 62 | An act to abolish a certain Declaration, commonly called the Declaration against Transubstantiation, the Invocation of the Saints, and the Sacrifice of the Mass, as practised in the Church of Rome; and to render it unnecessary to take, make, or subscribe the same as a Qualification for the Exercise or Enjoyment of any Civil Office, Franchise, or Right. | View statute |
Textile Manufacturers (Ireland) Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 91 | An act for the more effectual Prevention of Frauds and Abuses committed by Weavers, Sewers, and other Persons employed in the Linen, Hempen, Union, Cotton, Silk, and Woollen Manufactures in Ireland, and for the better Payment of their Wages, for One Year, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Textile Manufactures (Ireland) Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 68 | An act to amend, and continue to the Twenty-seventh Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and to the End of the next Session of Parliament, an Act of the Third and Fourth Years of Her present Majesty, for the more effectual Prevention of | View statute |
Textile Manufactures (Ireland) Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 60 | An act to amend certain Acts relating to Linen, Hempen, and other Manufactures in Ireland. | View statute |
Thames Conservancy Act | 1864 | 27 & 28 Vict. | 113 | An act to amend the Laws relating to the Conservancy of the River Thames; and for other Purposes relating thereto. | View statute |
Thames Embankment Act | 1852 | 15 & 16 Vict. | 71 | An act to amend an Act of the Ninth and Tenth Years of Her present Majesty, for the Embankment of a Portion of the River Thames. | View statute |
Thames Embankment Act | 1853 | 16 & 17 Vict. | 87 | An act to give to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works and Public Buildings extended Time and further Powers for completing the Embankment of the River Thames between Vauxhall and Battersea Bridges, and a new Street from Lower Sloane Street in connexi | View statute |
Thames Embankment Act | 1862 | 25 & 26 Vict. | 93 | An act for embanking the North Side of the River Thames from Westminster Bridge to Blackfriars Bridge, and for making new Streets in and near thereto. | View statute |
Thames Embankment Act | 1863 | 26 & 27 Vict. | 75 | An act for the Embankment of Part of the River Thames, on the South Side thereof, in the Parish of Saint Mary Lambeth, and for other Purposes. | View statute |
Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act | 1864 | 27 & 28 Vict. | 61 | An act for empowering the Commissioners of the Treasury to guarantee, and the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to advance, the Sums authorized to be borrowed for the Embankment of the Thames and Improvement of the Metropolis; and for o | View statute |
Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act | 1868 | 31 & 32 Vict. | 43 | An act for extending the Provisions of The Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1864, and for amending the Powers of the Metropolitan Board of Works in relation to Loans under that Act. | View statute |
Thames Embankment Land Act | 1873 | 36 & 37 Vict. | 40 | An act to authorise the acquisition and appropriation by the Metropolitan Board of Works of certain land reclaimed from the River Thames in pursuance of the Thames Embankment Act, 1862. | View statute |
Thames Navigation Act | 1866 | 29 & 30 Vict. | 89 | An act for vesting in the Conservators of the River Thames the Conservancy of the Thames and Isis from Staines in the County of Middlesex to Cricklade in the County of Wilts ; and for other Purposes connected therewith. | View statute |
Thames Preservation Act | 1885 | 48 & 49 Vict. | 76 | An act for the preservation of the River Thames above Teddington Lock for purposes of public recreation, and for regulating the pleasure traffic thereon. | View statute |
Thatched House Court and Little St. James's Street, Westminster Act | 1843 | 6 & 7 Vict. | 19 | An act to empower the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods to appropriate to Building Purposes the Area of Thatched House Court, and to widen and improve Little Saint James' Street, in the Parish of Saint James Westminster. | View statute |
The Chest at Chatham Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 119 | An act for improving the Funds of the Chest at Chatham, and for transferring the Administration of the same to Greenwich Hospital; and for ameliorating the Condition of the Pensioners on the said Funds. | View statute |
The Medical Act | 1858 | 21 & 22 Vict. | 90 | An act to regulate the Qualifications of Practitioners in Medicine and Surgery. | View statute |
The Punishment of Offences Act | 1837 | 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. | 91 | An act for abolishing the Punishment of Death in certain Cases. | View statute |
The Saint Helena Act | 1833 | 3 & 4 Will. 4 | 85 | An act for effecting an Arrangement with the East India Company, and for the better Government of His Majesty's Indian Territories, till the Thirtieth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. | View statute |
Theatres Act | 1843 | 6 & 7 Vict. | 68 | An act for regulating Theatres. | View statute |
Theft of Turnips, etc. Act | 1802 | 42 Geo. 3 | 67 | An act to extend the Provisions of an Act, made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for repealing so much of an Act, made in the twenty-third Year of his late Majesty King George the Second, as relates to the preventing the stealing or destroying of Turnips, and for the more effectually preventing the stealing or destroying of Turnips, Potatoes, Cabbages, Parsnips, Pease, and Carrots, to certain other Field Crops, and to Orchards; and for amending the said Act. | View statute |
Thread Lace Manufacture (England) Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 81 | An act for better encouraging the Manufacture of Thread Lace in Great Britain. | View statute |
Threatening Letters Act | 1825 | 6 Geo. 4 | 19 | An act for the Amendment of the Law as to the Offence of sending threatening Letters. | View statute |
Threatening Letters, etc. Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 66 | An act for extending the Provisions of the Law respecting Threatening Letters and securing Parties with a view to extort Money. | View statute |
Threshing Machines Act | 1878 | 41 & 42 Vict. | 12 | An act for the prevention of Accidents by Threshing Machines. | View statute |
Threshing Machines, Remedies for Damage Act 1832 | 1832 | 2 & 3 Will. 4 | 72 | An act to extend the Provisions of an Act of the Seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, relative to Remedies against the Hundred. | View statute |
Timber (Ireland) Act | 1888 | 51 & 52 Vict. | 37 | An act to amend the Acts relating to the planting of Timber Trees in Ireland. | View statute |
Timber Ships Act | 1845 | 8 & 9 Vict. | 45 | An act to make perpetual and amend an Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of Her present Majesty, for preventing Ships clearing out from any Port in British North America or in the Settlement of Honduras from loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber upon Deck. | View statute |
Timber Ships, America Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 17 | An act for preventing, until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, Ships clearing out from any Port in British North America, or in the Settlement of Honduras, from loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber upon Deck. | View statute |
Timber Ships, British North America Act | 1839 | 2 & 3 Vict. | 44 | An act to prevent, until the End of the next Session of Parliament, Ships clearing out from a British North American Port loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber upon Deck. | View statute |
Timber Ships, British North America Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 36 | An act for preventing Ships clearing out from a British North American Port loading any Part of their Cargo of Timber upon Deck. | View statute |
Time of Service in the Army Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 37 | An act for limiting the Time of Service in the Army. | View statute |
Tin Duties Act | 1838 | 1 & 2 Vict. | 120 | An act for the Abolition of the Duties payable on the Coinage of Tin in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, and for giving Compensation in lieu of such Duties, and to reduce the Duties of Customs payable on Tin. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1838 | 1 & 2 Vict. | 64 | An act to facilitate the Merger of Tithes in Land. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1839 | 2 & 3 Vict. | 62 | An act to explain and amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 15 | An act further to explain and amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 54 | An act to amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales, and to continue the Officers appointed under the said Acts for a Time to be limited. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1846 | 9 & 10 Vict. | 73 | An act further to amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 104 | An act to explain the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales, and to continue the Officers appointed under the said Acts until the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and fifty, and to the End of the then next Session of Parli | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1860 | 23 & 24 Vict. | 93 | An act to amend and further extend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1878 | 41 & 42 Vict. | 42 | An act to amend and further extend' the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 8 | An act to make better provision for the Recovery of Tithe Rentcharge in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Act 1832 | 1832 | 2 & 3 Will. 4 | 100 | An act for shortening the Time required in Claims of Modus decimandi, or Exemption from or Discharge of Tithes. | View statute |
Tithe Act 1837 | 1837 | 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. | 69 | An act to amend an Act for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Arrears (Ireland) Act | 1839 | 2 & 3 Vict. | 3 | An act to authorize the immediate Distribution of a Portion of the Fund applicable to the Relief of Persons entitled to certain Arrears of Tithe Compositions under an Act of the last Session of Parliament, to abolish Compositions for Tithes in Ireland and to substitute Rent-charges in lieu thereof; and for other Purposes. | View statute |
