Kilbirnie records
Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Kirk Session Records). Available from £1 a name a year.
Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
Birth records with no father’s name – Hit a brick wall with no father named in a birth record? Help is at hand: see our list for this parish below.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
Male Heads of Families – Free transcripts of rolls of male heads of families from the 1830s
Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
We are pleased to be able to offer to obtain images of the minutes for each appeal, at the following rates:
- £3 for a single minute
- £6 for up to 3 minutes for a single case
- £9 for any single case with more than 3 minutes (some cases have as many as 8 minutes)
Name | Address | Year(s)/ minutes | Order images | Deliverance |
Alexander CAIRNS | 1871 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
John COIL | 1858 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed (poorhouse) | |
William COURTENAY | 1852 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
William COURTENAY | 1852 (1) | Order images | Refused - see 215 1852 | |
Widow Elizabeth DARLY | 1851 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Mary DEAN | 1861 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow Agnes Wilson DICKSON | 1876 (2) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow GILCHRIST | 1850 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow GILCHRIST | 1853 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Susan GOODWIN or GILCHRIST | 1850 (1) | Order images | Refused - see 771 1850 | |
Philip HAY | 1855-1856 (3) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
Widow Jean MACDONALD or MCGRAW | 1858 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow MACINTAGGART | 1854 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Agnes Mciver MCGINN | 1862 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow Sarah MCGUIRE | 1864 (2) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Catherine MCTAGGART | 1854 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Janet ORR | Village Of Dalry | 1846 (1) | Order images | Refused |
Widow Rebecca PRENTICE or COURTNEY | 1859 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Catherine RINN or MCINTYRE | 1854 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
John RITCHIE | 1864 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
James SIMPSON | 1868 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
May STEVENSON | 1875 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) |
Sheriff Court paternity decrees
Mother name and residence | Defender name | Child birth | Order | Court |
Mary ALLAN or SAMUEL Holmhead, Kilbirnie | James LOGAN | 30 Jun 1852 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/7 |
Ann BROWN Main Street, Kilbirnie | Edmond BAIRD | 25 Sep 1877 | Order now | Paisley SC58/7/18 |
Agnes GILLIES Bridge Street, Kilbirnie | Robert NEWLANDS | 6 Dec 1876 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/11 |
Mary JARDINE Montgomeriston, Kilbirnie | John MCNISH | 28 Sep 1878 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/11 |
Janet SHEDDEN Kilbirnie | John DARROCH | 1 Jan 1852 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/3 |
Helen SMITH or FERGUSON Briery Sink Row, Kilbirnie | Joseph MILLIGAN | 23 Jan 1862 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/8 |
Margaret STEVENSON or HOGG Mossend, Kilbirnie | George RIDDEL | 6 Feb 1880 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/11 |
School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
Child name | Date of birth | Mother name | Order |
