Glasgow St. John's records
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Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
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Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Reference | Title | Dates | Buy |
CH2/176/1 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Minutes | 1819-1836 | Request lookup |
CH2/176/2 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Minutes | 1848-1862 | Request lookup |
CH2/176/3 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Minutes | 1862-1876 | Request lookup |
CH2/176/4 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Minutes | 1876-1898 | Request lookup |
CH2/176/5 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Managers' minutes Managers' minutes 1822-1825, 1829-1833, 1836, 1840 | 1822-1840 | Request lookup |
CH2/176/6 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Minutes | 1898-1938 | Request lookup |
CH2/176/7 | Glasgow, St. John's Kirk Session - Baptismal register | 1897-1963 | Request lookup |
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
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Sheriff Court paternity decrees
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School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
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General Register of Lunatics
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
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Kirk Session Records Index
Family of Mr Wilson [deceased]
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Registration
Occupation: moderator
Role: Mention
Details: [See the entry for The Children of James Young on this date]
Other names: Children of James Young; Dr Wilson
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Committee: to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital re Medical Relief to the Poor
Details: The Committee appointed at the last meeting to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital not having given in any report the Committee was continued '
Other names:
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: collection
Occupation: Treasurer to the Royal Infirmary
Role: Mention
Details: 'The session agreed that £40 of the Collection made at Church & Chapel should be paid to the Treasurer of the Royal Infirmary-'
Other names: The Royal Infirmary
Name: The Royal Infirmary
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: collection
Role: Mention
Other names: The Royal Infirmary
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: no report
Details: 'The Committee appointed to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital not having given in any report the Committee was Continued'
Other names:
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Fabric of Church
Details: 'The Session having taken into consideration the state of the Interior of the Church - particularly the Pulpit and Window blinds - appointed an application to be made to the Town council requesting that the necessary repairs might be made - & that the walls of the church might also be whitewashed .-'
Other names:
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Examination of Schools
Details: 'The Session agreed that the Examination of the parish Schools should take place during the month - and left it to the moderator to make the necessary arrangements for the Examination - '
Other names:
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Collection, Cholera, Poor Fund
Details: 'The Session having taken into serious consideration, the great additional burden which had been imposed upon their funds by the numerous cases of Pauperism because of the present severe Epidemic [cholera] and of Children whose parents had been cut of by the desease [sic] - and considering also that the funds had been considerably affected by the Church having been shut for several weeks while undergoing some necessary repairs - unanimously agreed, that an extraordinary collection in aid of the funds, should be made on Sabbath 16th Current, - the necessary intimation being to be given on the Sabbath preceeding.'
Other names:
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: door keepers
Details: The Session agreed to allow two of the door keepers 1/. Each for each of the Prayer Meetings lately held in the Church in respect of the additional trouble thereby occasional to them'
Other names:
Name: Robert son of Widow Liddell
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Indenture
Role: recipient
Details: 'The Clerk was instructed to provide an Indenture for Widow Liddells son Robert.'
Other names: Widow Liddell; Robert son of Widow Liddell
Name: Mary Aitken
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: McFarlane Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Allan
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: James Barclay
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Occupation: cotton spinner
Address: Mill Road Street
Role: alleged father mention
Details: [see the entry for Catherine Ross on this date]
Other names: Catherine Ross; James Barclay
Name: James Barclay
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Role: alleged father compeared not
Details: [see the entry for Catherine Ross on this date]
Other names: Catherine Ross; James Barclay
Name: James Barclay
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Paternity
Role: Father mention
Other names: Catherine Ross; James Barclay
Name: Mr Black
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator PT
Name: Mr Black
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator PT
Name: James Blackie
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Parish Indenture
Role: mention as relative
Details: 'The Clerk was instructed to provide a Parish Indenture for John Blackie son of James Blackie'
Other names: John Blackie; James Blackie
Name: John Blackie
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Parish Indenture
Role: recipient
Details: 'The Clerk was instructed to provide a Parish Indenture for John Blackie son of James Blackie'
Other names: John Blackie; James Blackie
Name: James Blair
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage, Fornication
Occupation: weaver
Role: Compeared
Other parish: Gorbals, Kirk Session of
Details: Compeared James Blair Weaver presently residing in this Parish craving to be permitted to acknowledge an irregular marriage and to be taken upon discipline - He produced an Extract from the Minutes of the Session of Gorbals absolving him from the Scandal of Fornication with Janet Nairn residing at Port Eglington[.] But as it was admitted by James Blair that objections had been stated by Janet Nairn to his proclamation of Banns & that it was in consequence of these objections that he had been irregularly married the Session before farther procedure appointed Janet Nairn to be cited to the next ordinary meeting to which James Blair was summoned apud acta '
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: James Blair
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared James Blair summoned apud acta to attend this meeting of Session but Janet Nairn tho' summoned as was duly verified by the officer failed to attend - the case was therefore continued till next meeting (meeting) [sic] to which James Blair was cited apud acta. & Janet Nairn was appointed to be summoned pro 2ndo'
Other names: William Lorrimer; Mr Campbell Naismith; James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: James Blair
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Blair cited apud acta to attend this meeting of Session - but Janet Nairn tho' duly summoned for the second time as was verified by the officer failed to appear - The case was therefore continued till next meeting to which James Blair was cited apud acta - & Janet Nairn was appointed to be summoned for the third & last time'
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: James Blair
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared James Blair summoned to attend this meeting of Session - but Janet Nairn tho' duly summoned for the third time as verified by the Officer failed to appear - The Session now held her as confessed & agreed to permit James Blair to acknowledge his irregular marriage & to be taken upon discipline as craved by him at the Meeting of Session in August last - Whereupon the said James Blair & Elisabeth Miller his wife who likewise appeared acknowledged that they had been irregularly married in July 1831 & that they had since been living & cohabiting together as Husband & Wife their Judicial Adherence to one another as Husband & Wife was thereafter given. & Messrs Wilson & Frazer was [sic] named a Committee to converse with them and to report to next ordinary meeting of Session to which they were cited apud acta'
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn; Elisabeth Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: James Blair
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Blair & Elizabeth Miller both summoned to attend this meeting of Session & the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them having been favourable the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which he accordingly did '
Other names: James Blair; Elizabeth Miller
Name: Jane Brebner
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 89 Gallowgate
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Mr Brown
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for George McNab on this date]
Other names: George McNab; Elizabeth Paul; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: Mr Brown
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for William Rewcastle on this date]
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Mr Brown
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Mr Brown
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Mr Brown
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Role: Absent from session
Details: [see the entry for Mr McGregor of this date]
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Mr Brown
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Name: Dr Brown
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator
Details: [note not full sederunt listed in minutes as '&c &c'
Name: Mr J Brown
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Joseph Brown
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Joseph Brown
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Joseph Brown
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Lords Supper
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to officiate
Details: 'The Session agreed that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper should be dispensed on the last Sabbath of this month and Messrs John Wilson [,] Rainy, Joseph Brown [,] Fraser & Allan Buchanan were requested to officiate as Elders on that occasion'
Other names: Mr John Wilson; Mr Rainy; Mr Joseph Brown; Mr Fraser; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Mr Joseph Brown
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Margaret Brown
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: St Vincent Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Robert Brown
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: presbytery & synod elder
Role: appointed
Other parish: Presbytery of Glasgow, Synod of Glasgow & Ayr
Details: 'The Session made choice of Mr Robert Brown. One of their number to represent them in the Presbytery of Glasgow for the Current half Year - and to attend in their behalf the next meeting of the Synod of Glasgow & Ayr.'