Tithe Commutation Act | 1836 | 6 & 7 Will. 4 | 71 | An act for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithe Commutation Acts Amendment Act | 1873 | 36 & 37 Vict. | 42 | An act for amending the Tithe Commutation Acts with respect to Market Gardens. | View statute |
Tithe Composition (Ireland) Act 1837 | 1837 | 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. | 58 | An act to revive and continue, until the Sixth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for suspending Proceedings for recovering Payment of the Money advanced under the Acts for establishing Tith | View statute |
Tithe Compositions (Ireland) Act | 1836 | 6 & 7 Will. 4 | 95 | An act to suspend, until the Sixth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, Proceedings for recovering Payment of the Money advanced under the Acts for establishing Tithe Compositions in Ireland. | View statute |
Tithe Compositions (Ireland) Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 5 | An act to facilitate the Recovery of Arrears of Tithe Compositions in Ireland vested in Her Majesty under the Provisions of an Act of the First and Second Years of Her present Majesty, for abolishing Compositions for Tithes in Ireland, and for substituting Rent-charges in lieu thereof. | View statute |
Tithe Compositions (Ireland) Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 37 | An act for the more easy Recovery of Arrears of Compositions for Tithes from Persons of the Persuasion of the People called Quakers, in Ireland. | View statute |
Tithe Instalments Recover (Ireland) Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 79 | An act to suspend, until after the Sixth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, Proceedings for recovering Payment of certain Instalments of the Money advanced under the Acts for establishing Tithe Compositions in Ireland. | View statute |
Tithe Rentcharge (Ireland) Act | 1838 | 1 & 2 Vict. | 109 | An act to abolish Compositions for Tithes in Ireland, and to substitute Rent-charges in lieu thereof. | View statute |
Tithe Rentcharge (Ireland) Act | 1848 | 11 & 12 Vict. | 80 | An act to empower Lessees of Tithe Rent-charge in Ireland to deduct a Proportion of Poor Rate Poundage from Rent; and also to empower the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in Ireland to allow Sums paid for Poor Rate or County Cess, or Poundage deducted from Ec | View statute |
Tithe Rentcharge (Ireland) Act | 1900 | 63 & 64 Vict. | 58 | An act to amend the Law relating to Tithe Rentcharge in Ireland. | View statute |
Tithe Rentcharge (Rates) Act | 1899 | 62 & 63 Vict. | 17 | An act to amend the Law with respect to the Payment of Rates on Tithe Rentcharge attached to a Benefice. | View statute |
Tithe Rentcharge Redemption Act | 1885 | 48 & 49 Vict. | 32 | An act to amend and extend the Acts relating to the redemption of Tithe Rentcharge in England and Wales. | View statute |
Tithes (Ireland) Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 13 | An act to amend an Act of the First and Second Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, to abolish Compositions for Tithes in Ireland, and to substitute Rent-charges in lieu thereof. | View statute |
Tithes Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 74 | An act for the more easy Recovery of Tithes. | View statute |
Tithes Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 36 | An act to amend an Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of King William the Fourth, "for the more easy Recovery of Tithes;" and to take away the Jurisdiction from the Ecclesiastical Courts in all Matters relating to Tithes of a certain Amount. | View statute |
Tithes Prescription Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 83 | An act to amend an Act passed in the Third Year of His present Majesty, intituled An act for shortening the Time required in Claims of Modus Decimandi, or Exemption from or Discharge of Tithes. | View statute |
Tithes Rating Act | 1851 | 14 & 15 Vict. | 50 | An act to amend the Public Health Act, and an Act of the Third and Fourth Years of King William the Fourth, in respect of the Assessment of Tithe and Tithe Rentcharges for certain Rates. | View statute |
Tithing of Turnips Severed from the Ground Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 75 | An act for the Amendment of the Law as to the tithing of Turnips in certain Cases. | View statute |
Titles to Land (Scotland) Act | 1858 | 21 & 22 Vict. | 76 | An act to simplify the Forms and diminish the Expense of completing Titles to Land in Scotland. | View statute |
Titles to Land (Scotland) Act | 1860 | 23 & 24 Vict. | 143 | An act to extend certain Provisions of the Titles to Land (Scotland) Act, 1858, to Titles to Land held by Burgage Tenure; and to amend the said Act. | View statute |
Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act | 1868 | 31 & 32 Vict. | 101 | An act to consolidate the Statutes relating to the Constitution and Completion of Titles to Heritable Property in Scotland, and to make certain Changes in the Law of Scotland relating to Heritable Rights. | View statute |
Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Amendment Act | 1869 | 32 & 33 Vict. | 116 | An act to amend "The Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1868." | View statute |
Tobacco Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 18 | An act to discontinue the Excise Survey on Tobacco, and to provide other Regulations in lieu thereof. | View statute |
Tobacco Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 93 | An act to amend an Act of the Fourth Year of Her present Majesty, to discontinue the Excise Survey on Tobacco, and to provide other Regulations in lieu thereof. | View statute |
Tobacco Cultivation Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 13 | An act to repeal an Act of the Nineteenth Year of King George the Third, for repealing so much of several Acts as prohibit the Growth and Produce of Tobacco in Ireland, and to permit the Importation of Tobacco of the Growth and Produce of that Kingdom into Great Britain. | View statute |
Tokens Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 157 | An act to prevent the issuing and circulating of Pieces of Gold and Silver, or other Metal, usually called Tokens, except such as are issued by the Banks of England and Ireland respectively. | View statute |
Tokens Act | 1813 | 54 Geo. 3 | 4 | An act to continue until Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, An act to continue and amend an Act of the present Session, to prevent the issuing and circulating of Pieces of Gold and Silver, or other Metal, usually called Tokens, except such as are issued by the Banks of England and Ireland respectively. | View statute |
Tokens Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 46 | An act to prevent the issuing and circulating of Pieces of Copper or other Metal, usually called Tokens. | View statute |
Tokens Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 113 | An act to prevent the further Circulation of Dollars and Tokens, issued by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, for the Convenience of the Public. | View statute |
Tokens Act | 1825 | 6 Geo. 4 | 98 | An act to prevent the further Circulation of Tokens issued by the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, for the Convenience of the Public, and for defraying the Expence of exchanging such Tokens. | View statute |
Tolls (Ireland) Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 108 | An act for the Regulation of levying Tolls at Fairs, Markets and Ports in Ireland. | View statute |
Tolls for Certain Carriages Act | 1813 | 53 Geo. 3 | 82 | An act to amend an Act made in the Fifty second Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled An act to explain the Exemption from Toll in several Act of Parliament, for Carriages employed in Husbandry; and for regulating the Tolls to be paid on other Carriages, and on Horses, in certain other cases therein specified; and for other Purposes relating thereto. | View statute |
Tonnage Duties Act | 1822 | 3 Geo. 4 | 48 | An act to repeal certain Tonnage Duties of Customs on Ships or Vessels. | View statute |
Tonnage of Steam Vessels Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 5 | An act to ascertain the Tonnage of Vessels propelled by Steam. | View statute |
Tonnage Rates (Port of London) Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 32 | An act for reducing the Tonnage Rates payable in the Port of London. | View statute |
Tonnage, etc., of Ships Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 56 | An act to regulate the Admeasurement of the Tonnage and Burthen of the Merchant Shipping of the United Kingdom. | View statute |
Tortola Trade Act | 1802 | 42 Geo. 3 | 102 | An act for enabling his Majesty to permit the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Commodities into and from the Port of Road Harbour in the Island of Tortola, until the first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and three, and from thence until six Weeks after the Commencement of the then next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Tortola Trade Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 72 | An act for enabling His Majesty to permit the importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Commodities into, and from, the Port of Road Harbour, in the Island of Tortola. | View statute |
Tortola Trade, etc. Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 133 | An act to continue, until the twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, an Act, made in the forty-second Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for enabling his Majesty to permit the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Commodities into the Port of Tortola; and to continue, until the fourteenth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and eight, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, and amend so much of an Act, made in the sixth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, as relates to the prohibiting the Importation of foreign Wrought Silks and Velvets into Great Britain. | View statute |
Totnes, &c., Writs Act | 1867 | 31 & 32 Vict. | 6 | An act to forbid the Issue of Writs for Members to serve in this present Parliament for the Boroughs of Totnes, Reigate, Great Yarmouth, and Lancaster. | View statute |
Tower Burial Ground Act | 1811 | 51 Geo. 3 | 116 | An act to enable His Majesty to grant a Piece of Ground within the Tower of London, to be used as an additional Burial Ground for Persons dying within the said Tower. | View statute |
Town Councils (Scotland) Act | 1900 | 63 & 64 Vict. | 49 | An act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to the Election and Proceedings of Town Councils in Scotland. | View statute |