Ann AITKEN | 27 May 1871 | Janet AITKEN | Find the father |
Robert ALEXANDER | 5 July 1871 | Isabella ALEXANDER | Find the father |
Sarah ALLAN | 17 November 1865 | Jane ALLAN | Find the father |
John AULD | 15 March 1862 | Agnes AULD | Find the father |
Agnes BARCLAY | 23 March 1858 | Jane BARCLAY | Find the father |
Agnes BARCLAY | 9 July 1867 | Ann BARCLAY | Find the father |
Alexander BARCLAY | 7 August 1865 | Jean BARCLAY | Father found |
Isabella BARCLAY | 6 July 1858 | Jane BARCLAY | Find the father |
Jean BARCLAY | 7 December 1871 | Jean BARCLAY | Find the father |
Margaret BARCLAY | 24 May 1856 | Jane BARCLAY | Find the father |
Margaret BARCLAY | 12 September 1860 | Jane BARCLAY | Find the father |
Margaret BARCLAY | 11 September 1867 | Annie BARCLAY | Find the father |
Marion BARCLAY | 7 January 1857 | Catherine BARCLAY | Find the father |
William BARCLAY | 27 July 1855 | Janet BARCLAY | Find the father |
Andrew BARR | 11 October 1856 | Elizabeth BARR | Find the father |
Margaret BARR | 30 November 1862 | Margaret BARR | Find the father |
John BELL | 16 June 1860 | Christina BELL | Find the father |
Margaret BELL | 14 February 1865 | Mary BELL | Find the father |
Martha Gilmour BELL | 4 October 1871 | Margaret BELL | Find the father |
Thomas BELL | 25 April 1869 | Mary BELL | Find the father |
Helen BLACK | 1 April 1858 | Susan BLACK | Find the father |
James BLACK | 2 August 1868 | Susan BLACK | Find the father |
Mary Dunsmore BLACKWOOD | 21 May 1870 | Jean BLACKWOOD | Father found |
Robert BOYD | 30 March 1858 | Jane BOYD | Find the father |
Biddy BRANON | 24 June 1858 | Biddy BRANON | Find the father |
Janet BRODIE | 28 October 1858 | Janet BRODIE | Find the father |
Andrew B. BROWN | 22 June 1870 | Margaret BROWN | Find the father |
James BROWN | 8 January 1873 | Elisabeth BROWN | Father found |
Samuel BROWN | 29 January 1866 | Annie BROWN | Find the father |
William BROWN | 31 December 1866 | Agnes BROWN | Find the father |
Mary BURNS | 3 March 1866 | Margaret BURNS | Find the father |
Mary BURNS | 5 July 1867 | Elizabeth BURNS | Find the father |
Samuel BYARS | 23 February 1868 | Charlotte BYARS | Find the father |
Sarah BYERS | 18 June 1866 | Charlotte BYERS | Find the father |
William CAIRNEY | 1 October 1856 | Betty CAIRNEY | Find the father |
Jean CALDWELL | 6 February 1866 | Jean CALDWELL | Find the father |
John CALDWELL | 21 June 1858 | Ann CALDWELL | Find the father |
William CALDWELL | 1 March 1857 | Ann CALDWELL | Find the father |
Alexander CAMPBELL | 1 June 1873 | Margaret CAMPBELL | Find the father |
James CAMPBELL | 25 April 1862 | Jane CAMPBELL | Find the father |
Janet CAMPBELL | 5 February 1858 | Margaret CAMPBELL | Find the father |
Patrick CAMPBELL | 4 December 1874 | Mary CAMPBELL | Find the father |
Charles CARLE | 24 December 1869 | Elizabeth CARLE | Find the father |
John Johnston CHAPMAN | 16 June 1874 | Sarah CHAPMAN | Find the father |
Ellen CLARKE | 20 October 1858 | Isabella CLARKE | Find the father |
John CLELLAND | 20 October 1868 | Jane CLELLAND | Find the father |
Margaret CLIFFORD | 11 January 1865 | Mary Ann CLIFFORD | Find the father |
William CLIFFORD | 8 June 1868 | Mary Ann CLIFFORD | Find the father |
Agnes CONNALLY | 22 March 1866 | Ann CONNALLY | Find the father |
Mary COOK | 5 April 1861 | Janet COOK | Find the father |
Janet COWBROCK | 23 May 1857 | Elizabeth COWBROCK | Find the father |
Mary COX | 29 January 1866 | Margaret COX | Find the father |
Janet Kerr Barclay CRABB | 29 September 1874 | Margaret CRABB | Find the father |
John CRAIG | 23 May 1857 | Margaret CRAIG | Find the father |
John CRAIG | 16 April 1865 | Agnes CRAIG | Find the father |
