Longside records
Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Kirk Session Records). Available from £1 a name a year.
Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
Birth records with no father’s name – Hit a brick wall with no father named in a birth record? Help is at hand: see our list for this parish below.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
Male Heads of Families – Free transcripts of rolls of male heads of families from the 1830s
Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Reference | Title | Dates | Buy |
CH2/699/5 | Minutes 1705 - 13 Minutes 1722 - 3 Minutes 1733 - 47 Accounts 1705 - 13 Accounts 1717 - 32 Accounts include poor payments | 1705-1747 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/6 | Minutes | 1748-1797 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/7 | Minutes | 1798-1845 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/8 | Minutes | 1846-1882 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/10 | Discipline | 1836-1842 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/11 | Baptisms 1692 - 1781 (copy) Marriages 1692 - 1702 (copy) Interments 1692 - 1702 (copy) | 1692-1781 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/12 | Baptisms 1849 - 69 Marriages 1849 - 73 | 1849-1873 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/13 | Baptisms 1855 - 7 Poor relief 1785 - 1812 | 1785-1857 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/14 | Baptisms 1870 - 6 Marriages 1873 - 6 | 1870-1876 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/15 | Baptisms | 1877-1900 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/17 | Communion roll | 1876-1880 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/18 | Communion roll | 1889-1896 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/19 | Communion roll | 1897-1901 | Request lookup |
CH2/699/20 | List of inscriptions in graveyard Inscriptions run up to at least 1912 | nd. | Request lookup |
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
We are pleased to be able to offer to obtain images of the minutes for each appeal, at the following rates:
- £3 for a single minute
- £6 for up to 3 minutes for a single case
- £9 for any single case with more than 3 minutes (some cases have as many as 8 minutes)
Name | Address | Year(s)/ minutes | Order images | Deliverance |
Elizabeth ANDERSON | 1865 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
Elizabeth BAGRIE | 1846-1847 (3) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed by the meal given | |
Elizabeth BAIGRIE | 1865 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
Ann CHRISTIE | 1862 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Robert CHRISTIE | 1862 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
James GORDON | 1865 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
James HENDRY | 1862 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Elspet MACHRAY | 1851 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow MILNE or WALKER | 1878 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Christina MILNE | 1878 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow Elspet PIRIE or ALLAN | 1851 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
William ROBERTSON | 1861 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
William ROBERTSON | 1862 (3) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
William ROBERTSON | 1862 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
William ROBERTSON | 1863 (3) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
William ROBERTSON | 1864 (2) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