Name: Dr Bryce
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Session Business
Occupation: District Surgeon, Town Hospital
Role: Mention
Details: [See the entry for Mr Paul on this date]
Other names: Mr Paul; Dr Bryce; Mr Buchanan; Mr Playfair
Name: Dr Bryce
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Mention
Details: 'The Committee appointed to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital reported that they had had a meeting with the Directors along with Dr Bryce - that he had expressed his sorrow at what had taken place & had promised that no case of the kind would occur in future'
Other names: Dr Bryce
Name: Mr Buchanan
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Session Business
Occupation: elder
Role: Committee: to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital re Medical Relief to the Poor
Details: [See the entry for Mr Paul on this date]
Other names: Mr Paul; Dr Bryce; Mr Buchanan; Mr Playfair
Name: Mr Buchanan
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Buchanan
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr A Buchanan
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr A Buchanan
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr A Buchanan
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr A Buchanan
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr A Buchanan
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Allan Buchanan
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Lords Supper
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to officiate
Details: 'The Session agreed that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper should be dispensed on the last Sabbath of this month and Messrs John Wilson [,] Rainy, Joseph Brown [,] Fraser & Allan Buchanan were requested to officiate as Elders on that occasion'
Other names: Mr John Wilson; Mr Rainy; Mr Joseph Brown; Mr Fraser; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Mr Allan Buchanan
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to committee
Details: [see the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Mr Allan Buchanan
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Fornication
Occupation: elder
Role: reported to session
Details: [See the entry for Elisabeth Tennent on this date]
Other names: Elisabeth Tennent; James Lillie; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr W Buchanan
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Dr Chalmers
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Role: To preach
Details: 'Mr Paul having stated that Dr Chalmers would probably be able to preach in aid of the funds of the Chapel so soon as the Church be e-opened - the Session agreed that he should do so in terms of their resolution of the 3rd October last on such day as the Moderator & Dr. Chalmers should arrange.'
Name: Dr Chalmers
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Role: To preach
Details: 'Mr Paul stated that Dr Chalmers had agreed to preach in aid of the funds of the Chapel on Sabbath the 14th Current - & the necessary intimation was accordingly appointed to be given on Sabbath first.'
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for James White on this date]
Other names: James White; Helen Murray; Mr Paul; Mr Collins; Mr Thomson
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Collins
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Martha Craig
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Registration of his childrens' Births
Role: child mention
Details: b. 28 June 1823 [see entry for her father Samuel Craig of 7th May 1832]
Other names: Samuel Craig; William Craig; Sarah Craig; Mary Craig; Martha Craig; Samuel Craig
Name: Mary Craig
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Registration of his childrens' Births
Role: child mention
Details: b. 11 May 1821 [see entry for her father Samuel Craig of 7th May 1832]
Other names: Samuel Craig; William Craig; Sarah Craig; Mary Craig; Martha Craig; Samuel Craig
Name: Samuel Craig
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Registration of his childrens' Births
Role: child mention
Details: b. 28 April 1828 [see entry for his father Samuel Craig of 7th May 1832]
Other names: Samuel Craig; William Craig; Sarah Craig; Mary Craig; Martha Craig; Samuel Craig
Name: Samuel Craig
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Registration of his childrens' Births
Role: Father mention
Details: 'The Session Authorised the Clerk to register the birth of the following Children of Samuel Craig, the same having been omitted at the time vizt.