Town Councils and Local Boards Act | 1880 | 43 Vict. | 17 | An act to abolish the property qualification for members of Municipal Corporations and Local Governing Bodies. | View statute |
Town Gardens Protection Act | 1863 | 26 & 27 Vict. | 13 | An act for the Protection of certain Garden or Ornamental Grounds in Cities and Boroughs. | View statute |
Town Police Clauses Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 89 | An act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually contained in Acts for regulating the Police of Towns. | View statute |
Town Police Clauses Act | 1889 | 52 & 53 Vict. | 14 | An act to amend the provisions relating to Hackney Carriages of the Town Police Clauses Act, 1847. | View statute |
Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act | 1854 | 17 & 18 Vict. | 103 | An act to make better Provision for the paving, lighting, draining, cleansing, supplying with Water, and Regulation of Towns in Ireland. | View statute |
Towns Improvement Clauses Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 34 | An act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually contained in Acts for paving, draining, cleansing, lighting, and improving Towns. | View statute |
Trade Act | 1807 | 47 Geo. 3 Sess 2 | 38 | An act for permitting, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the Importation of certain enumerated Articles into the British Colonies on the Continent of North America, from the United States of America, and the Exportation of other enumerated Articles from the same Colonies, to the said States. | View statute |
Trade Act | 1814 | 54 Geo. 3 | 72 | An act for permitting a Trade between The United Provinces and certain Colonies now in His Majesty's Possession. | View statute |
Trade Act | 1822 | 3 Geo. 4 | 44 | An act to regulate the Trade between His Majesty's Possessions in America and the West Indies and other Places in America and the West Indies. | View statute |
Trade Act | 1822 | 3 Geo. 4 | 45 | An act to regulate the Trade between His Majesty's Possessions in America and the West Indies and other Parts of the World. | View statute |
Trade Between Bermuda and America Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 28 | An act to extend the Powers of Two Acts, for allowing British Plantation Sugar and Coffee, and other Articles imported into Bermuda in British Ships, to be exported to America in Foreign Vessels, and to permit Articles, the Produce of America, to be imported into the said Island in Foreign Ships, to certain other Articles. | View statute |
Trade Between Europe and British America Act | 1809 | 49 Geo. 3 | 47 | An act to permit certain Articles, the Growth, Production, or Manufacture of Europe, to be laden and shipped on board Ships arriving with British North American Produce, and Fish taken by Settlers in the British North American Colonies, at any Port of Eur | View statute |
Trade Between Great Britain and Ireland Act | 1802 | 43 Geo. 3 | 14 | An act for continuing, until the first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and three, an Act, made in the forty-second Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for regulating, until the fifteenth Day of February One thousand eight hundred and three, the Prices at which Grain, Meal, and Flour may be exported from Great Britain to Ireland, and from Ireland to Great Britain; and for permitting, from and after the passing thereof, until the said first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and three, the Exportation of Seed Corn from Great Britain to Ireland, and the Importation of Malt into Great Britain from Ireland. | View statute |
Trade Between Great Britain and Ireland Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 78 | An act for continuing, until the first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and four, an Act passed in the forty-second Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for regulating, until the fifteenth day of February One thousand eight hundred and three, the Prices at which Grain, Meal, and Flour may be exported from Great Britain to Ireland, and from Ireland to Great Britain; and also an Act, made in the present Session of Parliament, for continuing the said Act, and for permitting the Exportation of Seed Corn from Great Britain to Ireland, and the Importation of Malt into Great Britain from Ireland. | View statute |
Trade between Ireland and East Indies Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 30 | An act to amend an Act made in the Parliament of Ireland, in the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty, for regulating the Trade of Ireland to and from the East Indies. | View statute |
Trade During Hostilities Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 57 | An act for the better protection of the Trade of the United Kingdom during the present Hostilities with France. | View statute |
Trade in Grain, etc. Act | 1802 | 42 Geo. 3 | 35 | An act for regulating, until the fifteenth Day of February One thousand eight hundred and three, the Prices at which Grain, Meal, and Flour, may be exported from Great Britain to Ireland, and from Ireland to Great Britain. | View statute |
Trade in Spirits Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 132 | An act to continue, until the End of the next Session of Parliament, an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland respectively. | View statute |
Trade in Spirits Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 105 | An act to amend and continue, until the End of the next Session of Parliament, an Act of the Fifty fourth Year of His present Majesty for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally; and to grant and allow new countervailing Duties and Drawbacks on Spirits imported and exported between England and Scotland and Ireland respectively. | View statute |
Trade in Spirits Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 72 | An act to continue until the End of the next Session of Parliament Two Acts made in the Fifty fourth and Fifty sixth Years of His present Majesty, for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally. | View statute |
Trade in Spirits Act | 1818 | 58 Geo. 3 | 26 | An act to continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and nineteen, Two Acts made in the Fifty fourth and Fifty sixth Years of His present Majesty's Reign, for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally, and to amend the same. | View statute |
Trade in Spirits Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 75 | An act to continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty, Two Acts, made in the Fifty fourth and Fifty sixth Years of His present Majesty, for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally. | View statute |
Trade in Spirits Act | 1820 | 1 Geo. 4 | 77 | An act to continue, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty five, several Acts for regulating the Trade in Spirits between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally, to consolidate the countervailing Excise Duties payable on the Importation of Irish Spirits into Great Britain, and to amend the countervailing Excise Duties paid on the Importation of Irish Spirits from Scotland. | View statute |
Trade Marks Registration Act | 1875 | 38 & 39 Vict. | 91 | An act to establish a Register of Trade Marks. | View statute |
Trade Marks Registration Amendment Act | 1876 | 39 & 40 Vict. | 33 | An act for the Amendment of the Trade Marks Registration Act, 1875. | View statute |
Trade Marks Registration Extension Act | 1877 | 40 & 41 Vict. | 37 | An act for extending the Time for the Registration of Trade Marks, in so far as relates to Trade Marks used in Textile Industries. | View statute |
Trade of British Possessions Act | 1845 | 8 & 9 Vict. | 93 | An act to regulate the Trade of British Possessions abroad. | View statute |
Trade of Canada Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 55 | An act to prevent Foreign Goods of certain Descriptions being brought from the United States of America into Canada; and to allow a greater Quantity of Worsted Yarn to be exported from Great Britain to Canada. | View statute |
Trade of Demerara, etc. Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 91 | An act to regulate the Trade of the Colonies of Demerara, Berbice and Essequibo; to allow the Importation into, and Exportation from, such Colonies, of certain Articles, by Dutch Proprietors of the European Dominions of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands; and to repeal an Act of the Fifty fourth Year of His present Majesty, for permitting a Trade between the United Provinces and certain Colonies in His Majesty's Possession. | View statute |
Trade of Malta Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 29 | An act to regulate the Trade between Malta and its Dependencies, and His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America; and also between Malta and the United Kingdom. | View statute |
Trade of Malta, etc. Act | 1814 | 54 Geo. 3 | 182 | An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March, One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, an Act for regulating the Trade to the Isle of Malta; and to revive and continue, for the same Period, several Acts relating to the Trade to the Cape of Good Hope; and to the bringing and landing certain Prize Goods in Great Britain. | View statute |
Trade of Nova Scotia, etc. Act | 1809 | 49 Geo. 3 | 49 | An act to authorize His Majesty to permit, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twelve, any Goods and Commodities to be imported into and exported from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, in any Ship or Vessel whatsoever. | View statute |
Trade of West Indies Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 100 | An act to permit the Exportation of Wares, Goods and Merchandize from any of His Majesty's Islands in the West Indies to any other of the said Islands, and to and from any of the British Colonies on the Continent of America, and the said Islands and Colonies. | View statute |
Trade of West Indies Act | 1814 | 54 Geo. 3 | 48 | An act to revive and make perpetual certain Act for consolidating and extending the several Laws in force for allowing the Importation and Exportation of Certain Articles into and from certain Ports in the West Indies. | View statute |
Trade of West Indies, etc. Act | 1814 | 54 Geo. 3 | 49 | An act to revive and continue, until the Expiration of Nine Months after the Conclusion of the War with the United States of America, an Act made in the last Session of Parliament, to authorize the Importation and Exportation of certain Articles into and from the West Indies, South America and Newfoundland. | View statute |