William ROBERTSON | 1866 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
William SHEWAN | 1872 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Elizabeth WARRANDER | 1874 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Elizabeth WARRENDER | 1867-1868 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Ann WATSON | 1868 (1) | Order images | Refused |
Sheriff Court paternity decrees
Mother name and residence | Defender name | Child birth | Order | Court |
Elizabeth Mitchell SMITH Kinmudy, Longside | William HARDIE | 29 Jun 1875 | Order now | Tain SC34/3/6 |
Elizabeth Mitchell SMITH Kinmudy, Longside | William HARDIE | 3 Mar 1877 | Order now | Tain SC34/3/6 |
School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
Child name | Date of birth | Mother name | Order |
Christina Cheves ADAMS | 14 February 1860 | Mary ADAMS | Find the father |
William Sherran ADAMS | 20 November 1872 | Mary ADAMS | Find the father |
Elizabeth ADIEL | 2 July 1859 | Mary ADIEL | Find the father |
Peter AIKEN | 16 September 1862 | Jane AIKEN | Father found |
William AIKEN | 28 July 1865 | Jane AIKEN | Find the father |
Mary Ann AITKIN | 15 September 1873 | Mary AITKIN | Find the father |
Christian ANDERSON | 4 March 1857 | Ann ANDERSON | Father found |
Jabez ANDERSON | 27 January 1865 | Ann Anderson Or DAVIDSON | Find the father |
James Gordon ANDERSON | 2 December 1869 | Anne ANDERSON | Find the father |
James ANDREW | 6 October 1863 | Jean ANDREW | Father found |
Christian ANGUS | 9 October 1862 | Eliza ANGUS | Father found |
Jean ANGUS | 6 August 1866 | Christian ANGUS | Find the father |
Jean Irvine ANGUS | 12 July 1860 | Jean ANGUS | Find the father |
Mary Simpson ANGUS | 17 September 1859 | Elizabeth ANGUS | Find the father |
Mary ANNAND | 29 September 1859 | Ann ANNAND | Find the father |
Joseph Clark ARGO | 18 August 1865 | Margaret ARGO | Find the father |
Catherine Massie BAGRIE | 5 July 1871 | Marjory BAGRIE | Find the father |
Jessie BARCLAY | 6 February 1869 | Jessie BARCLAY | Find the father |
Alexander Ross BAXTER | 15 November 1860 | Jean BAXTER | Father found |
Helen BEADIE | 27 November 1865 | Helen BEADIE | Find the father |
James Craig BISSET | 14 April 1869 | Barbara BISSET | Find the father |
James BONNER | 21 November 1873 | Mary BONNER | Find the father |
William Mathers BONNER | 11 October 1872 | Elspet BONNER | Find the father |
James BOOTH | 10 February 1865 | Margaret BOOTH | Find the father |
Catharine Ann BOYES | 5 November 1860 | Ann BOYES | Find the father |
William BOYES | 22 August 1861 | Jean BOYES | Father found |
Charles BROWN | 8 January 1863 | Mary BROWN | Find the father |
Elizabeth BROWN | 13 August 1860 | Elizabeth BROWN | Find the father |
Elizabeth Buchan BROWN | 21 January 1873 | Margaret BROWN | Find the father |
John BROWN | 10 June 1864 | Mary Innes BROWN | Find the father |
James Robertson BRUCE | 16 July 1868 | Margaret BRUCE | Find the father |
John BRUCE | 7 October 1874 | Margaret BRUCE | Find the father |
Margaret Robertson BRUCE | 13 January 1866 | Elizabeth Mc Ritchie BRUCE | Find the father |
Rachel BRUCE | 18 January 1873 | Ann BRUCE | Father found |
William BRUCE | 13 September 1861 | Mary BRUCE | Find the father |
Helen Watson Simpson BUCHAN | 30 January 1866 | Ann BUCHAN | Father found |
Margaret Smith BUCHAN | 26 December 1858 | Jessie BUCHAN | Find the father |
Helen Smith CAMPBELL | 1 November 1874 | Christian CAMPBELL | Find the father |
John Cruickshank CAMPBELL | 26 May 1872 | Christian CAMPBELL | Find the father |
