St Cyrus records
Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Kirk Session Records). Available from £1 a name a year.
Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
Birth records with no father’s name – Hit a brick wall with no father named in a birth record? Help is at hand: see our list for this parish below.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
Male Heads of Families – Free transcripts of rolls of male heads of families from the 1830s
Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
We are pleased to be able to offer to obtain images of the minutes for each appeal, at the following rates:
- £3 for a single minute
- £6 for up to 3 minutes for a single case
- £9 for any single case with more than 3 minutes (some cases have as many as 8 minutes)
Name | Address | Year(s)/ minutes | Order images | Deliverance |
John BOWICK | 1873 (2) | Order images | Refused - not in receipt of parochial relief | |
Widow Ann MILL or CROLL | 1857 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Ann MILNE or CROLL | 1856 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Ann MILNE or CROALL | 1857-1858 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
John WILL | 1871 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) |
Sheriff Court paternity decrees
Mother name and residence | Defender name | Child birth | Order | Court |
Margaret BURNETT Tottry, St Cyrus | George HIRD | 29 Jan 1851 | Order now | Stonehaven SC5/7/4 |
Elizabeth JOHNSTON St Cyrus | John THOM | 27 Sep 1846 | Order now | Stonehaven SC5/7/4 |
Jane LEITH Stone o'Morphie, St Cyrus, Kincardineshire formerly Balfeich, Fordoun | Robert CHAPMAN | 17 Sep 1876 | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/18 |
Isabella MILLAR Old School, Kirktown, St Cyrus, Kincardineshire | James JAPP | 21 Sep 1882 St Cyrus, Kincardineshire | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/18 |
Ann PETRIE Gapieshaugh, St Cyrus | Alexander BEEDIE | 21 Aug 1851 | Order now | Stonehaven SC5/7/4 |
Jane POTTER Kirktown, St Cyrus formerly White Hart Hotel, Arbroath | John CRUDEN | 12 Jan 1887 North Grimsby Street, Arbroath | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/19 |
Margaret POTTER Kirktown, St Cyrus | James SMITH | 23 Jan 1887 Kirktown, St Cyrus | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/19 |
Isabella SHERET Canterland, St Cyrus, Kincardineshire formerly Little Tullo, Edzell | William PULLAR | 9 Apr 1874 | Order now | Perth SC49/4/47 |
Ann STRACHAN or DAWSON Scotston, Kirkside, St Cyrus, Kincardineshire | William GIBSON | 17 Dec 1851 | Order now | Dunblane SC44/5/6 |
School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
Child name | Date of birth | Mother name | Order |
Mary ADAMS | 18 October 1872 | Christina ADAMS | Find the father |
Alexander ALISON | 18 May 1855 | Mary ALISON | Find the father |
William ALISON | 11 September 1865 | Ann ALISON | Find the father |
Jane Strachan ALLISON | 31 July 1872 | Elizabeth ALLISON | Find the father |
Margaret Thomson Mitchell ALLISON | 18 February 1872 | Mary Ann ALLISON | Find the father |
Ann ANDERSON | 9 January 1860 | Jane ANDERSON | Find the father |
George ANDERSON | 29 July 1869 | Eliza ANDERSON | Find the father |
William ANDERSON | 15 September 1870 | Mary ANDERSON | Find the father |
Magdaline Lyall ANDREW | 11 June 1870 | Isabella ANDREW | Find the father |