Elizabeth CRANEY | 20 May 1857 | Ann CRANEY | Find the father |
John CRANNIE | 24 March 1857 | Jane CRANNIE | Find the father |
Barbara CRAWFORD | 1 November 1863 | Agnes CRAWFORD | Find the father |
Christopher CRAWFORD | 5 March 1865 | Ann CRAWFORD | Find the father |
Janet CRAWFORD | 25 July 1866 | Margaret CRAWFORD | Find the father |
John King CRAWFORD | 27 November 1870 | Elisabeth CRAWFORD | Find the father |
James CUNNINGHAM | 21 August 1866 | Janet CUNNINGHAM | Find the father |
Margaret CUNNINGHAM | 22 September 1863 | Janet CUNNINGHAM | Find the father |
Robert DAVIES | 25 April 1864 | Margaret DAVIES | Find the father |
Elizabeth DEVLING | 10 October 1860 | Isabella DEVLING | Find the father |
Agnes DICK | 24 December 1856 | Hannah DICK | Find the father |
David DICK | 4 January 1864 | Agnes DICK | Find the father |
Annie DICKIE | 31 December 1868 | Susan DICKIE | Father found |
Agnes DILLON | 13 September 1871 | Agnes DILLON | Find the father |
Henry DILLON | 14 October 1871 | Sarah DILLON | Find the father |
Letitia DILLON | 21 April 1869 | Rose Anne DILLON | Find the father |
Margaret DILLON | 13 September 1868 | Margaret DILLON | Find the father |
Terrence DILLON | 27 May 1866 | Mary DILLON | Find the father |
William DILLON | 24 January 1870 | Mary DILLON | Find the father |
Elizabeth Mary DONALD | 25 January 1860 | Julia Sinclair DONALD | Father found |
Margaret Mcbride DOWNIE | 16 January 1874 | Catherine DOWNIE | Find the father |
Elizabeth DUFFY | 20 November 1857 | Margaret DUFFY | Find the father |
Agnes Ann DUNCAN | 18 January 1866 | Elizabeth DUNCAN | Find the father |
Elisabeth DUNCAN | 4 May 1874 | Margaret DUNCAN | Find the father |
Robert DUNCAN | 10 April 1861 | Jane DUNCAN | Find the father |
William DUNLOP | 29 December 1865 | Jane DUNLOP | Find the father |
Margaret DURROCH | 30 November 1869 | Agnes DURROCH | Find the father |
Robert Johnston DURROCH | 1 October 1874 | Margaret DURROCH | Father found |
Susan DURROCH | 10 July 1864 | Catherine DURROCH | Find the father |
Andrew FALOON | 7 February 1870 | Fanny FALOON | Find the father |
Annie FALOON | 10 March 1872 | Mary FALOON | Find the father |
Ann FERGUSON | 14 February 1861 | Agnes FERGUSON | Find the father |
Elizabeth FERGUSON | 19 September 1865 | Agnes FERGUSON | Find the father |
Janet FERGUSON | 19 September 1865 | Agnes FERGUSON | Find the father |
Margaret FERGUSON | 12 March 1868 | Mary FERGUSON | Find the father |
Margaret FERGUSON | 5 February 1874 | Elen FERGUSON | Find the father |
William FERGUSON | 20 July 1856 | Agnes FERGUSON | Find the father |
Margaret FRASER | 15 December 1862 | Isabella FRASER | Find the father |
Susan FREW | 27 January 1861 | Susan FREW | Find the father |
Ann FYFE | 16 May 1862 | Jean FYFE | Find the father |
Duncan Gillies FYFE | 23 May 1857 | Margaret FYFE | Find the father |
James FYFE | 11 November 1871 | Margaret FYFE | Find the father |
Janet FYFE | 1 February 1874 | Marget FYFE | Find the father |
Robert GALBRAITH | 22 April 1858 | Elizabeth GALBRAITH | Find the father |
Barbara GARDNER | 3 September 1869 | Agnes GARDNER | Find the father |
Janet Courtney GILMOUR | 9 June 1870 | Janet GILMOUR | Find the father |
Alexander GONEGAL | 18 June 1868 | Margaret GONEGAL | Find the father |
Jane Mcauslan GORDON | 7 September 1869 | Agnes GORDON | Find the father |
Catherine GROVE | 10 February 1855 | Elisabeth GROVE | Find the father |
James HAIGGINS | 26 April 1872 | Janet HAIGGINS | Find the father |
Mary HAMILTON | 3 May 1867 | Mary HAMILTON | Find the father |
John HARVIE | 20 June 1868 | Mary HARVIE | Find the father |
James HAYES | 3 April 1858 | Hannah HAYES | Find the father |