William Oliphant CAMPBELL | 2 January 1872 | Margaret CAMPBELL | Father found |
James Hastie CARLE | 2 October 1871 | Harries CARLE | Find the father |
Jane CARLE | 5 February 1867 | Jane CARLE | Find the father |
Margaret CARLE | 9 July 1857 | Margaret CARLE | Father found |
Margaret Skinner CARLE | 22 June 1866 | Ann CARLE | Find the father |
Williamina Forbes CARLE | 11 February 1860 | Ann CARLE | Father found |
George Sutherland CHEVES | 11 March 1874 | Isabella CHEVES | Find the father |
Jane CHEVES | 11 March 1870 | Isabella CHEVES | Find the father |
Mary Wells CHEVES | 29 November 1873 | Jane CHEVES | Find the father |
Isabella CHRISTIE | 27 August 1867 | Isabella CHRISTIE | Find the father |
Mary Ann CLARK | 26 April 1864 | Ann CLARK | Find the father |
Barbara CONNON | 1 October 1868 | Margaret CONNON | Find the father |
Helen Mitchell CONNON | 3 February 1867 | Margaret CONNON | Find the father |
Isabella Oliphant CONNON | 27 November 1869 | Margaret CONNON | Find the father |
Margaret CONNON | 21 August 1862 | Margaret CONNON | Find the father |
Margaret CONNON | 5 November 1873 | Margaret CONNON | Find the father |
William Dalgarno CONNON | 11 November 1869 | Barbara CONNON | Find the father |
James Gibb COOK | 21 April 1867 | Rachel COOK | Father found |
Findlay Ross COW | 26 September 1861 | Isabella COW | Father found |
John COW | 19 February 1871 | Elizabeth COW | Find the father |
Mary Jane Clark COW | 19 August 1874 | Jane COW | Find the father |
Margaret COYNOCH | 27 July 1862 | Margaret COYNOCH | Find the father |
James Grant CRAIG | 28 May 1873 | Mary CRAIG | Father found |
William CRAWFORD | 15 January 1860 | May CRAWFORD | Find the father |
Alexander CRUICKSHANK | 15 June 1866 | Mary CRUICKSHANK | Father found |
Alexander Brebner CRUICKSHANK | 15 April 1867 | Jane CRUICKSHANK | Father found |
Catherine Mary CRUICKSHANK | 11 August 1871 | Margaret CRUICKSHANK | Find the father |
George CRUICKSHANK | 11 April 1867 | Isabella CRUICKSHANK | Find the father |
John CRUICKSHANK | 6 September 1871 | Mary CRUICKSHANK | Find the father |
John Adam CRUICKSHANK | 7 August 1861 | Barbara CRUICKSHANK | Father found |
Alexander Irvine CRYLE | 27 July 1872 | Elizabeth CRYLE | Find the father |
James Gordon CRYLE | 11 August 1867 | Elizabeth CRYLE | Father found |
Jane Pirie CRYLE | 7 March 1869 | Isabella CRYLE | Find the father |
Robert Shand CRYLE | 13 July 1870 | Elizabeth CRYLE | Find the father |
William CRYLE | 17 March 1866 | Isobella CRYLE | Find the father |
Alexander CULLEN | 28 May 1862 | Elspet CULLEN | Father found |
Elspet Ogston CULLEN | 20 February 1868 | Elspet CULLEN | Father found |
John CULLEN | 11 July 1857 | Elspet CULLEN | Father found |
John Forbes CULLEN | 12 March 1871 | Elspet CULLEN | Find the father |
Mary CULLEN | 4 March 1855 | Mary CULLEN | Find the father |
Ann CUMMING | 23 December 1860 | Isabella CUMMING | Find the father |
Edward John CUMMING | 4 January 1863 | Mary CUMMING | Find the father |
Mary CUMMING | 16 October 1866 | Mary CUMMING | Find the father |
William CUMMING | 1 May 1864 | Isobella CUMMING | Find the father |
Charles Thomson DAVIDSON | 20 January 1868 | Ann DAVIDSON | Find the father |
Elizabeth Ann DAVIDSON | 30 September 1866 | Margaret DAVIDSON | Find the father |
George DAVIDSON | 26 October 1858 | Ann DAVIDSON | Father found |
George DAVIDSON | 11 May 1862 | Ann DAVIDSON | Find the father |
John Hay DAVIDSON | 20 November 1869 | Margaret DAVIDSON | Find the father |
William Smith DAVIDSON | 16 April 1866 | Mary DAVIDSON | Find the father |
Elspet DAVIE | 26 April 1865 | Rebecca DAVIE | Find the father |