Margaret BAIN | 13 July 1860 | Margaret BAIN | Find the father |
Jane BOWICK | 10 June 1866 | Jessie BOWICK | Find the father |
Isabel Johnston BRUCE | 15 June 1856 | Margaret BRUCE | Find the father |
Alexander BURNET | 4 October 1857 | Catherine BURNET | Find the father |
Arthur Alexander BURNETT | 12 July 1870 | Jane BURNETT | Find the father |
Bethia CARNEGIE | 24 February 1868 | Jane CARNEGIE | Find the father |
Jessie Ann CARNEGIE | 8 November 1869 | Jane CARNEGIE | Find the father |
John Keir CARNEGIE | 23 May 1859 | Jane CARNEGIE | Find the father |
Mary Ann CHRISTIE | 14 December 1870 | Helen CHRISTIE | Find the father |
Isabella CLARK | 8 February 1871 | Isabella CLARK | Find the father |
Mary Ann CLARK | 13 February 1874 | Mary CLARK | Find the father |
Christina COLLIE | 23 February 1868 | Helen COLLIE | Find the father |
James COLLIE | 23 February 1868 | Helen COLLIE | Find the father |
David CROLL | 8 December 1859 | Jane CROLL | Find the father |
Ann DAVIDSON | 29 June 1860 | Catherine DAVIDSON | Find the father |
Walter DON | 28 April 1859 | Isabella DON | Find the father |
Lily Ann DONALDSON | 22 May 1871 | Ann DONALDSON | Find the father |
Helen DUNCAN | 24 August 1872 | Margaret DUNCAN | Find the father |
John DUNCAN | 13 January 1866 | Margaret DUNCAN | Find the father |
James Nicol DUTHIE | 1 February 1859 | Elizabeth DUTHIE | Find the father |
Jane DUTHIE | 4 April 1865 | Elizabeth DUTHIE | Find the father |
William Walker DUTHIE | 20 April 1862 | Elizabeth DUTHIE | Find the father |
David EDWARD | 19 May 1865 | Helen EDWARD | Find the father |
John EDWARD | 18 May 1865 | Helen EDWARD | Find the father |
George EDWARDS | 8 August 1874 | Margaret EDWARDS | Find the father |
Johanna EDWARDS | 25 January 1867 | Jessie EDWARDS | Father found |
Georgina Dorward FALCONER | 21 January 1865 | Mary FALCONER | Find the father |
Helen FALCONER | 18 February 1857 | Christina FALCONER | Find the father |
Jane FALCONER | 17 August 1868 | Margaret FALCONER | Find the father |
Peter FENTON | 1 May 1871 | Ann FENTON | Find the father |
Susan Middleton GEDDES | 23 March 1858 | Betsy GEDDES | Find the father |
Alexander GIBSON | 14 January 1865 | Jessie GIBSON | Find the father |
David GIBSON | 24 January 1861 | Jessie GIBSON | Find the father |
James GIBSON | 1 March 1859 | Jessie GIBSON | Find the father |
Jessie GIBSON | 26 December 1866 | Jane GIBSON | Find the father |
Mary Jane GLEN | 10 January 1869 | Margaret GLEN | Find the father |
Elizabeth GORDAN | 31 March 1866 | Helen GORDAN | Find the father |
James GORDAN | 13 February 1868 | Helen GORDAN | Father found |
Eliza Jane Simpson GOWAN | 20 June 1872 | Christina GOWAN | Find the father |
David GRANT | 11 May 1868 | Elizabeth GRANT | Find the father |
Mary HALL | 11 April 1862 | Mary HALL | Find the father |
William HALL | 10 May 1867 | Agnes HALL | Find the father |
Ann HAY | 23 September 1855 | Jane HAY | Find the father |
John HERD | 20 January 1855 | Helen HERD | Find the father |
Margaret HERD | 3 December 1857 | Elizabeth HERD | Find the father |
Margaret Gabriel HERD | 19 February 1872 | Elizabeth HERD | Find the father |
William HOSIE | 1 February 1867 | Mary HOSIE | Find the father |
David Clark HUMPHREY | 25 August 1870 | Harriet HUMPHREY | Find the father |
Jessie Ann HUMPHREY | 14 October 1857 | Elizabeth HUMPHREY | Find the father |