Mary HAYS | 19 October 1855 | Elisabeth HAYS | Find the father |
Janet HENDERSON | 7 January 1862 | Ann HENDERSON | Find the father |
James HIGGINS | 11 June 1856 | Sarah HIGGINS | Find the father |
Marianne HIGGINS | 25 September 1857 | Sarah HIGGINS | Find the father |
James HILL | 17 January 1869 | Margaret HILL | Find the father |
Elizabeth HISLOP | 28 September 1858 | Mary HISLOP | Find the father |
James HOOD | 20 November 1859 | Mary HOOD | Find the father |
Janet HOOD | 22 August 1856 | Mary Jane HOOD | Find the father |
John HOOD | 17 May 1865 | Rebecca HOOD | Father found |
Rebekah HOOD | 27 November 1870 | Rebekah HOOD | Find the father |
Robert HOOD | 13 November 1866 | Rebecca HOOD | Find the father |
Margaret HOUSTON | 27 February 1868 | Janet HOUSTON | Find the father |
Alexander HUNTER | 2 July 1858 | Elizabeth HUNTER | Find the father |
Mary HUNTER | 6 March 1861 | Elizabeth HUNTER | Find the father |
Mary HUNTER | 15 January 1864 | Mary HUNTER | Father found |
Jeannie HYSLOP | 28 July 1860 | Mary HYSLOP | Find the father |
Robert JAMEISON | 9 December 1859 | Janet JAMEISON | Find the father |
William JAMEISON | 25 May 1858 | Agnes JAMEISON | Find the father |
Jane JEFFREY | 10 October 1860 | Mary JEFFREY | Find the father |
Elizabeth KAY | 18 July 1869 | Elizabeth KAY | Find the father |
James KENNEDY | 16 February 1868 | Catherine KENNEDY | Father found |
Janet KERR | 29 November 1871 | Mary KERR | Find the father |
Mary KING | 18 April 1868 | Isabella KING | Find the father |
John Horatius Steuart KNOX | 3 December 1871 | Mary KNOX | Find the father |
Margaret Smith LAMONT | 19 January 1868 | Margaret LAMONT | Find the father |
David LANG | 8 January 1864 | Ann LANG | Find the father |
Isabella LANG | 7 September 1861 | Dortha LANG | Find the father |
John LANG | 8 April 1862 | Ann LANG | Find the father |
Mary Stewart LANG | 13 November 1873 | Mary LANG | Find the father |
William LANG | 8 January 1864 | Ann LANG | Find the father |
Donald LAUSON | 18 June 1856 | Agnes LAUSON | Find the father |
Agnes LAW | 26 June 1858 | Ann LAW | Find the father |
Robert LOGAN | 22 July 1859 | Margaret LOGAN | Find the father |
Jessie LOVE | 4 November 1869 | Jean LOVE | Find the father |
James MACKIE | 17 April 1857 | Jane MACKIE | Find the father |
Robert MACKIE | 17 April 1857 | Jane MACKIE | Find the father |
William MACKIE | 24 September 1867 | Jean MACKIE | Father found |
Mary Mcallum MALCOM | 20 August 1859 | Margaret MALCOM | Find the father |
Margaret MALLOY | 23 December 1872 | Mary MALLOY | Find the father |
Esther MARSHAL | 29 June 1855 | Helen MARSHAL | Find the father |
William MARSHALL | 31 May 1856 | Jane MARSHALL | Find the father |
Alexander MARTIN | 4 July 1872 | Helen MARTIN | Find the father |
William Barclay MARTIN | 18 March 1870 | Jeanie MARTIN | Find the father |
James MATHIE | 8 December 1857 | Mary MATHIE | Find the father |
Agnes MCALISTER | 2 June 1857 | Catherine MCALISTER | Find the father |
Daniel MCCAFFERTY | 30 December 1869 | Catherine MCCAFFERTY | Find the father |
Hugh MCCAFFERTY | 6 March 1863 | Sarah MCCAFFERTY | Find the father |
Mary Helen MCCAFFERTY | 31 August 1863 | Jean MCCAFFERTY | Find the father |
Thomas MCCAFFERTY | 18 April 1874 | Catherine MCCAFFERTY | Find the father |
Mary MCCARTNEY | 27 October 1864 | Catherine MCCARTNEY | Find the father |
Robert MCCARTNEY | 13 December 1868 | Catherine MCCARTNEY | Find the father |
Christopher MCCONCHY | 1 January 1868 | Mary MCCONCHY | Find the father |
Eliza MCCONCHY | 18 May 1873 | Mary MCCONCHY | Find the father |
Mary MCCONKIE | 14 March 1866 | Mary MCCONKIE | Find the father |
William MCCORMICK | 27 January 1867 | Margaret Jane MCCORMICK | Find the father |