Trade Union (Provident Funds) Act | 1893 | 56 & 57 Vict. | 2 | An act to exempt from Income Tax the Invested Funds of Trade Unions applied in payment of Provident Benefits. | View statute |
Trade Union Act | 1871 | 34 & 35 Vict. | 31 | An act to amend the Law relating to Trades Unions. | View statute |
Trade Union Act Amendment Act | 1876 | 39 & 40 Vict. | 22 | An act to amend the Trade Union Act, 1871. | View statute |
Trade with America Act | 1801 | 41 Geo. 3 | 95 | An act to facilitate the Trade and Intercourse between Ireland and the United States of America, during the Continuance of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between his Majesty and the said States. | View statute |
Trade with America Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 85 | An act to regulate the Trade between Great Britain and the United States of America until the End of the next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Trade with British Possession Act | 1831 | 1 Will. 4 | 24 | An act to amend an Act of the Sixth Year of His late Majesty, to regulate the Trade of the British Possessions Abroad. | View statute |
Trade with French Colonies Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 146 | An act to authorize His Majesty to regulate, until the First Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, the Trade with any French Colony which may come into His Majesty's Possession or remain Neutral. | View statute |
Trade with New South Wales Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 122 | An act to permit Vessels under a certain Tonnage to trade between the United Kingdom and New South Wales. | View statute |
Trade with South America Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 109 | An act to regulate the Trade between Great Britain and the Portuguese Territories, on the Continent of South America. | View statute |
Trade with United States Act | 1809 | 49 Geo. 3 | 59 | An act to permit the Trade between Great Britain and the United States of America to be carried on in Ships or Vessels belonging to the Inhabitants of the said States. | View statute |
Trade with United States Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 193 | An act to enable His Majesty, until Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, to regulate the Trade and Commerce carried on between His Majesty's Subjects and the Inhabitants of the United States of America. | View statute |
Trade, America, etc. Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 29 | An act to extend to Newfoundland the Provisions of an Act passed in the Fifty second Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for permitting the Exportation of Wares, Goods and Merchandize from any of His Majesty's Islands in the West Indies, to any other, of the said Islands, and to and from any of the British Colonies on the Continent of America, and the said Islands and Colonies. 78. | View statute |
Trade, American Colonies and West Indies Act | 1823 | 4 Geo. 4 | 2 | An act to amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for regulating the Trade between His Majesty's Possessions in America and the West Indies and other Parts of the World. | View statute |
Trade, East Indies and Mediterranean Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 36 | An act to regulate the Trade to and from the Places within the Limits of the Charter of the East India Company, and certain Possessions of His Majesty in the Mediterranean. | View statute |
Trade, Europe and American Colonies Act | 1811 | 51 Geo. 3 | 97 | An act to regulate the Trade between Places in Europe South of Cape Finisterre, and certain Ports in the British Colonies in North America. | View statute |
Trades of Tanners and Curriers Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 110 | An act for the further Regulation of the Trades of Tanners and Carriers. | View statute |
Trades Union Commission Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 8 | An act for facilitating in certain Cases the Proceedings of the Commissioners appointed to make Inquiry respecting Trades Unions and other Associations of Employers or Workmen. | View statute |
Trades Union Commission Act Extension Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 74 | An act to extend the "Trades Union Commission Act, 1867." | View statute |
Trades Unions Funds Protection Act | 1869 | 32 & 33 Vict. | 61 | An act to protect the Funds of Trades Unions from Embezzlement and Misappropriation. | View statute |
Trading Partnerships Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 14 | An act to make good certain Contracts which have been or may be entered into by certain Banking and other Copartnerships. | View statute |
Trafalgar Square Act | 1844 | 7 & 8 Vict. | 60 | An act to provide for the Care and Preservation of Trafalgar Square in the City of Westminster. | View statute |
Tralee Navigation Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 46 | An act to empower the Commissioners for the Issue of Exchequer Bills for public Works to complete the Works authorized to be made by an Act of the Sixth and Seventh Years of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, "for improving the Navigation and Harbour of Tralee in the County of Kerry;" and to extend the Time for that Purpose. | View statute |
Tralee Navigation and Harbour Act | 1844 | 7 & 8 Vict. | 99 | An act to extend the Time limited by an Act passed in the Fourth and Fifth Years of Her present Majesty, empowering the Commissioners for the Issue of Exchequer Bills for Public Works to complete the Works for improving the Navigation and Harbour of Tralee in the County of Kerry. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Act | 1860 | 23 & 24 Vict. | 152 | An act to facilitate internal Communication in Ireland by means of Tramroads or Tramways. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Act | 1895 | 58 & 59 Vict. | 20 | An act to amend the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Act | 1900 | 63 & 64 Vict. | 60 | An act to amend the Tramways (Ireland) Acts, 1860 to 1896. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Amendment (Dublin) Act | 1876 | 39 & 40 Vict. | 65 | An act to amend the Tramways (Ireland) Act, 1860, and the Tramways (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1861, as regards the application of the same to the county and the county of the city of Dublin. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Amendment Act | 1861 | 24 & 25 Vict. | 102 | An act to amend the Tramways (Ireland) Act (1860). | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Amendment Act | 1871 | 34 & 35 Vict. | 114 | An act to amend the Tramways (Ireland) Acts, 1860 and 1861. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Amendment Act | 1881 | 44 & 45 Vict. | 17 | An act to amend the Tramways (Ireland) Acts, 1860, 1861, and 1871. | View statute |
Tramways (Ireland) Amendment Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 42 | An act further to amend the Tramways (Ireland) Act, 1860. | View statute |
Tramways (Scotland) Act | 1861 | 24 & 25 Vict. | 69 | An act to provide for the Formation of Tramways on Turnpike and Statute Labour Roads in Scotland. | View statute |
Tramways Act | 1870 | 33 & 34 Vict. | 78 | An act to facilitate the construction and to regulate the working of Tramways. | View statute |
Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act | 1883 | 46 & 47 Vict. | 43 | An act for promoting the extension of Tramway communication in Ireland, and for assisting Emigration, and for extending certain provisions of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, to the case of Public Companies. | View statute |
Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act 1883, Amendment Act | 1884 | 48 & 49 Vict. | 5 | An act to amend Part II. of the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883. | View statute |
Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Amendment Act | 1884 | 47 & 48 Vict. | 28 | An act to amend the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883. | View statute |
Transfer of Aids Act | 1853 | 16 & 17 Vict. | 6 | An act to apply the Sum of Two Millions to the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. | View statute |
Transfer of Balance of Fees Act 1830 | 1830 | 11 Geo. 4 & 1 Will. 4 | 1 | An act to authorize the Transfer of certain Balances in the Hands of the Clerks of the Peace of the several Counties of England and Wales on account of Lunatic Asylum Licences. | View statute |
Transfer of Contracts, etc. Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 31 | An act for transferring all Contracts and Securities entered into with or given to the Commissioners for Transports to the Commissioners of the Navy and Victualling. | View statute |
Transfer of Property Act | 1844 | 7 & 8 Vict. | 76 | An act to simplify the Transfer of Property. | View statute |
Transfer of Public Funds Act | 1821 | 1 & 2 Geo. 4 | 73 | An act to permit, for Three Years, the Transfer from certain Public Stocks or Funds in Ireland, to certain Public Stocks or Funds in Great Britain. | View statute |
Transfer of Railways (Ireland) Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 2 | An act to authorise the Transfer of the Powers of Promoters of Railway and Tramway Undertakings, under the Tramways (Ireland) Acts, to certain existing Railway Companies, and for other purposes. | View statute |
Transfer of Scotch Excise Charity, etc. Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 82 | An act for transferring the Scotch Excise Charity and Superannuation Funds to the Consolidated Fund, and paying all future Allowances from the latter Fund, and for making Provision for certain superannuated Officers of Excise in England and Scotland. | View statute |
Transfer of Singapore to East India Company, etc. Act | 1824 | 5 Geo. 4 | 108 | An act for transferring to the East India Company certain Possessions newly acquired in the East Indies, and for authorizing the Removal of Convicts from Sumatra. | View statute |
Transfer of Stock (Ireland) Act | 1820 | 1 Geo. 4 | 5 | An act to enable Courts of Equity in Ireland to compel a Transfer of Stock in Suits, without making the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or any Canal Company, Party thereto. | View statute |