Eliza Jane DUNCAN | 17 October 1871 | Mary DUNCAN | Find the father |
James Tough DUNCAN | 12 April 1874 | Margaret DUNCAN | Find the father |
John Robertson DUNCAN | 4 December 1865 | Helen DUNCAN | Find the father |
Margaret DUNCAN | 29 June 1871 | Elspet DUNCAN | Find the father |
Mary DUNCAN | 4 February 1872 | Margaret DUNCAN | Find the father |
Robert DUNCAN | 10 December 1866 | Margaret DUNCAN | Find the father |
William DUNCAN | 17 October 1871 | Mary DUNCAN | Find the father |
Isabella FARQUHAR | 28 August 1868 | Jemima FARQUHAR | Find the father |
John FARQUHAR | 8 October 1863 | Ann FARQUHAR | Father found |
Ann FINDLAY | 10 May 1862 | Elspet FINDLAY | Find the father |
Forbes FINDLAY | 24 June 1859 | Mary FINDLAY | Find the father |
James FINDLAY | 11 October 1871 | Margaret FINDLAY | Find the father |
James Smith FINDLAY | 30 October 1859 | Ann FINDLAY | Find the father |
Jane Sutor FINDLAY | 28 April 1864 | Margaret FINDLAY | Find the father |
John Stuart FINDLAY | 26 April 1869 | Elizabeth FINDLAY | Find the father |
Margaret FINDLAY | 24 May 1856 | Mary FINDLAY | Father found |
Mary FINDLAY | 9 November 1862 | Mary FINDLAY | Find the father |
William FINDLAY | 26 November 1858 | Elspet FINDLAY | Find the father |
Alexander Clark FINNIE | 31 January 1867 | Isabella FINNIE | Find the father |
Robert FOWLIE | 28 December 1874 | Margaret FOWLIE | Find the father |
William FRASER | 29 June 1859 | Mary FRASER | Find the father |
William GEDDES | 18 February 1865 | Agnes GEDDES | Father found |
James GIBSON | 10 April 1873 | Mary GIBSON | Find the father |
James Moir GILLAN | 2 February 1865 | Isobella GILLAN | Find the father |
Margaret Jane GORDON | 10 November 1868 | Mary GORDON | Find the father |
Isabella GRANT | 24 July 1871 | Elizabeth GRANT | Find the father |
Agnes GRASSIE | 29 November 1861 | Helen GRASSIE | Find the father |
Emma GRASSIE | 18 June 1871 | Helen GRASSIE | Find the father |
Mary GRASSIE | 26 August 1855 | Helen GRASSIE | Find the father |
Amelia GREIG | 12 February 1860 | Harriet GREIG | Find the father |
George GREIG | 14 June 1860 | Jean GREIG | Father found |
James GREIG | 19 June 1865 | Mary GREIG | Find the father |
Margaret GREIG | 26 August 1863 | Harriet GREIG | Father found |
Rebecca GREIG | 28 November 1871 | Mary GREIG | Find the father |
William Barklay GREIG | 21 June 1865 | Jean GREIG | Find the father |
Ann Davidson GUTHRIE | 19 April 1870 | Mary GUTHRIE | Find the father |
Donald Gillies HACKET | 28 April 1872 | Martha HACKET | Find the father |
Elizabeth Brooks HENDERSON | 12 October 1874 | Margaret HENDERSON | Find the father |
George Paul HUTCHISON | 6 March 1872 | Helen HUTCHISON | Find the father |
George Rennie HUTCHISON | 16 April 1874 | Helen HUTCHISON | Find the father |
John William HUTCHISON | 13 March 1870 | Margaret HUTCHISON | Find the father |
William Birse HUTCHISON | 22 October 1866 | Jane HUTCHISON | Father found |
Catherine INSH | 9 July 1861 | Margaret INSH | Find the father |
George INSH | 6 January 1859 | Margaret INSH | Father found |
Alexander IRONSIDE | 2 August 1865 | Christian IRONSIDE | Father found |
Francis JOHNSTON | 13 April 1857 | Ann JOHNSTON | Find the father |
James JOHNSTON | 10 January 1861 | Ann JOHNSTON | Find the father |
Alexander KEITH | 19 March 1860 | Christian KEITH | Father found |
Charles Ritchie KEITH | 2 July 1873 | Mary KEITH | Find the father |
Charlotte KEITH | 2 February 1868 | Barbara KEITH | Father found |
Christina KEITH | 12 December 1859 | Elizabeth KEITH | Father found |
Eliza Spence KEITH | 27 July 1871 | Mary KEITH | Find the father |
