Fettercairn records
Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Kirk Session Records). Available from £1 a name a year.
Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
Birth records with no father’s name – Hit a brick wall with no father named in a birth record? Help is at hand: see our list for this parish below.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
Male Heads of Families – Free transcripts of rolls of male heads of families from the 1830s
Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Reference | Title | Dates | Buy |
CH2/152/1 | Fettercairn Kirk Session - Minutes (With accounts) | 1676-1682 | Request lookup |
CH2/152/3 | Fettercairn Kirk Session - Minutes (minutes 1773-1812 and accounts 1779-1784) | 1773-1812 | Request lookup |
CH2/152/4 | Fettercairn Kirk Session - Minutes | 1813-1849 | Request lookup |
CH2/152/5 | Fettercairn Kirk Session - Minutes | 1849-1888 | Request lookup |
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
We are pleased to be able to offer to obtain images of the minutes for each appeal, at the following rates:
- £3 for a single minute
- £6 for up to 3 minutes for a single case
- £9 for any single case with more than 3 minutes (some cases have as many as 8 minutes)
Name | Address | Year(s)/ minutes | Order images | Deliverance |
Robert FORSYTH | 1851 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1853 (1) | Order images | Refused - see 378 1851 | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1854 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1854 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1854 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1854 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1857 (1) | Order images | Refused - informal | |
Robert FORSYTH | 1857 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Margaret GARDEN | 1860 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow Nanny MITCHELL or CARNEGIE | 1849 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
Ann MURRAY | 1852 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
William TAYLOR | 1870 (2) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) |
Sheriff Court paternity decrees
Mother name and residence | Defender name | Child birth | Order | Court |
Margaret BELL or SIM Balbegno, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire | John MCLAREN | 24 Aug 1877 Broomfield, Brechin | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/19 |
Elizabeth COLLIE or COLVILLE Little Strath, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire formerly Dundee | William MCDONALD | 30 Nov 1878 | Order now | Dundee SC45/6/20 |
Isabella HUNTER Edzell, Arnhall, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire | George CHRISTIE | 26 Nov 1878 | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/18 |
Agnes Robertson LONGMUIR Meikle Strath, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire | David ROBERTSON | 19 Apr 1885 Meikle Strath, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/19 |
Jane Ann SMITH Arnhall, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire | James LAWSON | 30 Jul 1879 | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/18 |
Jane Ann SMITH Arnhall, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire | James LAWSON | 30 Jul 1879 | Order now | Forfar SC47/7/18 |
School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
Child name | Date of birth | Mother name | Order |
Jane Tavendale ADAM | 20 December 1867 | Jane ADAM | Find the father |
Isabella AIKEN | 23 July 1864 | Isabella Aiken Or GORDON | Find the father |
Alexander ALEXANDER | 21 November 1861 | Jane Alexander Or PEARSON | Find the father |
Eliza Georgina ALEXANDER | 7 April 1863 | Georgina ALEXANDER | Father found |
George ALEXANDER | 23 August 1868 | Georgina ALEXANDER | Find the father |
Jane Ann ALEXANDER | 14 February 1861 | Elizabeth ALEXANDER | Find the father |
Sarah Rae ALEXANDER | 30 October 1867 | Jane ALEXANDER | Find the father |
Alexander ANDERSON | 4 November 1861 | Jane ANDERSON | Find the father |