Transfer of Stock of Hertford College Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 95 | An act to authorize such Person as His Majesty shall appoint to transfer a certain Sum in Three Pounds per Cent. Reduced Annuities, now standing in the Name of the dissolved College of Hertford, in the University of Oxford; and also to receive Dividends due upon such Annuities. | View statute |
Transfer of Stocks Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 79 | An act to permit the Transfer of Capital from certain Public Stocks or Funds in Great Britain to certain Public Stocks or Funds in Ireland. | View statute |
Transfer of Stocks Act | 1818 | 58 Geo. 3 | 80 | An act to amend an Act passed in the Fifty seventh Year of His present Majesty, for permitting the Transfer of Capital from certain Public Stocks or Funds in Great Britain to certain Public Stocks or Funds in Ireland. | View statute |
Transfer of Trust Estates Act 1830 | 1830 | 11 Geo. 4 & 1 Will. 4 | 60 | An act for amending the Laws respecting Conveyances and Transfers of Estates and Funds vested in Trustees and Mortgagees; and for enabling Courts of Equity to give Effect to their Decrees and Orders in certain Cases. | View statute |
Transfer of Trust Estates, etc. (Ireland) Act | 1826 | 7 Geo. 4 | 43 | An act to amend the Laws in force in Ireland relating to Conveyances and Transfers of Estates and Funds vested in Trustees. | View statute |
Transfer of Works (Ireland) Act | 1856 | 19 & 20 Vict. | 37 | An act fo amend the Act for transferring to Counties in Ireland certain Works constructed wholly or in part with the Public Money. | View statute |
Transfer to Admiralty of Postal Contracts Act 1837 | 1837 | 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. | 3 | An act for transferring to the Commissioners of the Admiralty all Contracts, Bonds, and other Securities entered into with the Postmaster General in relation to the Packet Service. | View statute |
Transference of Lands (Scotland) Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 48 | An act to facilitate the Transference of Lands and other Heritages in Scotland not held in Burgage Tenure. | View statute |
Transference of Lands (Scotland) Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 49 | An act to facilitate the Transference of Lands and other Heritages in Scotland held in Burgage Tenure. | View statute |
Transmission of Moveable Property (Scotland) Act | 1862 | 25 & 26 Vict. | 85 | An act to facilitate the Transmission of Moveable Property in Scotland. | View statute |
Transportation (Ireland) Act | 1849 | 12 & 13 Vict. | 27 | An act to remove Doubts concerning the Transportation of Offenders under Judgment of Death to whom Mercy may be extended in Ireland. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1802 | 43 Geo. 3 | 15 | An act to facilitate, and render more easy the Transportation of Offenders. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1802 | 42 Geo. 3 | 28 | An act for continuing, until the twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and five, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, and amending several Laws relating to the Transportation of Felons and other Offenders, to temporary Places of Confinement in England and Scotland respectively. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1813 | 54 Geo. 3 | 30 | An act to continue until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, several Laws relating to the Transportation of Felons and other Offenders, and to the authorizing the Removal of Offenders to temporary Places of Confinement in England and Scotland. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1813 | 53 Geo. 3 | 39 | An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, several Laws relating to the Transportation of Felons and other Offenders to temporary Places of Confinement in England and Scotland. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 156 | An act to amend the Laws relative to the Transportation of Offenders; to continue in force until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixteen. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 27 | An act to amend several Laws relative to the Transportation of Offenders; to continue in force until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and twenty one. 74. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 101 | An act to enlarge the Powers of an Act passed in the Fifty sixth Year of His present Majesty, relative to the Transportation of Offenders, to continue until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and twenty one. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1821 | 1 & 2 Geo. 4 | 6 | An act to continue for Two Years from the passing thereof, to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for the Transportation of Offenders from Great Britain. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1824 | 5 Geo. 4 | 84 | An act for the Transportation of Offenders from Great Britain. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1825 | 6 Geo. 4 | 69 | An act for punishing Offences committed by Transports kept to labour in the Colonies; and better regulating the Powers of Justices of the Peace in New South Wales. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 67 | An act for abolishing Capital Punishment in case of returning from Transportation. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1843 | 6 & 7 Vict. | 7 | An act to amend the Law affecting transported Convicts with respect to Pardons and Tickets of Leave. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1846 | 9 & 10 Vict. | 26 | An act for abolishing the Office of Superintendent of Convicts under Sentence of Transportation. | View statute |
Transportation Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 67 | An act to amend the Law as to the Custody of Offenders. | View statute |
Transportation Act 1830 | 1830 | 11 Geo. 4 & 1 Will. 4 | 39 | An act to amend an Act passed in the Fifth Year of His present Majesty, for the Transportation of Offenders from Great Britain; and for punishing Offences committed by Transports kept to labour in the Colonies. | View statute |
Transportation, etc. Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 28 | An act to continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, several Laws relating to the Transportation of Felons and other Offenders to temporary Places of Confinement in England and Scotland. | View statute |
Treason (Ireland) Act | 1821 | 1 & 2 Geo. 4 | 24 | An act to extend certain Provisions of an Act of King William the Third, intituled An act for regulating of Trials in cases of Treason and Misprision of Treason, to that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland. | View statute |
Treason (Ireland) Act | 1854 | 17 & 18 Vict. | 26 | An act to assimilate the Law and Practice existing in Cases of High Treason in Ireland to the Law and Practice existing in Cases of High Treason in England. | View statute |
Treason Act | 1814 | 54 Geo. 3 | 146 | An act to alter the Punishment, in certain Cases, of High Treason. | View statute |
Treason Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 6 | An act to make perpetual certain Parts of an Act of the Thirty-sixth Year of His present Majesty, for the Safety and Preservation of His Majesty's Person and Government against Treasonable and Seditious Practices and Attempts; and for the Safety and Preservation of the Person of His Royal Highness The Prince Regent against Treasonable Practices and Attempts. | View statute |
Treason Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 51 | An act for providing for the further Security and Protection of Her Majesty's Person. | View statute |
Treason Felony Act | 1848 | 11 & 12 Vict. | 12 | An act for the better Security of the Crown and Government of the United Kingdom. | View statute |
Treasurer of the Navy Act | 1807 | 47 Geo. 3 Sess 1 | 56 | An act for the further regulating the Office of Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy. | View statute |
Treasurer of the Navy Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 8 | An act to amend an Act of the Twenty-fifth Year of His present Majesty, for better regulating the Office of the Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy. | View statute |
Treasurer of the Navy Act | 1821 | 1 & 2 Geo. 4 | 74 | An act to repeal an Act, passed in the Fifty seventh Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Payments to the Treasurer of the Navy under the Heads of Old Stores and Imprests, and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof. | View statute |
Treasurer of the Navy Act 1830 | 1830 | 11 Geo. 4 & 1 Will. 4 | 42 | An act to consolidate and amend the several Acts relating to the Office of Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy. | View statute |
Treasurer of the Navy, etc. Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 121 | An act for regulating Payments to the Treasurer of the Navy under the Heads of Old Stores and Imprests. | View statute |
Treasurers of Counties (Ireland) Act | 1855 | 18 & 19 Vict. | 74 | An act to enable Grand Juries of Counties in Ireland to present for Payment of Expenses in certain Cases. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1803 | 43 Geo. 3 | 114 | An act for raising the Sum of one Million Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and three. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1804 | 44 Geo. 3 | 97 | An act for raising the Sum of eight hundred thousand Pounds Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and four. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 32 | An act to enable the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of Ireland to issue Treasury Bills on the Credit of such Aids or Supplies as have been or shall be granted by Parliament for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and six; and for making forth Duplicates of Treasury Bills lost or destroyed. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 46 | An act for raising the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and six. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1807 | 47 Geo. 3 Sess 1 | 10 | An act for raising the Sum of One Million by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1807 | 47 Geo. 3 Sess 2 | 72 | An act for raising the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 112 | An act for raising the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1809 | 49 Geo. 3 | 79 | An act for raising the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and nine. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1810 | 50 Geo. 3 | 98 | An act for raising the Sum of Two hundred and sixteen thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1811 | 51 Geo. 3 | 5 | An act for raising the Sum of One Million, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and eleven. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1811 | 51 Geo. 3 | 88 | An act for raising the Sum of two hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and eleven. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 90 | An act for raising the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and twelve. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1812 | 52 Geo. 3 | 113 | An act for raising the Sum of One million two hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and sixty six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four pence Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and twelve. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1813 | 53 Geo. 3 | 80 | An act for raising the Sum of Three hundred and thirty thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1814 | 54 Geo. 3 | 75 | An act for raising the Sum of One million seven hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and sixty six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four pence Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and fourteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 40 | An act for raising the Sum of Two millions three hundred and twenty three thousand seven hundred and fifty Pounds Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 41 | An act for raising the Sum of Two Millions four hundred and seventy thousand Pounds Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and sixteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 42 | An act for raising the Sum of One million seven hundred thousand Pounds British Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and sixteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1816 | 56 Geo. 3 | 47 | An act for raising the Sum of One million two hundred thousand Pounds Irish Currency, by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and sixteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 81 | An act for raising the Sum of Three Millions six hundred thousand Pounds British Currency, by Treasury Bills, in Ireland, for the Services of the Year One thousand eight hundred and seventeen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1818 | 58 Geo. 3 | 87 | An act for raising the Sum of Eight hundred thousand Pounds British Currency, by Treasury Bills, in Ireland, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and eighteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 132 | An act for raising the Sum of Two Millions British Currency, by Treasury Bills in Ireland, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and nineteen. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1820 | 1 Geo. 4 | 46 | An act for raising the Sum of One million five hundred thousand Pounds British Currency, by Treasury Bills in Ireland, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and twenty. | View statute |
Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act | 1821 | 1 & 2 Geo. 4 | 80 | An act for raising the Sum of One Million British Currency, by Treasury Bills in Ireland, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and twenty one. | View statute |
Treasury Bills Act | 1877 | 40 & 41 Vict. | 2 | An act to provide for the preparation, issue, and payment of Treasury Bills, and make further provision respecting Exchequer Bills. | View statute |
Treasury Bills Act | 1899 | 62 & 63 Vict. Sess. 2 | 2 | An act to raise Money by Treasury Bills for the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March nineteen hundred. | View statute |
Treasury Chest Fund Act | 1861 | 24 & 25 Vict. | 127 | An act for limiting and regulating the Treasury Chest Fund. | View statute |
Treasury Chest Fund Act | 1873 | 36 & 37 Vict. | 56 | An act to reduce the Limit of the available Balance of the Treasury Chest Fund. | View statute |
Treasury Chest Fund Act | 1877 | 40 & 41 Vict. | 45 | An act to limit and regulate the Treasury Chest Fund. | View statute |
Treasury Chest Fund Act | 1893 | 56 & 57 Vict. | 18 | An act to reduce the Limit of the Balance of the Treasury Chest Fund. | View statute |
Treasury Instruments (Signature) Act | 1849 | 12 & 13 Vict. | 89 | An act to reduce the Number of Signatures required to Instruments issued by the Lords of the Treasury. | View statute |
Treasury of the Ordnance Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 45 | An act for the better Regulation of the Office of Treasurer of the Ordnance. | View statute |
Treasury Solicitor Act | 1876 | 39 & 40 Vict. | 18 | An act to incorporate the Solicitor for the affairs of Her Majesty's Treasury, and make further provision respecting the grant of the administration of the Estates of deceased persons for the use of Her Majesty. | View statute |
Treaty of Commerce, etc., with America Act | 1805 | 45 Geo. 3 | 35 | An act to continue, until the first day of one thousand eight hundred and six, and amend an act, passed in the thirty-seventh year of his present Majesty's reign, for carrying into execution the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between his Majesty and the United States of America. | View statute |
Treaty of Commerce, etc., with America Act | 1806 | 46 Geo. 3 | 16 | An act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and seven, and amend an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of His present Majesty, for carrying into Execution the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty, and the United States of America. | View statute |
Treaty of Commerce, etc., with America Act | 1807 | 47 Geo. 3 Sess 2 | 2 | An act to revive and continue, until the Expiration of Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, Three Acts passed in the Thirty-seventh, Forty fifth, and Forty-sixth Years of His- Majesty's Reign, for carrying into Execution the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty and the United States of America; and for empowering His Majesty to suspend, before the First Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, the Provisions of the said Acts, for such Period as His Majesty may deem expedient. | View statute |
Treaty of Commerce, etc., with America Act | 1808 | 48 Geo. 3 | 6 | An act to continue, until the End of this Session of Parliament, several Acts for carrying into Execution the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty and the United States of America. | View statute |
Treaty of Washington Act | 1872 | 35 & 36 Vict. | 45 | An act to carry into effect a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America. | View statute |
Treaty with Hayti Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 41 | An act for carrying into effect a Convention between Her Majesty and the Republic of Hayti for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade. | View statute |
Treaty with United States, etc. Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 54 | An act to carry into effect a Convention of Commerce concluded between His Majesty and the United States of America, and a Treaty with the Prince Regent of Portugal. | View statute |
Trent and Markham Bridges Act 1837 | 1837 | 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. | 15 | An act to discharge His Majesty's Manor and Demesne Lands at Newark in the County of Nottingham from any Costs of rebuilding or repairing Trent and Markham Bridges, and to charge the same on the other Hereditary Revenues of the Crown. | View statute |
Trespass (Scotland) Act | 1865 | 28 & 29 Vict. | 56 | An act to provide for the better Prevention of Trespass in Scotland. | View statute |
Trial of Felonies in Certain Boroughs Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 27 | An act for the better Administration of Justice in certain Boroughs and Franchises. | View statute |
Trial of Lunatics Act | 1883 | 46 & 47 Vict. | 38 | An act to amend the Law respecting the Trial and Custody of Insane Persons charged with offences. | View statute |
Trial of Offences (Ireland) Act | 1833 | 3 & 4 Will. 4 | 79 | An act to provide for the more impartial Trial of Offences in certain Cases in Ireland. | View statute |
Trial of Peers (Scotland) Act | 1825 | 6 Geo. 4 | 66 | An act for explaining and amending an Act of the Sixth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Anne, intituled An act to make further Provision for electing and summoning Sixteen Peers of Scotland to sit in the House of Peers in the Parliament of Great Bri | View statute |
Trials for Felony Act | 1836 | 6 & 7 Will. 4 | 114 | An act for enabling Persons indicted of Felony to make their Defence by Counsel or Attorney. | View statute |
Trials of Murders, etc., in Honduras Act | 1819 | 59 Geo. 3 | 44 | An act to amend an Act passed in the Fifty seventh Year of His present Majesty, for the more effectual Punishment of Murders, Manslaughters, Rapes, Robberies and Burglaries committed in Places not within His Majesty's Dominions, as relates to the Trial of Murders, Manslaughters, Rapes, Robberies and Burglaries committed in Honduras. | View statute |
Trinidad and Tobago Act | 1887 | 50 & 51 Vict. | 44 | An act to enable Her Majesty by Order in Council to unite the Colonies of Trinidad and Tobago into one Colony. | View statute |
Trinity College, Dublin Act | 1855 | 18 & 19 Vict. | 82 | An act to abolish certain Payments charged on the Consolidated Fund in favour of the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, and of certain Professors in the said College; and to repeal the Stamp Duties payable on Matriculations and Degrees in the | View statute |
Trout (Scotland) Act | 1845 | 8 & 9 Vict. | 26 | An act to prevent fishing for Trout or other Fresh-water Fish by Nets in the Rivers and Waters in Scotland. | View statute |
Trout (Scotland) Act | 1860 | 23 & 24 Vict. | 45 | An act to extend the Act of the Eighth and Ninth Years of Victoria, Chapter Twenty-six, for preventing fishing for Trout or other Fresh-water Fish by Nets in the Rivers and Waters in Scotland. | View statute |
Truck Act | 1896 | 59 & 60 Vict. | 44 | An act to amend the Truck Acts. | View statute |
Truck Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 37 | An act to prohibit the Payment, in certain Trades, of Wages in Goods, or otherwise than in the current Coin of the Realm. | View statute |
Truck Acts Repeal Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 36 | An act to repeal several Acts and Parts of Acts prohibiting the Payment of Wages in Goods, or otherwise than in the current Coin of the Realm. | View statute |
Truck Amendment Act | 1887 | 50 & 51 Vict. | 46 | An act to amend and extend the Law relating to Truck. | View statute |