William born 24th May 1816
Sarah [born] 3rd January 1819
Mary [born] 11 May 1821
Martha [born] 28th June 1823
Samuel [born] 28th April 1828]
Other names: Samuel Craig; William Craig; Sarah Craig; Mary Craig; Martha Craig; Samuel Craig
Name: Sarah Craig
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Registration of his childrens' Births
Role: child mention
Details: b. 3 January 1819 [see entry for her father Samuel Craig of 7th May 1832]
Other names: Samuel Craig; William Craig; Sarah Craig; Mary Craig; Martha Craig; Samuel Craig
Name: William Craig
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Registration of his childrens' Births
Role: child mention
Details: b. 24 May 1816 [see entry for his father Samuel Craig of 7th May 1832]
Other names: Samuel Craig; William Craig; Sarah Craig; Mary Craig; Martha Craig; Samuel Craig
Name: Margt Cross
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Greenhill Place
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mrs Chas Cunningham
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 324 Gallowgate
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Elizabeth Donald
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Macfarlane Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: William Ewing
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 25 Taylor Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Falconer
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Patrick Falconer
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Presbytery and Synod elder
Role: Sederunt, chosen Presbytery and Synod elder
Other parish: Presbytery of Glasgow, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr
Details: 'The Session made choice of Mr Patrick Falconer one of their number to represent them in the Presbytery of Glasgow for the Current half Year - and to attend in their behalf the next meeting of the Synod Of Glasgow & Ayr'
Name: Mrs J Farrie
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 30 Menteith Row
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mr Fraser
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Lords Supper
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to officiate
Details: 'The Session agreed that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper should be dispensed on the last Sabbath of this month and Messrs John Wilson [,] Rainy, Joseph Brown [,] Fraser & Allan Buchanan were requested to officiate as Elders on that occasion'
Other names: Mr John Wilson; Mr Rainy; Mr Joseph Brown; Mr Fraser; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Mr Fraser
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date]
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [See entry for James Blair of this date]
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn; Elisabeth Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Frazer
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr James Frazer
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: clothier
Address: Glasgow
Role: eldership nominee
Details: [see the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Mr James Frazer
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Role: eldership nominee
Details: [see the entry for Jno Somerville on this date]
Name: Mr Geddes
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Role: moderator PT
Details: [note not full sederunt listed in minutes as '&c &c'
Name: Anne Glen
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: mention as mother
Other parish: Airth, Kirk Session of
Details: 'There was laid before the Session the following Extract
'' At Airth the 11th November 1832 which day the Session of Airth being met & constituted Sederunt the Minister & Elders
Compeared Anne Glen daughter of William Glen, labourer in Airth, who according to report had lately given birth to an illegitimate child. Being interrogated by the Moderator if the report was true, she replied in the affirmative. Being further interrogated who was the Father of her Child and where it was begot. She replied that Robert Welsh a ~Printer residing in the Parish of St. John Glasgow was the Father of it. And that it was begotten there, she also stated that the said Robert Welsh was a hearer in a Chapel in the said Parish of which Mr Sommerville is minister. Whereupon the Session ordered the Clerk to send a Copy of the declaration of the said Anne Glen to the Minister and Moderator of the Parish of St. Johns Glasgow in order that the same may be laid before the Kirk Session of that Parish with all convenient speed Extracted by Jas. McCulloch Clk.''
the extract having been read the Session appointed Robert Welsh to be summoned to attend their next meeting to answer to the accusation brought against him'
Other names: Anne Glen; William Glen; Robert Welsh; Jas Mcculloch
Name: William Glen
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Occupation: labourer
Address: Airth
Role: mention as relative
Details: father of Ann Glen [See entry for Anne Glen of this date]
Other names: Anne Glen; William Glen; Robert Welsh; Jas Mcculloch
Name: Elizabeth Gourlay
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Official
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [See the entry for Isabella McLellan on this date]
Other names: Isabella Mclellan; Benjamin Hepburn; Mr Orr; Mr Graham
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Graham
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: John Gray
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Occupation: weaver
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared John Gray Weaver acknowledged that he had been guilty Antenuptial fornication with Mary Ann McCluckie his wife - The Session agreed to take them upon discipline and appointed Messrs. Wilson & Frazer a Committee to converse with them and report to next meeting'
Other names: John Gray; Mary Ann McCluckie
Name: Margaret Gray
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 7 Moore Close
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Robert Halket
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Occupation: brickmaker
Role: witness, declarent
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date], McDonald and Halket work for McCreadie
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Janet Hamilton
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared James Wilson Timber Mercht. & Janet Hamilton his wife acknowledging that they had been guilty of antenuptial fornication - A certificate of regular marriage having been produced - the Session agreed to receive the parties on discipline and appointed Messrs. John Wilson & Thomson a committee to converse with them and to report to next meeting to which they were cited apud acta.'
Other names: James Wilson; Janet Hamilton; Mr John Wilson; Mr Thomson
Name: Janet Hamilton
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Wilson & Janet Hamilton his wife cited to attend this meeting of Session - and the report of the x [remaining text for this case is entered in margin] 'x Comm: appointed to converse with them being favourable the Mod. Was aut[orise]d to admonish 7 absolve them from the Scandal.'
Other names: James Wilson; Janet Hamilton
Name: George Harrower
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 16 London Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Benjamin Hepburn
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Fornication
Address: Drymen, Parish Of
Role: mention as party
Details: [See the entry for Isabella McLellan on this date]
Other names: Isabella Mclellan; Benjamin Hepburn; Mr Orr; Mr Graham
Name: Andrew Hislop
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 112 Rottenrow
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Hollands
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: alleged father mention
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date]
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; William Yuille; Hollands
Name: James Hollands
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Mention
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James Hollands
Name: James Hollands
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Case
Role: mention as party
Details: 'It having been stated that James Hollands was now working at Grays Mill near Port Eglington - the Clerk was instructed to get him summoned to next meeting of Session.'
Other names: James Hollands
Name: James Hollands
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Case
Role: compeared not mention
Details: 'Elizabeth Paton having also failed to attend & the Clerk having stated that James Hollands could not be found, the case was also continued '
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James Hollands
Name: James Hollands
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: alleged father mention
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date]
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr Kettle
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: deacon
Role: appointed to committee
Details: [see the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Widow Liddell
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Indenture
Role: mention as relative
Details: 'The Clerk was instructed to provide an Indenture for Widow Liddells son Robert.'
Other names: Widow Liddell; Robert son of Widow Liddell
Name: Janet Liddell
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 5 Russell Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: James Lillie
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Fornication
Occupation: weaver
Address: Unknown
Role: mention as party
Other parish: Bridgeton
Details: [See the entry for Elisabeth Tennent on this date]
Other names: Elisabeth Tennent; James Lillie; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: William Lorrimer
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Indenture
Role: recipient
Details: 'The Session authorised a Parish Indenture to be granted to William Lorrimer, at the recommendation of Mr Campbell Naismith one of the Deacons.'