Elizabeth KEITH | 8 January 1862 | Christian KEITH | Father found |
James Robb KEITH | 4 August 1871 | Christian KEITH | Find the father |
Stephen Booth KEITH | 22 November 1867 | Jane KEITH | Find the father |
William KEITH | 18 September 1864 | Barbara KEITH | Find the father |
Elizabeth KELMAN | 27 September 1863 | Christian KELMAN | Find the father |
James Sangster KELMAN | 16 September 1871 | Isabella KELMAN | Find the father |
John KELMAN | 3 May 1861 | Elspet KELMAN | Father found |
Jean KERR | 7 June 1857 | Helen KERR | Father found |
William KERR | 25 April 1855 | Barbara KERR | Find the father |
Ann KILGOUR | 19 June 1858 | Margaret KILGOUR | Father found |
John Reid KNOX | 23 March 1872 | Margaret KNOX | Find the father |
Helen Massie KYNOCH | 19 September 1870 | Helen KYNOCH | Find the father |
Alexander Bodie LAING | 14 October 1858 | Jane LAING | Father found |
Alexander Bodie LAING | 11 November 1861 | Jean LAING | Father found |
Alexander Taylor LAING | 17 October 1864 | Elspet LAING | Find the father |
Ann Bodie LAING | 17 May 1855 | Jean LAING | Father found |
Isobella LAIRD | 3 October 1865 | Eliza LAIRD | Father found |
James Henderson LAIRD | 6 January 1871 | Jane LAIRD | Find the father |
Alexander Davidson LAMB | 2 May 1871 | Elizabeth LAMB | Find the father |
Mary Jean LAMB | 20 June 1863 | Elizabeth LAMB | Find the father |
Isabella Glennie LEE | 4 October 1872 | Mary LEE | Father found |
George LILLIE | 8 March 1857 | Elizabeth LILLIE | Father found |
Alexander Oliphant LUTHWOOD | 9 January 1874 | Eliza LUTHWOOD | Find the father |
Robert MACDONALD | 27 March 1856 | Isabel MACDONALD | Find the father |
Alexander MACKIE | 18 September 1855 | Christian MACKIE | Find the father |
James Forbes MACKIE | 1 August 1867 | Margaret MACKIE | Father found |
William Cruden MACKIE | 6 June 1870 | Margaret MACKIE | Find the father |
Andrew MAITLAND | 9 December 1864 | Margaret MAITLAND | Find the father |
Georgina Mutch MAITLAND | 4 November 1870 | Margaret MAITLAND | Find the father |
James Rettie MAITLAND | 8 February 1860 | Margaret MAITLAND | Find the father |
Elizabeth MASSIE | 1 January 1858 | Elizabeth MASSIE | Father found |
William MASSIE | 8 September 1871 | Jane MASSIE | Find the father |
James Will MATTHEW | 30 March 1871 | Margaret MATTHEW | Find the father |
Mary Ann Jamieson MATTHEW | 17 October 1867 | Margaret MATTHEW | Find the father |
George MCDONALD | 19 November 1873 | Helen MCDONALD | Find the father |
Helen MCDONALD | 6 February 1862 | Margaret MCDONALD | Find the father |
James MCDONALD | 1 September 1867 | Margaret MCDONALD | Father found |
Mary MCDONALD | 19 April 1871 | Margaret MCDONALD | Find the father |
Jean MCGREGOR | 3 February 1863 | Mary MCGREGOR | Find the father |
William MCGREGOR | 12 October 1859 | Mary MCGREGOR | Find the father |
George Davie MCINTOSH | 10 April 1873 | Jane MCINTOSH | Find the father |
James Hadden MCINTOSH | 22 December 1872 | Margaret MCINTOSH | Find the father |
James MCKISSER | 30 June 1867 | Helen MCKISSER | Father found |
Alexander MILNE | 23 July 1868 | Ann MILNE | Find the father |
Anne MILNE | 3 June 1858 | Anne MILNE | Father found |
James MILNE | 22 December 1860 | Ann MILNE | Find the father |
James MILNE | 21 August 1863 | Jean MILNE | Father found |
James Rennie MILNE | 5 July 1871 | Sarah MILNE | Find the father |
John MILNE | 12 January 1864 | Ann MILNE | Find the father |
John MILNE | 21 June 1867 | Mary MILNE | Find the father |
Mary Ann MILNE | 25 September 1867 | Elspet MILNE | Find the father |
William MILNE | 4 July 1865 | Ann MILNE | Find the father |