Truck Commission Act | 1870 | 33 & 34 Vict. | 105 | An act for appointing a Commission to inquire into the alleged prevalence of the Truck System, and the disregard of the Acts of Parliament prohibiting such system, and for giving such Commission the powers necessary for conducting such Inquiry. | View statute |
Truro Bishopric and Chapter Acts Amendment Act | 1887 | 50 & 51 Vict. | 12 | An act to amend the Bishopric of Truro Act, 1876, and the Truro Chapter Act, 1878. | View statute |
Truro Chapter Act | 1878 | 41 & 42 Vict. | 44 | An act to make provision for the foundation of a Dean and Chapter for the Bishopric of Truro, and for the transfer to the Cathedral Church of Truro of one of the Canonries in the Cathedral Church of Exeter; and for other purposes connected therewith. | View statute |
Trust Investment Act | 1889 | 52 & 53 Vict. | 32 | An act to amend the Law relating to the Investment of Trust Funds. | View statute |
Trust Property, Escheat Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 23 | An act for the Amendment of the Law relative to the Escheat and Forfeiture of Real and Personal Property holden in Trust. | View statute |
Trustee Act | 1850 | 13 & 14 Vict. | 60 | An act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Conveyance and Transfer of Real and Personal Property vested in Mortgagees and Trustees. | View statute |
Trustee Act | 1852 | 15 & 16 Vict. | 55 | An act to extend the Provisions of "The Trustee Act, 1850." | View statute |
Trustee Act | 1888 | 51 & 52 Vict. | 59 | An act to amend the Law relating to the Duties, Powers, and Liability of Trustees. | View statute |
Trustee Act | 1893 | 56 & 57 Vict. | 53 | An act to consolidate Enactments relating to Trustees. | View statute |
Trustee Act 1893, Amendment Act | 1894 | 57 & 58 Vict. | 10 | An act to amend the Trustee Act, 1893. | View statute |
Trustee Appointment Act | 1850 | 13 & 14 Vict. | 28 | An act to render more simple and effectual the Titles by which Congregations or Societies for Purposes of Religious Worship or Education in England and Ireland hold Property for such Purposes. | View statute |
Trustee Appointment Act | 1869 | 32 & 33 Vict. | 26 | An act to extend to Burial Grounds the Provisions of the Act of the thirteenth and fourteenth years of Her Majesty, chapter twenty-eight, intituled "An act to render more simple and effectual the Titles by which Congregations and Societies for Purposes of Religious Worship or Education in England and Ireland hold Property for such Purposes." | View statute |
Trustee Churches (Ireland) Act | 1884 | 47 & 48 Vict. | 10 | An act to amend the Irish Church Act, 1869 ; and for other purposes. | View statute |
Trustee Savings Banks Act | 1863 | 26 & 27 Vict. | 87 | An act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Savings Banks. | View statute |
Trustee Savings Banks Act | 1887 | 50 & 51 Vict. | 47 | An act to provide for examination into the affairs of Trustee Savings Banks, and to remove doubts as to the Law relating to the winding-up of such Banks. | View statute |
Trustees Appointment Act | 1890 | 53 & 54 Vict. | 19 | An act to facilitate the Appointment of new Trustees of Land held in Trust for Religious or Educational Purposes, and to make provision for vesting the Land in the Trustees for the time being. | View statute |
Trustees Relief (Ireland) Act | 1848 | 11 & 12 Vict. | 68 | An act for extending to Ireland an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled An act for better securing Trust Funds, and for the Relief of Trustees. | View statute |
Trustees Relief Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 96 | An act for better securing Trust Funds, and for the Relief of Trustees. | View statute |
Trustees Relief Act | 1849 | 12 & 13 Vict. | 74 | An act for the further Relief of Trustees. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Act | 1861 | 24 & 25 Vict. | 84 | An act to amend the Law in Scotland relative to the Resignation, Powers, and Liabilities of gratuitous Trustees. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 97 | An act to facilitate the Administration of Trusts in Scotland. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Act | 1897 | 60 & 61 Vict. | 8 | An act to amend the Trusts (Scotland) Act, 1867, Amendment Act, 1887. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Act | 1898 | 61 & 62 Vict. | 42 | An act to amend the Trusts (Scotland) Amendment Act, 1884. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Act 1867, Amendment Act | 1887 | 50 & 51 Vict. | 18 | An act to amend the Trusts (Scotland) Act, 1867. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Amendment Act | 1884 | 47 & 48 Vict. | 63 | An act to amend the Trusts (Scotland) Act, 1867. | View statute |
Trusts (Scotland) Amendment Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 44 | An act to amend the Law of Trusts in Scotland. | View statute |
Tumultuous Risings (Ireland) Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 44 | An act to amend an Act passed in the Parliament of Ireland, in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Years of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, intituled An act to prevent and punish tumultuous Risings of Persons within this Kingdom, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. | View statute |
Tunnel between Devonport and Keyham Act | 1854 | 17 & 18 Vict. | 15 | An act to empower the Commissioners of the Admiralty to construct a Tunnel between Her Majesty's Dockyard at Devonport and Her Majesty's Steam Factory Yard at Keyham, and to acquire certain Property for Her Majesty's Service. | View statute |
Turbary (Ireland) Act | 1891 | 54 & 55 Vict. | 45 | An act to provide for and regulate the user by purchasing tenants of Rights of Turbary. | View statute |
Turkish Loan Act | 1855 | 18 & 19 Vict. | 99 | An act to enable Her Majesty to carry into effect a Convention made between Her Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor of the French, and His Imperial Majesty the Sultan. | View statute |
Turks and Caicos Islands Act | 1873 | 36 & 37 Vict. | 6 | An act to enable Her Majesty by Order in Council to annex the Turks and Caicos Islands to the Colony of Jamaica. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts | 1843 | 6 & 7 Vict. | 69 | An act to continue until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, certain Turnpike Acts. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Great Britain) Act | 1855 | 18 & 19 Vict. | 98 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1838 | 1 & 2 Vict. | 72 | An act to continue for One Year, and from thence until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 23 | An act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1843 | 6 & 7 Vict. | 21 | An act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1844 | 7 & 8 Vict. | 36 | An act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1845 | 8 & 9 Vict. | 125 | An act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1848 | 11 & 12 Vict. | 73 | An act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1849 | 12 & 13 Vict. | 47 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1852 | 15 & 16 Vict. | 22 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1853 | 16 & 17 Vict. | 76 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1854 | 17 & 18 Vict. | 42 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Act | 1855 | 18 & 19 Vict. | 83 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Continuance | 1856 | 19 & 20 Vict. | 71 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts (Ireland) Continuance Act | 1850 | 13 & 14 Vict. | 34 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance (Ireland) Act | 1851 | 14 & 15 Vict. | 44 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 10 | An act for continuing until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Great Britain which will expire with the present or the next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 49 | An act for continuing, until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Great Britain which will expire on the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six or with the next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1836 | 6 & 7 Will. 4 | 62 | An act for continuing, until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads, in Great Britain which will expire with the present or the next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1838 | 1 & 2 Vict. | 68 | An act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and forty, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, the Local Turnpike Acts for Great Britain which empire with this or the ensuing Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1839 | 2 & 3 Vict. | 31 | An act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, the Local Turnpike Acts in England and Wales which expire with this or the ensuing Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 45 | An act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, or if Parliament shall then be sitting until the End of the then Session of Parliament, the Local Turnpike Acts for Great Britain which expire with this or the ensuing Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 9 | An act for removing Doubts as to the Continuance of certain Local Turnpike Acts. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1842 | 5 & 6 Vict. | 60 | An act to continue until the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-three certain Turnpike Acts. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1845 | 8 & 9 Vict. | 53 | An act to continue to the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, certain Turnpike Acts. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1848 | 11 & 12 Vict. | 96 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts for limited Periods. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1849 | 12 & 13 Vict. | 87 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain for limited Periods, and to make certain Provisions respecting Turnpike Roads in England. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1857 | 20 & 21 Vict. | 24 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act | 1858 | 21 & 22 Vict. | 63 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 6 | An act for continuing, until the Thirtieth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Great Britain which will expire at the End of the present Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts Continuance Act 1837 | 1837 | 7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. | 18 | An act for continuing until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Great Britain which will expire with the present or with | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Great Britain Act | 1844 | 7 & 8 Vict. | 41 | An act to continue until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, certain Turnpike Acts. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Great Britain Act | 1846 | 9 & 10 Vict. | 51 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts until the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Great Britain Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 105 | An act to continue until the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, certain Turnpike Acts. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Great Britain Act | 1852 | 15 & 16 Vict. | 58 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Great Britain Act | 1856 | 19 & 20 Vict. | 49 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Ireland, Continuance Act | 1836 | 6 & 7 Will. 4 | 40 | An act to continue for One Year, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Acts, Ireland, Continuance Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 46 | An act to continue for One Year from the passing of this Act, and thenceforth until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Debts Act | 1852 | 15 & 16 Vict. | 33 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the last Session, "to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts, and to make certain Provisions respecting Exemptions from Tolls." | View statute |