Other names: William Lorrimer; Mr Campbell Naismith; James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: Basil Lyon
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Camlachie
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mary Ann McCluckie
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared John Gray Weaver acknowledged that he had been guilty Antenuptial fornication with Mary Ann McCluckie his wife - The Session agreed to take them upon discipline and appointed Messrs. Wilson & Frazer a Committee to converse with them and report to next meeting'
Other names: John Gray; Mary Ann McCluckie
Name: Jas Mcculloch
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Occupation: session clerk
Role: interparish correspondence
Other parish: Airth, Kirk Session of
Details: [See entry for Anne Glen of this date]
Other names: Anne Glen; William Glen; Robert Welsh; Jas Mcculloch
Name: James McDonald
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Occupation: Brick burner
Role: witness, declarent
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date], works for McCreadie
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr McGregor
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: letter of resignation as elder
Details: A letter from Mr McGregor of the following tenor was laid before the Session :
''The Revd Dr Brown Abercrombie Place Lane Montrose Street
Revd & Dear Sir
I regret to be obliged to resign my Office of Elder in the Parish of Saint John in consequence of my inability to give proper attention to the duties which it imposes upon me. I find that I have occasion to be absent from Glasgow four or six months in the course of the Year and that even when I am at home it will be inconvenient for me to attend the Church
Believe me to be with much regard Revd & Dear Sir Yours very truly A. McGregor ''
The Session having considered the Letter above engrossed - allowed the same to lye on the table till next Meeting '
Name: Mr McGregor
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: letter of resignation as elder, continued consideration
Details: 'Consideration of the resignation of Mr McGregor was in respect of the absence of Dr. Brown continued till next meeting.'
Name: Mr McGregor
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: resignation mention
Details: 'Consideration of the resignation tendered by Mr McGregor was again delayed till a future meeting.'
Name: Mr McGregor
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: resignation mention
Details: 'Consideration of the resignation tendered by Mr McGregor was again delayed till a future meeting of Session'
Name: Mr McGregor
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: resignation mention
Details: 'Consideration of the resignation tendered by Mr McGregor was delayed till a future meeting of Session'
Name: Mrs Mcgregor
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: High Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Mcgregor
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Role: resignation mention
Details: '...consideration of the resignation by Mr McGregor was also continued'
Name: Isabella Mclellan
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Fornication
Role: Compeared
Other parish: Drymen, Parish of
Details: 'Compeared Isabella McLellan who produced a remit from the Parish of Drymen authorizing her to be taken on discipline for the Crime of fornication with Benjamin Hepburn residing in the parish of Drymen - The Session agreed to take her on discipline accordingly & named Mr Orr & Mr Graham a Committee to converse with her and report to next meeting.'
Other names: Isabella Mclellan; Benjamin Hepburn; Mr Orr; Mr Graham
Name: Isabella Mclellan
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Case
Role: compeared not mention
Details: 'Isabella McLellan having failed to attend the Case was Continued'
Other names: Isabella Mclellan
Name: Isabella Mclellan
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Isabella McLellan whose case was continued from the Meeting of Session held on the 6th of last Month and the report of the committee appointed to converse with her having been favourable, the Session, Authorised the Moderator to admonish her and to absolve her from the Scandal which he accordingly did.'
Other names: Isabella Mclellan
Name: Joseph McLeod
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Indenture
Role: recipient
Details: 'The Session Authorised a Parish Indenture to be given to Joseph McLeod'
Other names: Joseph McLeod
Name: George McNab
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Occupation: brass founder
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared George McNab Brassfounder & Elizabeth Paul acknowledging that they had been guilty of Antenuptial fornication - A certificate of regular Marriage having been produced the Session agreed to take parties on discipline and appointed Mr Wilson & Mr Brown a Committee to Converse with them & to report to next meeting to which they were summoned apud acta'
Other names: George McNab; Elizabeth Paul; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: George McNab
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared George McNab and Elisabeth Paul summoned to attend this Meeting - and the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them being favourable - the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which was accordingly done'
Other names: George McNab; Elisabeth Paul
Name: Daniel Mcneill
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Park Place
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Mcreadie
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: mention as employer
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date], McDonald and Halket work for McCreadie
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr McVey
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: deacon
Role: appointed to committee
Details: [see the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Alexander Miller
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 23 Tarbet Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Elisabeth Miller
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Role: appeared
Details: wife of James Blair [See entry for James Blair of this date]
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn; Elisabeth Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Elizabeth Miller
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Blair & Elizabeth Miller both summoned to attend this meeting of Session & the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them having been favourable the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which he accordingly did '
Other names: James Blair; Elizabeth Miller
Name: Janet Miller
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Duke Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Margaret Miller
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Address: Glasgow
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared William Rewcastle Potter at Campbeltown residing in Glasgow and Margaret Miller residing there acknowledged that they had been irregularly married in December 1830 & since been living and Cohabiting together as Husband & Wife - The Session being satisfied from the evidence laid before them of the truth of this statement the judicial adherence of these parties to one another as Husband & Wife was given before farther procedure - Messrs Wilson & Brown were named a Committee to meet with them & report to next Meeting of Session to which the parties were summoned apud acta -'
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: Margaret Miller
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: [see the entry for William Rewcastle on this day]
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller
Name: Margaret Miller
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared William Rewcastle and Margaret Miller who[se] case was continued from last meeting of Session and the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them being now favourable the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which he accordingly did'
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Foundling Children
Role: no report
Details: 'There being no report from Mr Montgomerie as to Foundling Children his appointment was continued.