Alexander ANDERSON | 26 March 1863 | Mary ANDERSON | Find the father |
David ANDERSON | 21 September 1866 | Jane ANDERSON | Find the father |
Margaret ANDERSON | 28 February 1858 | Jane ANDERSON | Find the father |
Jane Ann ANDREW | 28 June 1859 | Helen ANDREW | Find the father |
Jane BARCLAY | 29 September 1857 | Jane BARCLAY | Find the father |
William Falconer BARNETT | 5 June 1857 | Ann BARNETT | Find the father |
Margaret Ann BEATTIE | 27 July 1858 | Isabella BEATTIE | Find the father |
William BEATTIE | 28 January 1859 | Margaret BEATTIE | Find the father |
Margaret BIRSE | 30 June 1862 | Mary Ann BIRSE | Find the father |
Janet BREMNER | 10 October 1857 | Barbara BREMNER | Find the father |
Jessie Maria BREMNER | 26 January 1864 | Barbara BREMNER | Find the father |
Margaret BREMNER | 10 October 1857 | Barbara BREMNER | Find the father |
David BUICK | 17 November 1858 | Jane BUICK | Find the father |
Betsy CALDER | 16 April 1868 | Isabella CALDER | Find the father |
Helen Ann CALDER | 10 December 1866 | Mary CALDER | Find the father |
Susan CARNEGIE | 17 October 1874 | Martha CARNEGIE | Find the father |
Elizabeth CARROL | 7 November 1868 | Jane CARROL | Find the father |
Jane CHARTERS | 13 May 1860 | Jane CHARTERS | Find the father |
David Bertie CHRISTISON | 17 July 1868 | Martha CHRISTISON | Find the father |
Peter CHRISTISON | 26 January 1866 | Martha CHRISTISON | Find the father |
Margaret COLLIE | 5 April 1866 | Ann COLLIE | Find the father |
Thomas COUTTS | 19 September 1861 | Jean COUTTS | Find the father |
William COW | 23 August 1862 | Agnes COW | Find the father |
David COWIE | 9 September 1855 | Mary COWIE | Find the father |
Jane CROLL | 8 September 1864 | Mary CROLL | Find the father |
Margaret CROLL | 28 September 1862 | Isabella CROLL | Find the father |
Alexander DONALD | 27 March 1869 | Jane DONALD | Find the father |
Mary Low DUNBAR | 9 April 1873 | Christina DUNBAR | Find the father |
Matilda Catherine DUNCAN | 9 October 1855 | Ann DUNCAN | Father found |
Margaret Rebecca DURWARD | 27 March 1872 | Hellen DURWARD | Find the father |
Alexander James DUTHIE | 27 July 1869 | Sarah DUTHIE | Find the father |
Betsy Ann EDWARD | 24 December 1866 | Betsy EDWARD | Find the father |
Robert ESSON | 20 January 1874 | Isabella ESSON | Find the father |
Jane FOORD | 14 May 1860 | Helen FOORD | Find the father |
William Rae GLEN | 25 July 1868 | Margaret GLEN | Find the father |
Margaret Jane GOLD | 3 November 1868 | Margaret GOLD | Find the father |
David GORDON | 8 July 1867 | Margaret GORDON | Find the father |
Elizabeth GORDON | 25 October 1863 | Margaret GORDON | Find the father |
Henry GORDON | 20 March 1870 | Margaret GORDON | Find the father |
James GORDON | 26 September 1858 | Margaret GORDON | Find the father |
William Taylor GORDON | 20 August 1855 | Margaret GORDON | Find the father |
Mary Ann GRIEVE | 31 October 1871 | Mary Ann GRIEVE | Find the father |
James Alexander HERD | 9 February 1861 | Elizabeth HERD | Find the father |
David Anderson HILL | 18 November 1873 | Jessie HILL | Find the father |
Mary HILL | 16 September 1861 | Jessie HILL | Find the father |
James KEMLO | 19 December 1862 | Jane KEMLO | Find the father |
Alexander LAING | 6 November 1856 | Jean LAING | Find the father |
Jessie Ann LAURANCE | 5 May 1863 | Ann LAURANCE | Find the father |
Jessie Ann LAURENCE | 13 October 1871 | Jane LAURENCE | Find the father |
Salina Moir MCDONALD | 18 September 1860 | Ann Mc Donald Or PORTER | Find the father |
William MCPETRIE | 9 October 1857 | Jessie MCPETRIE | Find the father |
Edward MIDDLETON | 30 September 1874 | Charlotte MIDDLETON | Find the father |
Jane MIDDLETON | 4 January 1862 | Betsy MIDDLETON | Find the father |
David MILNE | 30 January 1858 | Mary MILNE | Find the father |
John MILNE | 30 October 1867 | Catherine MILNE | Find the father |
Margaret MILNE | 26 March 1868 | Betsy MILNE | Find the father |
Mary Jane Beattie MILNE | 24 February 1864 | Catherine MILNE | Find the father |
Mary Jane MITCHELL | 29 December 1861 | Ann MITCHELL | Find the father |