Alexander MCCOSH | 24 August 1859 | Mary MCCOSH | Father found |
Thomas MCCUTCHEN | 22 August 1860 | Ann MCCUTCHEN | Find the father |
Janet Alexander MCDONALD | 10 March 1867 | Mary MCDONALD | Find the father |
Agnes MCFARLANE | 18 June 1871 | Isabella MCFARLANE | Find the father |
Robert MCFARLANE | 16 May 1861 | Jane MCFARLANE | Find the father |
James MCGINN | 12 September 1863 | Elizabeth MCGINN | Find the father |
Edward Stirling MCGINNES | 29 June 1874 | Elisabeth MCGINNES | Find the father |
Jane O'Haro MCGINNIS | 2 November 1873 | Margaret MCGINNIS | Find the father |
Mary MCGLADE | 29 September 1858 | Alice MCGLADE | Find the father |
Mary MCGLAUCHLIN | 22 July 1873 | Elisabeth MCGLAUCHLIN | Find the father |
Thomas MCGLONE | 15 March 1869 | Margaret MCGLONE | Find the father |
William MCGUIRE | 27 November 1871 | Mary MCGUIRE | Find the father |
Alexander MCINTYRE | 6 March 1869 | Jeanie MCINTYRE | Find the father |
John MCKENZIE | 11 September 1864 | Janet MCKENZIE | Find the father |
William MCKENZIE | 11 March 1860 | Janet MCKENZIE | Find the father |
William MCKINLAY | 3 June 1866 | Jane MCKINLAY | Find the father |
Elizabeth MCLACHLAN | 25 November 1866 | Mary MCLACHLAN | Find the father |
Mary Ann MCLELLAND | 17 July 1859 | Jenny MCLELLAND | Find the father |
William MCLUSKY | 13 February 1867 | Annie MCLUSKY | Find the father |
Isabella MCMILLAN | 8 September 1865 | Isabella MCMILLAN | Find the father |
Margaret MCMILLAN | 2 September 1869 | Elizabeth MCMILLAN | Find the father |
Neil Mcdonald MCTAGGART | 11 May 1871 | Agnes MCTAGGART | Find the father |
Catherine MEIKLERAVEY | 16 September 1858 | Margaret MEIKLERAVEY | Find the father |
Agness MITCHELL | 12 January 1856 | Mary MITCHELL | Find the father |
Elisabeth Duncan MITCHELL | 21 March 1873 | Elisabeth MITCHELL | Find the father |
Jeanie MOLOY | 29 May 1869 | Mary MOLOY | Find the father |
Marion MORRIS | 12 June 1863 | Mary MORRIS | Find the father |
Sarah MORRISON | 31 August 1868 | Marion MORRISON | Find the father |
Elizabeth Watt MORTON | 29 April 1859 | Mary MORTON | Find the father |
Alexander MURDOCH | 7 September 1865 | Catherine MURDOCH | Find the father |
Ann MURDOCH | 26 January 1867 | Catherine MURDOCH | Find the father |
Helen MURDOCH | 25 November 1863 | Catherine MURDOCH | Find the father |
Agnes Conally MURPHY | 27 April 1872 | Mary MURPHY | Find the father |
Patrick MURPHY | 23 January 1866 | Mary Ann MURPHY | Find the father |
Robert Mccall MURPHY | 28 May 1871 | Ann MURPHY | Find the father |
Agnes ORR | 6 December 1865 | Jean ORR | Find the father |
Janet ORR | 11 September 1855 | Janet ORR | Find the father |
Janet Agnes ORR | 3 March 1860 | Mary ORR | Find the father |
William ORR | 12 June 1866 | Jane ORR | Find the father |
William Stewart ORR | 15 November 1857 | Mary ORR | Find the father |
Mary PATERSON | 2 August 1867 | Agnes PATERSON | Find the father |
Jean PATON | 29 November 1868 | Margaret PATON | Find the father |
Hugh PEEBLES | 17 January 1863 | Elizabeth PEEBLES | Find the father |
Irwin PRENTICE | 16 April 1862 | Mary PRENTICE | Find the father |
Jane PRENTICE | 3 May 1864 | Mary PRENTICE | Find the father |
John PRENTICE | 11 November 1869 | Mary PRENTICE | Find the father |
Margaret PRENTICE | 25 October 1857 | Mary PRENTICE | Find the father |
Noble PRENTICE | 16 April 1862 | Mary PRENTICE | Find the father |
William PRENTICE | 10 April 1858 | Rebecca PRENTICE | Find the father |
Margaret PURDEY | 9 August 1865 | Margaret PURDEY | Find the father |
Jeanie RAINEY | 8 December 1857 | Helen RAINEY | Find the father |
William RANKINE | 2 November 1861 | Ann RANKINE | Find the father |