Other names: Mr Montgomerie
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Visitor of the Foundling Children
Role: continued
Details: 'The Session Continued Mr Montgomerie Visitor of the Foundling Children for the Current Month'
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Visitor of the Foundling Children
Role: continued
Details: 'The Session Continued Mr Montgomerie Visitor of the Foundling Children for the Current Month'
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Montgomerie
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Montgomery
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Foundling Children
Other names: Mr Wilson; Mr Montgomery
Name: Mr Montgomery
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Helen Murray
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Address: Glasgow
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared James White wright in Glasgow, & Helen Murray residing there acknowledging that they had been guilty of Ante Nuptial Fornication - The Session agreed to receive these parties upon discipline & appointed Messrs Paul Collins & Thomason a Committee to Converse with them & report to a pro re nata meeting of session to be held Thursday 1st Novr. after divine Service'
Other names: James White; Helen Murray; Mr Paul; Mr Collins; Mr Thomson
Name: Helen Murray
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Whyte & Helen Murray both summoned to attend this meeting of Session and the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them having been favourable the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which he Accordingly did'
Other names: James Whyte; Helen Murray
Name: James Murray
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Aiton Court
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Janet Nairn
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Fornication
Address: Port Eglington
Role: mention as party
Other parish: Gorbals, Kirk Session of
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: Janet Nairn
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Case
Role: failed to attend
Details: [see the entry for James Blair on this date]
Other names: William Lorrimer; Mr Campbell Naismith; James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: Janet Nairn
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Case
Role: failed to appear
Details: [see the entry for James Blair on this date]
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: Janet Nairn
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Fornication
Role: failed to appear
Details: [See entry for James Blair of this date]
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn; Elisabeth Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr Campbell Naismith
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Indenture
Occupation: deacon
Role: recommender
Details: 'The Session authorised a Parish Indenture to be granted to William Lorrimer, at the recommendation of Mr Campbell Naismith one of the Deacons.'
Other names: William Lorrimer; Mr Campbell Naismith; James Blair; Janet Nairn
Name: Mr Ord
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Jane Ord
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: St Clyde Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mary Ord
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: St Clyde Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mr Orr
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [See the entry for Isabella McLellan on this date]
Other names: Isabella Mclellan; Benjamin Hepburn; Mr Orr; Mr Graham
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Elizabeth Paton summoned to attended this Meeting of Session; But the Officer having reported that he could not find out the residence of James Hollands the case was continued till the residence of the aforementioned could be ascertained & Hollands duly cited'
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James Hollands
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Case
Role: compeared not mention
Details: 'Elizabeth Paton having also failed to attend & the Clerk having stated that James Hollands could not be found, the case was also continued '
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James Hollands
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: failed to attend
Details: 'Elizabeth Paton having again failed to attend the case was allowed to drop.'
Other names: Elizabeth Paton
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: Compeared Elizabeth Paton whose case was allowed to drop at last meeting of Session - appeared also William Yuille, - who declared that he called for Hollands to request him to provide for the child - that Hollands said he would give a little for the maintenance of it - and that the Declarent believes that Hollands has paid several small sums on that account . -
The Session appointed Elizabeth Paton to attend next meeting of Session and bring forward what farther evidence she could adduce in support of her accusation'
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; William Yuille; Hollands
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: Compeared Elizabeth Paton who adduced the following additional witnesses Vizt. James McDonald Brick burner with Mr McCreadie who Declares that he knows Hollands who has stated to him several times both before and since the Child in question was born that the Child was his - that Holland's on one occasion in presence of the Declarent took the child into his arms and acknowledged the Child to be his -
Robert Halket Brick- maker with Mr McCreadie Declared that he knows James Hollands, who at one time wrought with Mr McCreadie - that on one occasion the Declarent asked Hollands why he would not give Elisabeth Paton a line to get the child baptised to which he Hollands answered that he intended to get it done himself - that he does not know whether Hollands paid any money to account of the ailment of the child but from his conversations with Hollands the Declarent has no doubt he is the Father.
The Session now declared themselves satisfied and agreed to take Elisabeth Paton on discipline and appointed Messrs. James Wilson & Frazer a Committee to converse with her and report to next meeting to which she was summoned apud acta'
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Case
Role: failed to attend
Details: 'The committee appointed to converse with Elizabeth Paton reported favourably of her case. But she having failed to attend the Session - the Case was continued till next Meeting'
Other names: Elizabeth Paton
Name: Elizabeth Paton
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Elizabeth Paton whose case was continued from last meeting of Session - and the Moderator was authorised to admonish and absolve her from the Scandal which he accordingly did'
Other names: Elizabeth Paton
Name: Joseph Patrick
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Main Street, Gorbals
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Session Business
Occupation: elder
Role: Committee: to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital re Medical Relief to the Poor
Details: 'Mr Paul stated to the Session that having lately had occasion to recommend a Poor person residing in his proportion to the District Surgeon for Medical Assistance and advice - Dr. Bryce (the district Surgeon had refused to attend to the case on the grounds that the patient did not appear to him to be a pauper, and that it had been distinctly stated to him by the Managers of the Town Hospital at his appointment - that as Elders might be imposed on by applications for gratuitous medical relief - the surgeons were at liberty to exercise their judgement on the propriety of their bestowing their services - that this refusal of Dr Bryce and the grounds of it were of direct opposition to the printed instructions issued to the District surgeons by the Directors of the Town Hospital - that such refusals were calculated to affect the usefulness of the Elders among their Poor - and that at all times and more especially at such an alarming time as present - it was indispensably necessary that the parish, should be upplied with efficient District Surgeons willing without questioning the order to attend to the recommendations of the Elders -
This statement having been considered - the Session unanimously recommend to the directors of The Hospital to adopt such measures as might prevent the recurrence of such interference and ensure the due Discharge of the duties of the District Surgeons - And Messrs Paul [,] Buchanan & Playfair were named a Committee to wait on the Directors of the Hospital withan extract of this Minute -'
Other names: Mr Paul; Dr Bryce; Mr Buchanan; Mr Playfair
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Details: [see also the entry for Dr Chalmers of this date]
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: moved, appointed to committee
Details: [See the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Role: reported to session
Details: 'Mr Paul stated that Dr Chalmers had agreed to preach in aid of the funds of the Chapel on Sabbath the 14th Current - & the necessary intimation was accordingly appointed to be given on Sabbath first.'