Turnpike Road Trusts Act | 1820 | 1 Geo. 4 | 95 | An act for obtaining Returns from Turnpike Road Trusts of the Amount of their Revenues, and Expense of maintaining the same. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (England) Act | 1827 | 7 & 8 Geo. 4 | 24 | An act to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in England. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (England) Act | 1828 | 9 Geo. 4 | 77 | An act to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (England) Act | 1853 | 16 & 17 Vict. | 135 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain, and to make further Provisions concerning Turnpike Roads in England. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (England) Act | 1854 | 17 & 18 Vict. | 58 | An act to continue certain Turnpike Acts in Great Britain, and to make further Provisions concerning Turnpike Roads in England. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Ireland) Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 91 | An act to continue for One Year, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating the Turnpike Roads which will expire during the present or before the End of the next Session of Parliament, and to amend the several Acts regulating the Post Roads, in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Ireland) Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 6 | An act to continue, until the Fourth Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and to the End of the next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland which will expire at or before the End of the present Session of Parliament, or at or before the End of the Session of Parliament next after the Fourth Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-one; and to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Ireland) Act | 1846 | 9 & 10 Vict. | 89 | An act to continue certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Ireland) Act | 1847 | 10 & 11 Vict. | 35 | An act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and to the End of the then Session of Parliament, certain Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Scotland) Act | 1823 | 4 Geo. 4 | 49 | An act for regulating Turnpike Roads in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Scotland) Act | 1849 | 12 & 13 Vict. | 31 | An act for requiring the Transmission of the annual Abstracts and Statements of Trustees of Turnpike Roads and Bridges in Scotland to the Secretary of State to be laid before Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Scotland) Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 43 | An act for amending and making more effectual the Laws concerning Turnpike Roads in Scotland. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads (Tolls on Lime) Act | 1823 | 4 Geo. 4 | 16 | An act to explain so much of the General Turnpike Act, as relates to the Toll payable on Carriages laden with Lime for the Improvement of Land. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads Act | 1815 | 55 Geo. 3 | 119 | An act to enable the Trustees of Turnpike Roads to abate the Tolls on Carriages, and to allow of their carrying extra Weights in certain Dues. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads Act | 1817 | 57 Geo. 3 | 37 | An act to explain and amend an Act of the Fifty third Year of His present Majesty, relating to Tolls on Carriages used in Husbandry, and to remove Doubts as to Exemption of Carriages, not wholly laden with Manure, from Payment of Toll. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads Act | 1822 | 3 Geo. 4 | 126 | An act to amend the general Laws now in being for regulating Turnpike Roads in that Part of Great Britain called England. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads Act | 1823 | 4 Geo. 4 | 95 | An act to explain and amend an Act, passed in the Third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, to amend the general Laws now in being for regulating Turnpike Roads in that Part of Great Britain called England. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads Act | 1824 | 5 Geo. 4 | 69 | An act to enable Justices of the Peace for Ridings, Divisions or Sokes, to act as Trustees for repairing and maintaining Turnpike Roads. | View statute |
Turnpike Roads in Yorkshire Act | 1852 | 15 & 16 Vict. | 45 | An act for making a Turnpike Road between Stone Creek and Sunk Island Church in the County of York, and between Sunk Island Church and Patrington Haven, and for consolidating with such Roads the present Turnpike Road from Sunk Island Church to Ottringham, | View statute |
Turnpike Tolls (Allowance of Wagon Weights) Act | 1834 | 4 & 5 Will. 4 | 81 | An act to amend an Act of the Third Year of King George the Fourth, for regulating Turnpike Roads in England, so far as the same relates to the Weights to be carried upon Waggons with Springs. | View statute |
Turnpike Tolls Act | 1835 | 5 & 6 Will. 4 | 18 | An act to exempt Carriages carrying Manure from Toll. | View statute |
Turnpike Tolls Act | 1839 | 2 & 3 Vict. | 46 | An act to authorize the Trustees of Turnpike Roads to reduce the Scale of Tolls payable for Overweight. | View statute |
Turnpike Tolls Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 51 | An act to amend and explain the general Turnpike Acts, so far as relates to the Toll payable on Carriages or Horses laden with Lime for the Improvement of Land. | View statute |
Turnpike Tolls Act | 1841 | 4 & 5 Vict. | 33 | An act to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in England, so far as they relate to certain Exemptions from Toll. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts Act | 1856 | 19 & 20 Vict. | 12 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the Fifteenth Year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts Arrangements Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 66 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the Fifteenth Year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts Arrangements Act | 1868 | 31 & 32 Vict. | 66 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts Arrangements Act | 1872 | 35 & 36 Vict. | 72 | An act to confirm a certain Provisional Order made under an Act of the fifteenth year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts Relief Act | 1861 | 24 & 25 Vict. | 46 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the Fifteenth Year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts, and to extend the Provisions of the said Act. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts Returns Act | 1833 | 3 & 4 Will. 4 | 80 | An act requiring the annual Statements of Trustees or Commissioners of Turnpike Roads to be transmitted to the Secretary of State, and afterwards laid before Parliament. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts., South Wales Act | 1845 | 8 & 9 Vict. | 61 | An act to make certain further Provisions for the Consolidation of Turnpike Trusts in South Wales. | View statute |
Turnpike Trusts: Making of Provisional Orders Act | 1851 | 14 & 15 Vict. | 38 | An act to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts, and to make certain Provisions respecting Exemptions from Tolls. | View statute |
Turnpikes Abolition (Ireland) Act | 1857 | 20 & 21 Vict. | 16 | An act to discontinue the Toll on the Turnpike Roads now existing in Ireland, and to provide for the Maintenance of such Roads as public Roads, and for the Discharge of the Debts due thereon, and for other Purposes relating thereto. | View statute |
Turnpikes Act | 1840 | 3 & 4 Vict. | 39 | An act to authorize Trustees or Commissioners of Turnpike Roads to appoint Meetings for executing their Trusts in certain Cases. | View statute |
Turnpikes Act 1831 | 1831 | 1 & 2 Will. 4 | 25 | An act to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in England, so far as they relate to certain Exemptions from Toll. | View statute |
Turnpikes Act 1832 | 1832 | 2 & 3 Will. 4 | 124 | An act to explain certain Provisions in Local Acts of Parliament relating to Double Toll on Turnpike Roads. | View statute |
Turnpikes Provisional Orders Confirmation Act | 1870 | 33 & 34 Vict. | 22 | An act to confirm a certain Provisional Order made under an Act of the fifteenth year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate arrangements for the relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Turnpikes, Provisional Orders Confirmation Act | 1865 | 28 & 29 Vict. | 91 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the Fifteenth Year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Turnpikes, Provisional Orders Confirmation Act | 1866 | 29 & 30 Vict. | 92 | An act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made under an Act of the Fifteenth Year of Her present Majesty, to facilitate Arrangements for the Relief of Turnpike Trusts. | View statute |
Tyne Pilotage Amendment Act | 1867 | 30 & 31 Vict. | 78 | An act to amend The Tyne Pilotage Order Confirmation Act, 1865. | View statute |
Tyne Pilotage Order Confirmation Act | 1865 | 28 & 29 Vict. | 44 | An act for confirming a Provisional Order made by the Board of Trade under The Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1862, relating to the Pilotage of the River Tyne. | View statute |