James Elrick MITCHELL | 1 December 1871 | Isabella MITCHELL | Father found |
John MITCHELL | 16 October 1861 | Margaret MITCHELL | Find the father |
Thomas MITCHELL | 23 December 1860 | Margaret MITCHELL | Find the father |
William MITCHELL | 4 January 1858 | Elspet MITCHELL | Find the father |
William Robb MITCHELL | 21 November 1869 | Isabella MITCHELL | Find the father |
Samuel MOIR | 16 August 1863 | Barbara MOIR | Father found |
Arthur MORGAN | 25 May 1857 | Christian MORGAN | Find the father |
Catherine Webster MORGAN | 25 May 1868 | Jane MORGAN | Find the father |
George Leslie MORGAN | 1 February 1866 | Jean MORGAN | Find the father |
Jessie MORISON | 16 August 1873 | Margaret MORISON | Find the father |
Mary Duff MORRIS | 17 May 1870 | Christian MORRIS | Find the father |
John MORRISON | 3 February 1866 | Eliza MORRISON | Find the father |
Margaret MORRISON | 5 January 1867 | Jessie MORRISON | Father found |
Elizabeth MUNDIE | 27 July 1869 | Elizabeth MUNDIE | Find the father |
Ferguson MUNDIE | 2 November 1861 | Eliza MUNDIE | Find the father |
Jane Mathieson MUNDIE | 8 October 1869 | Sophia MUNDIE | Find the father |
Alexander MUNDY | 28 July 1858 | Mary MUNDY | Find the father |
Charles Alexander Petrie MURDOCH | 10 June 1870 | Helen MURDOCH | Find the father |
James MURRAY | 3 January 1863 | Mary MURRAY | Father found |
James MURRAY | 1 March 1870 | Ann MURRAY | Find the father |
Jeanie MURRAY | 18 March 1874 | Margaret MURRAY | Find the father |
John MURRAY | 2 January 1867 | Christian MURRAY | Find the father |
John Donaldson MURRAY | 1 March 1871 | Margaret MURRAY | Find the father |
William MURRAY | 30 March 1871 | Elspet MURRAY | Find the father |
Bathia Smith MUTCH | 9 May 1868 | Barbara MUTCH | Find the father |
Alexander Webster PANTON | 1 July 1873 | Isabella PANTON | Find the father |
John PANTON | 13 June 1864 | Ann PANTON | Find the father |
Margaret PANTON | 14 December 1867 | Ann PANTON | Find the father |
Elizabeth PARK | 29 August 1873 | Elizabeth PARK | Find the father |
James Green PARK | 1 January 1866 | Ann PARK | Find the father |
Alexander PATERSON | 16 November 1857 | Mary PATERSON | Father found |
Eliza Ann PATERSON | 4 September 1873 | Isabella PATERSON | Find the father |
George PATERSON | 24 April 1869 | Isabella PATERSON | Father found |
Mary PATERSON | 20 February 1860 | Mary PATERSON | Find the father |
George PAUL | 25 November 1858 | Catherine PAUL | Father found |
Adam PICKARD | 3 December 1855 | Catharine PICKARD | Father found |
Alexander PICKARD | 29 October 1858 | Catherine PICKARD | Find the father |
Elizabeth Brown PICKARD | 14 September 1863 | Catherine PICKARD | Find the father |
William Ellis PICKARD | 1 August 1865 | Catherine PICKARD | Find the father |
Alexander PIRIE | 2 December 1860 | Jane PIRIE | Find the father |
Helen PIRIE | 23 January 1874 | Jean PIRIE | Find the father |
Jane PIRIE | 12 December 1862 | Isabella PIRIE | Find the father |
Alexander Stephen PRATT | 6 March 1865 | Elizabeth PRATT | Find the father |
Mary Jane Mackie RAMSAY | 24 November 1872 | Williamina RAMSAY | Find the father |
Isabella RATHNAY | 8 September 1860 | Ann RATHNAY | Father found |
John RATHNEY | 8 April 1863 | Ann RATHNEY | Find the father |
John RATHNEY | 18 March 1867 | Christian RATHNEY | Find the father |
William RATHNEY | 8 September 1871 | Mary RATHNEY | Find the father |
Jane REICHEL | 18 November 1873 | Elspet REICHEL | Find the father |
George James Wyllie REID | 23 August 1860 | Margaret REID | Father found |
William REID | 15 September 1861 | Helen REID | Find the father |