Andrew REID | 23 November 1864 | Elizabeth REID | Find the father |
James Beggs REID | 18 August 1869 | Margaret REID | Find the father |
Jane REID | 22 July 1857 | Jane REID | Find the father |
Jane REID | 25 August 1861 | Jane REID | Find the father |
Robert Brown REID | 26 January 1870 | Ann REID | Find the father |
William ROBERTSON | 15 May 1868 | Mary Ann ROBERTSON | Find the father |
Robert ROBINSON | 13 August 1861 | Agnes ROBINSON | Find the father |
Allan RUSSELL | 19 October 1864 | Agnes RUSSELL | Find the father |
Edward SCOTT | 26 December 1873 | Margaret SCOTT | Find the father |
Margaret SCOTT | 2 April 1872 | Margaret SCOTT | Find the father |
Ellen SHAW | 10 April 1874 | Jane SHAW | Find the father |
Mathew SHAW | 4 October 1871 | Jeanie SHAW | Find the father |
James SHEDDEN | 26 July 1860 | Janet SHEDDEN | Find the father |
John SHEDDEN | 29 May 1864 | Janet SHEDDEN | Find the father |
William SHEDDEN | 6 February 1865 | Janet SHEDDEN | Find the father |
William King SLOAN | 20 April 1874 | Mary Anderson SLOAN | Find the father |
Andrew SMITH | 5 November 1869 | Mary SMITH | Find the father |
Mary SMITH | 6 January 1862 | Helen SMITH | Find the father |
Mary Ann SMITH | 4 March 1866 | Celena SMITH | Find the father |
Alexander STAFFORD | 8 June 1868 | Sarah STAFFORD | Find the father |
Alexander STEEL | 31 July 1857 | Mary STEEL | Find the father |
Margaret STEEL | 7 March 1868 | Janet Jamieson STEEL | Find the father |
James STEVENSON | 17 December 1862 | Mary STEVENSON | Find the father |
Jean STEVENSON | 19 January 1861 | Jean STEVENSON | Find the father |
Andrew STEWART | 9 November 1871 | Christina STEWART | Find the father |
John STRUTHERS | 17 March 1858 | Eliza STRUTHERS | Find the father |
Robert TEARNEY | 27 September 1873 | Agnes TEARNEY | Find the father |
Alexander THOMSON | 12 March 1865 | Mary THOMSON | Find the father |
Mary Wilson THOMSON | 8 November 1873 | Helen THOMSON | Find the father |
Mary TIERNEY | 1 February 1870 | Helen TIERNEY | Find the father |
William TIERNEY | 7 October 1871 | Agnes TIERNEY | Find the father |
Elizabeth TOSH | 7 July 1857 | Margaret TOSH | Find the father |
John TYRE | 26 November 1872 | Agnes TYRE | Find the father |
Isabella WALKER | 7 July 1858 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
James WALKER | 20 July 1868 | Elizabeth WALKER | Find the father |
Mary WALKER | 19 October 1855 | Elisabeth WALKER | Find the father |
William WALKER | 9 May 1863 | Margaret WALKER | Find the father |
Hugh Skillan WALLACE | 29 September 1869 | Margaret WALLACE | Find the father |
David WEST | 10 August 1859 | Jane WEST | Find the father |
Agness WHITEFORD | 5 August 1859 | Margaret WHITEFORD | Find the father |
James WHITEFORD | 7 July 1862 | Mary WHITEFORD | Find the father |
Jane WHITEFORD | 1 August 1858 | Jane WHITEFORD | Find the father |
Janet WHITEFORD | 22 November 1860 | Janet WHITEFORD | Find the father |
John WHITEFORD | 9 May 1874 | Isabella WHITEFORD | Find the father |
Angus WILKIE | 8 November 1871 | Mary WILKIE | Find the father |
John WILKIE | 2 September 1865 | Mary WILKIE | Father found |
Michael WILKIE | 18 July 1867 | Mary WILKIE | Find the father |
Ann WILLIAMSON | 14 July 1873 | Rosy WILLIAMSON | Find the father |
Helen WILLIAMSON | 11 February 1860 | Helen WILLIAMSON | Find the father |
James WILLIAMSON | 18 January 1867 | Agnes WILLIAMSON | Find the father |
Agnes Gardiner WILSON | 3 June 1874 | Rachel WILSON | Find the father |
Jeanie Park WILSON | 4 May 1870 | Margaret WILSON | Find the father |
Margaret WILSON | 28 February 1867 | Margaret WILSON | Father found |
Mary WILSON | 5 March 1858 | Esther WILSON | Find the father |
Mary WILSON | 7 February 1874 | Sarah WILSON | Find the father |