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Treasure of the Chapel
Role: paid
Details: 'The Session agreed that £53 should be paid over to Mr Paul as Treasurer of the Chapel out of the Collection made on Sabbath 14th Current when Dr Chalmers preached in aid of the funds of the Chapel - & that 12/ should be paid to the keeper of the door at the College Grounds for his attendance at the Gate during the prayer Meetings in the Church out of the Collection made on these occasions'
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for James White on this date]
Other names: James White; Helen Murray; Mr Paul; Mr Collins; Mr Thomson
Name: Mr Paul
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Elisabeth Paul
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: [see the entry for George McNab on this date]
Other names: George McNab; Elisabeth Paul
Name: Elizabeth Paul
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared George McNab Brassfounder & Elizabeth Paul acknowledging that they had been guilty of Antenuptial fornication - A certificate of regular Marriage having been produced the Session agreed to take parties on discipline and appointed Mr Wilson & Mr Brown a Committee to Converse with them & to report to next meeting to which they were summoned apud acta'
Other names: George McNab; Elizabeth Paul; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Session Business
Occupation: elder
Role: Committee: to wait on the Directors of the Town Hospital re Medical Relief to the Poor
Details: [See the entry for Mr Paul on this date]
Other names: Mr Paul; Dr Bryce; Mr Buchanan; Mr Playfair
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Playfair
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Rainey
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Rainy
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Rainy
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Rainy
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Lords Supper
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to officiate
Details: 'The Session agreed that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper should be dispensed on the last Sabbath of this month and Messrs John Wilson [,] Rainy, Joseph Brown [,] Fraser & Allan Buchanan were requested to officiate as Elders on that occasion'
Other names: Mr John Wilson; Mr Rainy; Mr Joseph Brown; Mr Fraser; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Mr Rainy
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Harry Rainy
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Elder appointed Governor
Role: appointed
Details: 'The Session appointed Mr. Harry Rainy a Governor of Millers Charity for the Current Year'
Name: Janet Reay
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Woodside Crescent
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Isabella Reid
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 22 St. Frederick Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Jean Reid
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 22 St. Frederick Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: William Rewcastle
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Occupation: Potter at Campbeltown
Address: Glasgow
Role: Compeared
Other parish: Campbeltown [workplace]
Details: Compeared William Rewcastle Potter at Campbeltown residing in Glasgow and Margaret Miller residing there acknowledged that they had been irregularly married in December 1830 & since been living and Cohabiting together as Husband & Wife - The Session being satisfied from the evidence laid before them of the truth of this statement the judicial adherence of these parties to one another as Husband & Wife was given before farther procedure - Messrs Wilson & Brown were named a Committee to meet with them & report to next Meeting of Session to which the parties were summoned apud acta -'
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: William Rewcastle
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared William Rewcastle and Margaret Miller his wife summoned apud acta to attend this meeting of Session - but the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them not being favourable - the committee was continued - and the parties were appointed to attend the next ordinary meeting '
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller
Name: William Rewcastle
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Baptism of his child in an irregular manner
Role: Mention
Details: The Committee appointed to Converse with William Rewcastle & his wife reported that they had had several meetings with these parties - but that from the carelessness and indifference which they appeared to shew as to religion they could not yet recommend to the Session to admit William Rewcastle to stand Sponsor for his Child in Baptism -
The Session having considered the report of the Committee the Committee was continued and requested to converse still farther with the Parties.-'
Other names: William Rewcastle; wife of William Rewcastle
Name: wife of William Rewcastle
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Baptism of his child in an irregular manner
Role: Mention
Details: [See the entry for William Rewcastle on this date]
Other names: William Rewcastle; wife of William Rewcastle
Name: William Rewcastle
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared William Rewcastle and Margaret Miller who[se] case was continued from last meeting of Session and the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them being now favourable the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which he accordingly did'
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller
Name: Elisabeth Ritchie
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Bath Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Foundling Children
Role: appointed
Details: 'There being no report as to the Foundling Children - the appointment of Mr Robertson was continued'
Other names: Mr Robertson
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Visitor of Foundling Children
Role: appointment continued
Details: 'The session continued Mr Robertson as visitor of the Foundling Children for the curr[en]t month.'
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Visitor of the Foundling Children
Role: continued
Details: 'The Session continued Mr Robertson visitor of the Foundling Children for the current month.'
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Foundling Children
Occupation: Visitor of the Foundling Children
Role: appointment continued
Details: 'The Session continued the appointment of Mr Robertson to be visitor of the Foundling Children for the Current month.'
Other names: Mr Robertson
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Visitor of the Foundling Children
Role: continued appointment
Details: 'The Session continued Mr Robertson visitor of the Foundling Children for the ensuing month.'
Name: Mr Robertson
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Visitor of Foundling Children
Role: appointment continued
Details: 'Mr Robertsons appointment to visit the foundling children was continued & consideration'
Name: Catherine Ross
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Address: 'this Parish'
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: Compeared Catherine Ross residing in this Parish stating that she had brought forth a child in fornication and accusing James Barclay Cottonspinner in Mill road Street as guilty with her and Father of the Child - The Session appointed him to be summoned to their next meeting to which Catherine Ross was cited Apud Acta'
Other names: Catherine Ross; James Barclay
Name: Catherine Ross
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: child in fornication
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Compeared Catherine Ross but James Barclay duly summoned failed to attend - The Case was therefore continued & Barclay was appointed to be cited, to next meeting, to which Catherine Ross was cited apud acta.'