Alexander MURRAY | 27 August 1866 | Mary MURRAY | Find the father |
Jane NEILSON | 6 February 1858 | Margaret NEILSON | Find the father |
Alexander PROTT | 16 March 1863 | Jane PROTT | Find the father |
David REID | 1 November 1863 | Mary REID | Find the father |
William REITH | 24 October 1857 | Elizabeth REITH | Find the father |
Margaret RUSSEL | 2 September 1857 | Sarah RUSSEL | Find the father |
John SANGSTER | 31 January 1866 | May SANGSTER | Find the father |
Robert SKENE | 10 October 1863 | Ann SKENE | Father found |
Sarah SMITH | 22 November 1866 | Elizabeth SMITH | Find the father |
James STOTT | 22 August 1863 | Elizabeth STOTT | Find the father |
Hannah Gold TAYLOR | 25 December 1859 | Ann TAYLOR | Find the father |
William Peter TEVENDALE | 2 November 1870 | Isabella TEVENDALE | Find the father |
Andrew VALENTINE | 10 November 1872 | Elizabeth VALENTINE | Find the father |
Ann Mary VALENTINE | 22 August 1869 | Eliza VALENTINE | Father found |
Margaret Guthrie VALENTINE | 29 January 1863 | Margaret Thow VALENTINE | Find the father |
Alexander WATSON | 4 September 1860 | Jean WATSON | Find the father |
Margaret WATSON | 2 March 1865 | Helen WATSON | Find the father |
William WATSON | 12 December 1869 | Jane WATSON | Find the father |
James WILSON | 1 October 1859 | Eliza WILSON | Find the father |
Margaret WILSON | 10 March 1867 | Eliza WILSON | Find the father |
General Register of Lunatics
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
No Roll of Male Heads of Families has yet been found for this parish
Kirk Session Records Index
Date: 11/03/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: mother present
Details: Which day the clerk read to the Session a letter he had received from the Session Clerk of Edzell containing a copy of a letter adressed [sic] by James Wyllie (mentioned in last minute) to the Rev Mr Hutton of which the following is a Copy
''Mains of Edzell Mar: 8th 1832
I received yours of yesterday's date. I am astonished at the inclosure, of which I am quite in ignorance; I know of no child that can be fathered upon me: I took with a child a number of years ago, but I have no business with anymore. You may therefore tell Mr ayre to write to the Kirk session of Fettercairn, that I utterly deny any thing to do with the child fathered on me''
Signed James Wyllie
Elizabeth Carnegie being in attendance and having been asked whether she still adhered to her former declaration, declared in the affirmative. Whereupon the Session resolved to let the matter lie over for future consideration'
Other names: James Wyllie; Mr Ayre; Rev Hutton
Name: Mr Ayre
Date: 11/03/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: mention in correspondence
Details: [See entry for Elizabeth Carnegie of this date]
Other names: James Wyllie; Mr Ayre; Rev Hutton
Name: Elizabeth Carnegie
Date: 04/03/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Address: Deanstrath
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Which day compeared Elizabeth Carnegie, at Deanstrath, and declared that she had been delivered of a child, and that James Wyllie Tenant, Mains of Edzell, was the father of it, She was then rebuked and dismissed, and the Clerk was ordered to transmit a Copy of this Minute to the Kirk Session of Edzell with a request that they would take the trouble to summon the said James Wyllie to appear before the Session here, or that of Edzell on Sabbath first'
Other names: Elizabeth Carnegie; James Wyllie
Name: Margt Christie
Date: 29/07/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Address: Arnhall
Role: Mother Compeared
Details: Which day Margt Christie residing at Arnhall appeared before the Session and declared herself to be pregnat by David Ramsay Farmer Woodton of Lethnot. Whereupon she was rebuked & dismissed
The clerk was then ordered to transmit a copy of her declaration to the Kirk Session of Lethnot with a request that they would summon D Ramsay to appear either before them or at fettercairn as might suit their convenience.'