Alexander Davidson RENNIE | 23 February 1873 | Susan RENNIE | Find the father |
George Davidson RENNIE | 18 May 1871 | Mary RENNIE | Find the father |
George Gordon RENNIE | 28 November 1871 | Jean RENNIE | Find the father |
Isabella Beatrice RENNIE | 22 September 1866 | Beatrice RENNIE | Find the father |
John Cameron RENNIE | 7 September 1873 | Jane RENNIE | Find the father |
Margaret Middleton RENNIE | 1 October 1865 | Charlotte RENNIE | Find the father |
David RITCHIE | 17 March 1871 | Margaret RITCHIE | Find the father |
Christina Clark ROBERTSON | 26 August 1863 | Catherine Scott ROBERTSON | Find the father |
George ROBERTSON | 28 September 1857 | Ann ROBERTSON | Find the father |
George Mackie ROBERTSON | 16 April 1872 | Mary ROBERTSON | Find the father |
James ROBERTSON | 7 December 1865 | Catherine ROBERTSON | Father found |
Jessie Keith ROBERTSON | 9 July 1860 | Christina Youngson Hay ROBERTSON | Father found |
Nathaniel ROBERTSON | 13 August 1865 | Christian ROBERTSON | Find the father |
Ann ROSS | 8 January 1863 | Catherine ROSS | Find the father |
James Christopher ROSS | 30 November 1867 | Elizabeth ROSS | Find the father |
Elspet Kelman RUSSELL | 14 July 1858 | Isabel RUSSELL | Find the father |
Mary Kelman RUSSELL | 14 July 1858 | Isabel RUSSELL | Find the father |
Jane SANGSTER | 17 October 1873 | Christina SANGSTER | Find the father |
Jemima SANGSTER | 2 June 1862 | Christian SANGSTER | Father found |
Margaret SANGSTER | 8 October 1857 | Christian SANGSTER | Father found |
Alexander SCOTT | 28 June 1866 | Elspet SCOTT | Father found |
Elizabeth SCOTT | 5 February 1856 | Mary SCOTT | Father found |
John SCOTT | 27 June 1863 | Ann SCOTT | Find the father |
Alexander Smith SHEWAN | 18 January 1873 | Jane SHEWAN | Find the father |
Eliza Jane SIMPSON | 10 March 1870 | Ann SIMPSON | Find the father |
Isobella Margaret SINCLAIR | 27 April 1864 | Elizabeth SINCLAIR | Find the father |
William Milne SINCLAIR | 19 May 1873 | Elizabeth SINCLAIR | Find the father |
Elizabeth Ann SINGER | 13 September 1860 | Elspet Jean SINGER | Father found |
Mary Ann SLESSER | 4 August 1856 | Jean SLESSER | Father found |
George SLESSOR | 26 October 1872 | Christian SLESSOR | Find the father |
William SLESSOR | 8 May 1868 | Elizabeth SLESSOR | Father found |
Alexander SMITH | 20 October 1857 | Barbara SMITH | Find the father |
Barbara Henderson SMITH | 13 August 1864 | Elspet Mitchell SMITH | Father found |
Elizabeth Noble SMITH | 6 April 1872 | Elizabeth SMITH | Find the father |
Emelia Jane Hardy SMITH | 29 June 1874 | Elspet Mitchell SMITH | Find the father |
James SMITH | 1 December 1866 | Ann SMITH | Find the father |
James Will SMITH | 18 August 1872 | Mary SMITH | Find the father |
Margaret Barclay SMITH | 11 October 1869 | Elspet SMITH | Find the father |
Margaret Rodger SMITH | 26 November 1869 | Christian SMITH | Find the father |
Mary SMITH | 1 January 1862 | Christian SMITH | Father found |
Mary STEPHEN | 23 May 1864 | Ann STEPHEN | Father found |
Mary Jean STEPHEN | 9 June 1868 | Barbara STEPHEN | Find the father |
Helen STOTT | 27 November 1865 | Helen STOTT | Find the father |
Eliza TAYLOR | 8 January 1857 | Eliza TAYLOR | Father found |
Jessie Allan TAYLOR | 22 September 1870 | Susan TAYLOR | Find the father |
Samuel Lawrence TAYLOR | 30 May 1866 | Jane TAYLOR | Father found |
Robert THIRD | 27 September 1859 | Margaret THIRD | Father found |
William Cullen THIRD | 18 November 1868 | Mary THIRD | Find the father |
Alexander Clark THOMSON | 6 October 1863 | Margaret THOMSON | Father found |
George Webster THOMSON | 7 June 1873 | Elspeth THOMSON | Find the father |