Agnes Knox WRIGHT | 7 March 1872 | Agnes WRIGHT | Find the father |
Jessie Hunter WYLIE | 25 January 1873 | Christina WYLIE | Find the father |
Robert WYLIE | 6 August 1867 | Christina WYLIE | Find the father |
General Register of Lunatics
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
No Roll of Male Heads of Families has yet been found for this parish
Kirk Session Records Index
Name: Jean Barclay
Date: 07/10/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Compeared Jean Barclay who acknowledged that she had brought forth a child in fornication and on being Interrogated Declared that James Holms Smith at Newton had been Guily of fornication with her and the father of the child she had brought forth
At same time compeared James Holms and on being Interrogated Declared Acknowledged that he had been Guilty of fornication with the said Jean Barclay and the father of the Child She had Brought forth after being Exhorted to be sincere in their [sic] Repentance they were Dismissed'
Other names: Jean Barclay; James Holms
Name: Robert Barclay
Date: 07/10/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Occupation: weaver
Address: Newton
Role: alleged father mention
Details: [see Agness Reid same day]
Other names: Agness Ried; Robert Barclay
Name: Robert Barclay
Date: 14/10/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Role: compeared as father
Details: [see Agness Reid same day]
Other names: Agness Ried; Robert Barclay
Name: James Brodie
Date: 25/11/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Brodie professing his Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished was absolved from Scandal'
Other names: James Brodie
Name: Ann Campbell
Date: 05/08/1832
Case type: with child in fornication - illegitimate pregnancy
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'At same time compeared Ann Campbell who confessed she was with child in fornication and on being Interrogated declared that Richard Purcell Taylor had been guilty of fornication with her and the father of th[e] Child with which she was pregnant the Session ordered said Richard purcell to be cited to appear before them next Lords Day and she was cited apud acta to appear at same time.
Other names: Ann Campbell; Richard Purcell
Name: Ann Campbell
Date: 12/08/1832
Case type: with child in fornication - illegitimate pregnancy
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Compeared Ann Campbell who adhered to her former Declaration at same time Compeared Richard Purcell who on being In terrogated acknowledged that he had [been] guilty of fornicationwith said Ann Campbell and after being Exhorted to be sincere in their Repentance they were Dismissed'
Other names: Ann Campbell; Richard Purcell
Name: Malcolm Campbell
Date: 08/07/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'At same time compeared Malcom Campbell and Janet McQeen spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Malcolm Campbell; Janet McQeen
Name: Janet Clerck
Date: 22/07/1832
Case type: Fornication
Role: mention as party
Details: [see James Dunlop same date]
Other names: James Dunlop; Janet Clerck
Name: James Dunlop
Date: 06/05/1832
Case type: fornication; Paternity
Role: compeared as father
Details: 'Compeared James Dunlop who acknowledged that he had been guilty of fornication with Jean Montgomerie and the father of the Child she had brough forth the which he had previously acknowledged in a letter addressed to the Mod[erato]r and Kirk session of Kilbirnie of Date March 15th 1831 and after being suitably Rebuked and Exhorted as to [2 words illegible as ink smudged and overwritten]sincere in his Repentance was Dismissed.'