Jessie Ann HUTCHEON | 28 October 1870 | Betsy HUTCHEON | Find the father |
Robert JOLLY | 14 February 1863 | Margaret JOLLY | Find the father |
John Crabb LAWRENCE | 6 February 1863 | Jane LAWRENCE | Find the father |
William LINDAL | 8 January 1869 | Elizabeth LINDAL | Find the father |
Charles LOVIE | 7 September 1869 | Eliza LOVIE | Find the father |
Alexander LYAL | 30 January 1861 | Mary Ann LYAL | Find the father |
David Mitchell LYALL | 3 August 1856 | Jane LYALL | Find the father |
Jane LYALL | 9 July 1864 | Jane LYALL | Find the father |
Ann MACKINTOSH | 15 May 1858 | Mary Ann MACKINTOSH | Find the father |
Charles Pink MCHARDIE | 14 April 1874 | Grace MCHARDIE | Find the father |
Margaret Donaldson MCHARDY | 5 October 1865 | Elizabeth MCHARDY | Find the father |
Catherine MILNE | 31 July 1860 | Elizabeth MILNE | Father found |
David MILNE | 13 March 1858 | Helen MILNE | Find the father |
Mary Ann Robertson MILNE | 14 December 1861 | Mary MILNE | Find the father |
Thomas Hutton MILNE | 13 March 1858 | Helen MILNE | Find the father |
Kinnear MOIR | 30 June 1866 | Elizabeth Smith MOIR | Find the father |
Davina MURRAY | 4 June 1865 | Catherine MURRAY | Find the father |
James MURRAY | 4 August 1869 | Helen MURRAY | Find the father |
Jane Clark MURRAY | 15 January 1873 | Catherine MURRAY | Find the father |
Wilhelmina MURRAY | 15 October 1866 | Helen MURRAY | Find the father |
Helen NICOL | 28 March 1861 | Jane NICOL | Find the father |
Elizabeth PETRIE | 27 July 1868 | Isabella PETRIE | Find the father |
William PETRIE | 14 August 1866 | Isabella PETRIE | Find the father |
Jessie Ann REID | 19 February 1867 | Mary Ann REID | Find the father |
Catherine ROBERTSON | 7 March 1863 | Isabella ROBERTSON | Find the father |
James RODGER | 16 February 1864 | Ann RODGER | Find the father |
Robina Jane ROSS | 1 March 1867 | Ann ROSS | Find the father |
Mary Helen SILVER | 21 January 1859 | Helen SILVER | Find the father |
Agnes SKELTON | 15 March 1866 | Agnes SKELTON | Find the father |
Charles SKELTON | 3 February 1872 | Jane SKELTON | Father found |
Donald SKELTON | 1 January 1861 | Jane SKELTON | Find the father |
David Thompson SMITH | 25 January 1861 | Jane SMITH | Father found |
James SMITH | 4 November 1857 | Ann SMITH | Find the father |
Mary Jane SMITH | 11 August 1862 | Jane SMITH | Find the father |
Robina Burness SMITH | 14 November 1861 | Ann SMITH | Find the father |
Isabella Carnegie SPALDING | 29 August 1873 | Jane SPALDING | Find the father |
James SPALDING | 18 April 1864 | Jane SPALDING | Find the father |
Ann STEEL | 26 July 1868 | Betsy STEEL | Find the father |
Isabella STEEL | 21 November 1863 | Betsy STEEL | Find the father |
Margaret STEEL | 2 November 1865 | Betsy STEEL | Find the father |
Mary Jane STEWART | 2 September 1869 | Barbara STEWART | Find the father |
David SWAN | 27 June 1871 | Jane SWAN | Find the father |
Elizabeth Murray WALKER | 11 February 1865 | Jane WALKER | Find the father |
Agnes WHYTE | 14 November 1861 | Agnes WHYTE | Find the father |
William WHYTE | 10 October 1867 | Agnes WHYTE | Find the father |
Mary Ann YOUNG | 22 August 1856 | Charlotte YOUNG | Find the father |
General Register of Lunatics
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
No Roll of Male Heads of Families has yet been found for this parish
Kirk Session Records Index
We have not yet indexed any Kirk Session records for this parish.