Other names: Catherine Ross; James Barclay
Name: Catherine Ross
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Paternity
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Compeared Catherine Ross Summoned to attended this Meeting of Session & produced an acknowledgement by James Barclay that he was the Father of her Child - The Session now agreed to take her on discipline & appointed Mr. Thomson & Mr. Robertson a committee to converse with her and to report to next meeting of Session -'
Other names: Catherine Ross; James Barclay
Name: Catherine Ross
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared Catherine Ross cited to attend this meeting of Session - and the report of the Committee appointed to converse with her having been favourable - the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish her and to absolve her from the Scandal which he accordingly did '
Other names: Catherine Ross
Name: Geo Simpson
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Croy Place
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mrs Mary Smellie
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 19 Portland Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Mr Smith
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Smith
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Smith
Date: 02/07/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Smith
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Smith
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Smith
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr John Smith
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: merchant
Address: Glasgow
Role: eldership nominee
Details: [see the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Mr John Smith
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Role: eldership nominee
Details: [see the entry for Jno Somerville on this date]
Name: Mr Somerville
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Somerville
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr John Somerville
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: merchant
Address: Glasgow
Role: eldership nominee
Details: 'The Session having taken into consideration the propriety of adding to their number. And being satisfied with regard to the Christian Character & Conduct of Messrs John Somerville Merchant in Glasgow James Frazer Clothier there & John Smith Merchant there & their entire fitness for the Office of Elders of this Church - agreed unanimously to receive and admit them as Members of this Session - And appointed the necessary Edict to be served for them tomorrow previous to their admission and ordination - And agreed to hold a pro re nata Meeting on Sabbath the 1st day of April next for their reception as Elders'
Name: John Somerville
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: Treasurer
Role: Elected
Details: 'On the motion of Mr. Paul the Session unanimously Elected Mr John Somerville in room of Mr Wilson - & the following Gentlemen were named a Committee to examine the Books of the late Treasurer, and to transfer them to Mr. Somerville - Vizt. Messrs. Paul & Allan Buchanan Elders & Messrs. Kettle & McVey Deacons'
Name: Mr Sommerville
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Jno Sommerville
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Role: eldership nominee
Details: The moderator reported having served the Edict in the usual manner for the Induction of Messrs. Jno. Sommerville James Frazer & John Smith as Elders in the Church of Scotland in connection with the Parish and Congregation of St. Johns & no objections having been stated the Session resolved forthwith to proceed with the ordination of the above Gentlemen and in the meantime adjourned till after the dismissal of the Congregation from the afternoons service -
And at the conclusion of the afternoons service and having resumed their proceedings in the Session House the Session proceeded to ordain Messrs. Somerville Frazer & Smith. When they were set apart by prayer to the office of the Eldership : And the right hand of fellowship having been given to them - it was farther ordained that their names be enrolled'
Name: Rebecca Steel
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 20 Stockwell Place
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Christian Stewart
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 35 King Street, Calton
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Janet Stewart
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 9 Gallowgate
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Jean Stewart
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 9 Gallowgate
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: William Stewart
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Rottenrow
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mr Stow
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Stow
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Stow
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: interim treasurer
Role: appointed
Details: 'The Session unanimously requested Mr Stow to act as Interim Treasurer till sometime farther definitive arrangement should be made.'
Name: Mr Stow
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Jane Taylor
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 25 King Street, Calton
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Elisabeth Tennent
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Fornication
Address: New Vennal
Role: Compeared
Other parish: Glasgow, Presbytery of
Details: Compeared Elisabeth Tennent residing in New Vennal stating that when resident in the parish of St. John, about 4 years ago - she had been guilty of fornication with James Lillie, weaver then residing in Bridgeton but whose present place of residence after every enquiry she could not discover - Mr Allan Buchanan stated that she had lived in his proportion of the Parish - that he had also made enquiries regarding Lillie - that he was reputed to have been a widower at the time the guilt in question was contracted - but that his present residence could not be ascertained - The Session in these circumstances remitted the case to the Revd. Presbytery for advice.'
Other names: Elisabeth Tennent; James Lillie; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Elizabeth Tennent
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Other parish: Presbytery of Glasgow
Details: 'Compeared Elizabeth Tennent but there being no deliverance from the Presbytery her case was continued till next meeting'
Other names: Elizabeth Tennent
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for James Wilson on this date]
Other names: James Wilson; Janet Hamilton; Mr John Wilson; Mr Thomson
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 06/08/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for James White on this date]
Other names: James White; Helen Murray; Mr Paul; Mr Collins; Mr Thomson
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Thomson
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Jas Thomson
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Jane Walton
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: Bell Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Agnes Watson
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 112 Rottenrow
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Robert Welsh
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Occupation: printer
Address: St John's Parish, Glasgow
Role: alleged father mention
Details: [See entry for Anne Glen of this date]
Other names: Anne Glen; William Glen; Robert Welsh; Jas Mcculloch
Name: James White
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Occupation: wright
Address: Glasgow
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared James White wright in Glasgow, & Helen Murray residing there acknowledging that they had been guilty of Ante Nuptial Fornication - The Session agreed to receive these parties upon discipline & appointed Messrs Paul Collins & Thomason a Committee to Converse with them & report to a pro re nata meeting of session to be held Thursday 1st Novr. After divine Service'
Other names: James White; Helen Murray; Mr Paul; Mr Collins; Mr Thomson
Name: James Whyte
Date: 01/11/1832
Case type: Case
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Whyte & Helen Murray both summoned to attend this meeting of Session and the report of the Committee appointed to converse with them having been favourable the Session Authorised the Moderator to admonish them and to absolve them from the Scandal which he Accordingly did'
Other names: James Whyte; Helen Murray
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 09/01/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Foundling Children
Details: The motion made by Mr. Wilson at last meeting of Session in relation to the Foundling Children was unanimously approved of with this alteration - that the examination of the Children by the Moderator should be twice a Year, about the Months of June & December.