Other names: James Dunlop; Jean Montgomerie
Name: James Dunlop
Date: 22/07/1832
Case type: Fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Dunlop professing his Repentance for the sin of fornication with Janet Clerck which he had formerly confessed and after being suitably admonished was absolved from scandal'
Other names: James Dunlop; Janet Clerck
Name: James Dunlop
Date: 05/08/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Dunlop and Jean Montgomerie spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: James Dunlop; Jean Montgomery
Name: James Dunlop
Date: 23/09/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Dunlop and Jean Montgomerie spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: James Dunlop; Jean Montgomerie
Name: James Holms
Date: 07/10/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Occupation: smith
Address: Newton
Role: compeared as father
Details: [see Jean Barclay same day]
Other names: Jean Barclay; James Holms
Name: John Law
Date: 02/09/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared John Law and Margaret Walker spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: John Law; Margaret Walker
Name: Matthew Mackie
Date: 08/07/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Matthew Mackie and Elizabeth McIntosh spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Matthew Mackie; Elizabeth Mcintosh
Name: Elizabeth Mcintosh
Date: 08/07/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Matthew Mackie and Elizabeth McIntosh spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Matthew Mackie; Elizabeth Mcintosh
Name: Andrew Mcintyre
Date: 03/06/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Andrew McIntyre and Ann Orr spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Andrew Mcintyre; Ann Orr
Name: Agness Mckay
Date: 29/04/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Hugh Orr and Agness McKay spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Hugh Orr; Agness Mckay
Name: Janet McQeen
Date: 08/07/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'At same time compeared Malcom Campbell and Janet McQeen spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Malcolm Campbell; Janet McQeen
Name: Elizabeth Mcqueen
Date: 26/08/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Elizabeth McQueen professing her Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished was absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Elizabeth Mcqueen
Name: Archibald Mctaggart
Date: 18/03/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Archibald McTaggart and Margaret Reid spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Archibald Mctaggart; Margaret Reid
Name: Jean Montgomerie
Date: 06/05/1832
Case type: fornication; Paternity
Role: mention as mother
Details: [see James Dunlop same date]
Other names: James Dunlop; Jean Montgomerie
Name: Jean Montgomerie
Date: 23/09/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Dunlop and Jean Montgomerie spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: James Dunlop; Jean Montgomerie
Name: Jean Montgomery
Date: 05/08/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Dunlop and Jean Montgomerie spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: James Dunlop; Jean Montgomery
Name: Ann Orr
Date: 03/06/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Andrew McIntyre and Ann Orr spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Andrew Mcintyre; Ann Orr
Name: Hugh Orr
Date: 29/04/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Hugh Orr and Agness McKay spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Hugh Orr; Agness Mckay
Name: Richard Purcell
Date: 05/08/1832
Case type: with child in fornication - illegitimate pregnancy
Occupation: taylor
Role: alleged father mention
Details: [see Ann Campbell same day]
Other names: Ann Campbell; Richard Purcell
Name: Richard Purcell
Date: 12/08/1832
Case type: with child in fornication - illegitimate pregnancy
Role: Accused as father compeared
Details: [see Ann Campbell same day]
Other names: Ann Campbell; Richard Purcell
Name: Margaret Reid
Date: 18/03/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Archibald McTaggart and Margaret Reid spouses professing their [sic] repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: Archibald Mctaggart; Margaret Reid
Name: Agness Ried
Date: 07/10/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'At same time compeared Agnes Ried who acknowledged that she had brought forthTwin Children in fornication and on being Interrogated Declared that Robert Barclay Weaver in Newton had been guilty with her and the father of the Children she had brought forth the Session ordered said Robert Barclay to be cited to appear before them next Lords Day and Agness Reid was cited apud acta to appear at same time'
Other names: Agness Ried; Robert Barclay
Name: Agness Ried
Date: 14/10/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Compeared Agness Reid who adhered to her former Declaration
At same time Compeared Robert Barclay and on being Interrogated Acknowledged that he had been guilty of fornication with said Agness Ried and the father of the Children she had brought forth who after being exhorted to be sincere in thie [sic] repentance were dismissed'
Other names: Agness Ried; Robert Barclay
Name: Margaret Walker
Date: 02/09/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared John Law and Margaret Walker spouses professing their [sic] Repentance for the sin of antenuptial fornication and after being suitably admonished were absolved from Scandal'
Other names: John Law; Margaret Walker