Mary Jean Robb THOMSON | 1 November 1861 | Margaret THOMSON | Find the father |
William THOMSON | 29 April 1871 | Elspet THOMSON | Find the father |
Louisa TOLMIE | 13 January 1863 | Louisa TOLMIE | Find the father |
William Morrison TOLMIE | 26 January 1867 | Louisa TOLMIE | Find the father |
Georgina TOUGH | 7 January 1867 | Jane TOUGH | Find the father |
John Keith TOUGH | 17 March 1870 | Jane TOUGH | Find the father |
Elizabeth Webster URQUHART | 14 June 1870 | Louisa URQUHART | Find the father |
James Anderson URQUHART | 20 August 1867 | Luisa URQUHART | Find the father |
Luisa URQUHART | 20 August 1867 | Luisa URQUHART | Find the father |
Alexander WALKER | 1 June 1865 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
Alexander Adam WALKER | 30 September 1865 | Mary WALKER | Find the father |
Ann WALKER | 23 August 1869 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
George WALKER | 2 August 1868 | Mina WALKER | Find the father |
James WALKER | 27 November 1872 | Ann WALKER | Find the father |
John WALKER | 17 December 1859 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
John Ogston WALKER | 4 October 1871 | Dorothy WALKER | Find the father |
Margaret WALKER | 24 November 1865 | Mina WALKER | Find the father |
Margaret Shepherd WALKER | 8 September 1874 | Christian WALKER | Find the father |
Mary WALKER | 21 March 1858 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
Mary Park WALKER | 15 February 1869 | Mary WALKER | Find the father |
Mina Ann WALKER | 14 January 1872 | Christian WALKER | Find the father |
William WALKER | 1 December 1862 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
Alexander Peter WATT | 12 October 1862 | Elizabeth WATT | Father found |
Ann WATT | 12 July 1865 | Margaret WATT | Find the father |
Duncan WATT | 12 February 1861 | Margaret WATT | Find the father |
James WATT | 25 April 1873 | Christian WATT | Find the father |
Mary WATT | 1 November 1864 | Mary Ann WATT | Find the father |
William WATT | 8 February 1863 | Margaret WATT | Find the father |
Ann Cameron WHYTE | 23 January 1872 | Isabella WHYTE | Find the father |
James Glennie WHYTE | 3 February 1870 | Isabella WHYTE | Find the father |
William Taylor WHYTE | 4 January 1870 | Elizabeth WHYTE | Find the father |
Margaret Jaffray WILL | 27 June 1865 | Christian WILL | Find the father |
Mary Ann Sherran WILL | 8 May 1866 | Mary WILL | Find the father |
John Davidson WILLIAMSON | 18 September 1859 | Catherine WILLIAMSON | Find the father |
William WILLIAMSON | 8 August 1874 | Joann WILLIAMSON | Find the father |
George Alexander WILLOX | 31 December 1869 | Sarah WILLOX | Find the father |
Margaret Ann Ferguson WILLOX | 28 September 1866 | Mary WILLOX | Find the father |
Mary Ann WILLOX | 15 March 1866 | Sarah WILLOX | Father found |
William WILLOX | 26 July 1855 | Agnes WILLOX | Find the father |
William Thom WILLOX | 12 October 1868 | Mary WILLOX | Find the father |
Helenora Logan WILSON | 5 June 1868 | Mary Ann WILSON | Father found |
James WILSON | 26 August 1863 | Marjory WILSON | Father found |
Margaret Ann WISELY | 29 June 1874 | Ann WISELY | Find the father |
Christian Tait WOOD | 17 January 1864 | Jean WOOD | Find the father |
Alexander WYNESS | 22 July 1874 | Elizabeth Wyness Or BRUCE | Find the father |
Jean YEATS | 22 May 1859 | Elizabeth YEATS | Find the father |
General Register of Lunatics
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
No Roll of Male Heads of Families has yet been found for this parish
Kirk Session Records Index
We have not yet indexed any Kirk Session records for this parish.