Mr. Montgomery was requested to visit the Foundling Children for the Current Month.'
Other names: Mr Wilson; Mr Montgomery
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Dr Wilson
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Registration
Role: Mention
Details: [See the entry for The Children of James Young on this date]
Other names: Children of James Young; Dr Wilson
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for George McNab on this date]
Other names: George McNab; Elizabeth Paul; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for William Rewcastle on this date]
Other names: William Rewcastle; Margaret Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Brown
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Wilson [deceased]
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: late treasurer
Role: Pre 1855 death
Details: [see the entry for John Somerville on this date]
Name: Family of Mr Wilson [deceased]
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: mention as relative
Other names: Mr Wilson [deceased]; Family of Mr Wilson [deceased]
Name: Mr Wilson [deceased]
Date: 01/10/1832
Case type: Session Business
Role: Letter of Condolence
Details: The Moderator reported that agreeably to the resolutions of last meeting of Session he had addressed to the family of the late Mr Wilson a Letter of Condolence in terms of the Minutes of last meeting.'
Other names: Mr Wilson [deceased]; Family of Mr Wilson [deceased]
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Wilson
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Irregular Marriage
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [See entry for James Blair of this date]
Other names: James Blair; Janet Nairn; Elisabeth Miller; Mr Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr James Wilson
Date: 06/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: James Wilson
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: Compeared James Wilson Timber Mercht. & Janet Hamilton his wife acknowledging that they had been guilty of antenuptial fornication - A certificate of regular marriage having been produced - the Session agreed to receive the parties on discipline and appointed Messrs. John Wilson & Thomson a committee to converse with them and to report to next meeting to which they were cited apud acta.'
Other names: James Wilson; Janet Hamilton; Mr John Wilson; Mr Thomson
Name: James Wilson
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: Compeared
Details: 'Compeared James Wilson & Janet Hamilton his wife cited to attend this meeting of Session - and the report of the x [remaining text for this case is entered in margin] 'x Comm: appointed to converse with them being favourable the Mod. Was aut[orise]d to admonish 7 absolve them from the Scandal.'
Other names: James Wilson; Janet Hamilton
Name: Mr James Wilson
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date]
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; James McDonald; Mr Mcreadie; James Hollands; Robert Halket; Mr James Wilson; Mr Frazer
Name: Mr Jas Wilson
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Jas Wilson
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr John Wilson
Date: 17/03/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr John Wilson
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: Antenuptial fornication
Role: appointed to report case
Details: [see the entry for James Wilson on this date]
Other names: James Wilson; Janet Hamilton; Mr John Wilson; Mr Thomson
Name: Mr John Wilson
Date: 04/06/1832
Case type: Lords Supper
Occupation: elder
Role: appointed to officiate
Details: 'The Session agreed that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper should be dispensed on the last Sabbath of this month and Messrs John Wilson [,] Rainy, Joseph Brown [,] Fraser & Allan Buchanan were requested to officiate as Elders on that occasion'
Other names: Mr John Wilson; Mr Rainy; Mr Joseph Brown; Mr Fraser; Mr Allan Buchanan
Name: Mr John Wilson
Date: 03/09/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder & treasurer
Role: Pre 1855 death
Details: The Moderator stated that it was with extreme regret he had to communicate to the Session the sudden and melancholy death by the prevailing Epidemic [Cholera] of Mr John Wilson one of their number and who had for so many years discharged with so much assiduity fidelity and zeal - the laborious and important duties of Treasurer to the Session - The Session received the communication with deep and heartfelt sorrow and unanimously appointed to be recorded in their minutes - the sense entertained by them of the high worth of their departed colleague and of the obligations under which they lay for the invaluable services rendered by him in the management of the funds and pecuniary transactions of the parish . - The Session at the same time requested the Moderator to address to Mr Wilson's bereaved and afflicted family. - a letter of condolence on the severe visitation$ with which it had pleased providence to try them- and to offer their warmest sympathies on so distressing an event.'
Name: Mr Woodrow
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Mr Woodrow
Date: 03/12/1832
Case type: Official
Occupation: elder
Role: Sederunt
Name: Isabella Wylie
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 68 Virginia Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Louisa Wylie
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 68 Virginia Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mary Wylie
Date: 02/04/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 68 Virginia Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 21 people].
Other names: Jane Taylor; Christian Stewart; William Stewart; Janet Miller; Mary Ord; Jane Ord; Isabella Wylie; Mary Wylie; Louisa Wylie; Elizabeth Gourlay; Rebecca Steel; George Harrower; Andrew Hislop; Agnes Watson; Jane Walton; Isabella Reid; Jean Reid; Margaret Gray; Jane Brebner; Janet Liddell; Mrs J Farrie
Name: Mary Wylie
Date: 29/10/1832
Case type: Membership
Address: 68 Virginia Street
Role: Young Communicant Added to Roll
Details: 'The Moderator laid before the Session a List of the Persons admitted by him at this time to be communicants all of whom were approved of and their names appointed to be recorded : - [list follows in minutes of 19 people].
Other names: Mary Aitken; Alexander Miller; Joseph Patrick; Basil Lyon; James Murray; Mary Wylie; Janet Reay; Elisabeth Ritchie; Jean Stewart; Janet Stewart; Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs Mary Smellie; Margaret Brown; William Ewing; Mrs Mcgregor; Margt Cross; Geo Simpson; Elizabeth Donald; Daniel Mcneill
Name: Children of James Young
Date: 06/02/1832
Case type: Registration
Occupation: writer
Role: registered
Details: 'The Children of James Young Writer were authorized to be registered if the Moderator & Dr Wilson satisfied of the accuracy of the dates contained in a List laid before the Session'
Other names: Children of James Young; Dr Wilson
Name: William Yuille
Date: 07/05/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: appeared as declarent
Details: [see the entry for Elizabeth Paton on this date]
Other names: Elizabeth Paton; William Yuille; Hollands