Other names: Margt Christie; David Ramsay
Name: Margt Christie
Date: 14/10/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: Mother mention
Details: 'David Ramsay mentioned in last minute appeared before the Session and confessed that he was the father of Margt Christies child - He was thereupon rebuked admonished & absolved from church censure'
Other names: David Ramsay; Margt Christie
Name: Alexander Henderson
Date: 25/03/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Address: Fettercairn
Role: Alledged Father mention
Details: unmarried [See entry for Jean Vallentine of this date]
Other names: Jean Vallentine; Alexander Henderson
Name: Alexander Henderson
Date: 01/04/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: alledged Father mention, failed to appear
Details: 'Which day Alexander Henderson mentioned in the last minute, having been summoned in terms of said minute failed to appear'
Other names: Alexander Henderson
Name: Alexander Henderson
Date: 05/04/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: alledged Father mention
Details: 'Which day the officer stated to the Session that Alexander Henderson ( mentioned in former minute,) could not be found at his usual place of residence when he went to deliver to him 3rd summons of the session to appear before them this day - He farther stated that he was understood to have left the country. Whereupon the Session resolved to let the matter lie over till circumstances should occur to throw additional light on it '
Other names: Alexander Henderson
Name: Alexander Henderson
Date: 08/04/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: alledged Father mention, failed to appear
Details: 'Alexander Henderson mentioned in former minutes again summoned but failed to appear'
Other names: Alexander Henderson
Name: Rev Hutton
Date: 11/03/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Role: mention correspondence
Other parish: Edzell, Kirk session of
Details: [See entry for Elizabeth Carnegie of this date]
Other names: James Wyllie; Mr Ayre; Rev Hutton
Name: James Leslie
Date: 16/03/1832
Case type: Official
Role: attests minute book
Other parish: Fordoun, Presbytery of
Details: Fettercairn March 16. 1832
This Book was this day examined from March 22. 1832 [sic, should be 1831] and having been found accurate is attested in name of the Committee of the Presbytery of Fordoun by
Ja Leslie Modr'
Name: Betty Low
Date: 22/01/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Occupation: servant Distillery
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Which day Betty Low, lately residing in this parish appeared before the Session and acknowledged herself to be pregnant by Alexander McGillvray servant Distillery: she was then rebuked dismissed, and the Beadle was ordered to summon McGillvray to appear before the session next Lords day.'
Other names: Betty Low; Alexander Mcgillvray
Name: Betty Low
Date: 29/01/1832
Case type: pregnancy, fornication
Role: Mother mention
Details: 'Which day, compeared Alexr McGillvray mentioned in the last minute and confessed having been guilty of Fornication with Betty Low, but declined to acknowledge at present whether or not he was the father of the child of which she is pregnant, he was then rebuked and dismissed ad interim'
Other names: Alexr Mcgillvray; Betty Low
Name: Betty Low
Date: 05/02/1832
Case type: Discipline
Role: mother appeared
Details: 'Which day, Betty Low, mentioned in former minutes appeared before the Session and was rebuked, admonished, &absoved from Church censure'
Other names: Betty Low
Name: Alexander Mcgillvray
Date: 22/01/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: Alledged Father mention
Details: [See entry for Betty Low of this date]
Other names: Betty Low; Alexander Mcgillvray
Name: Alexr Mcgillvray
Date: 29/01/1832
Case type: pregnancy, fornication
Role: Accused as father compeared
Details: [See entry for Betty Low of this date]
Other names: Alexr Mcgillvray; Betty Low
Name: Alexander Murray
Date: 15/07/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Address: Thornyhill
Role: Alledged Father mention
Other parish: Lochlee
Details: [See entry for Jean Pirie of this date]
Other names: Jean Pirie; Alexander Murray
Name: Alexander Murray
Date: 22/07/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: accused as father appeared
Details: [See entry for Jean Pirie of this date]
Other names: Alexander Murray; Jean Pirie
Name: Jean Pirie
Date: 15/07/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Address: Thornyhill
Role: mother, appeared
Details: Which day Jean Pirie residing in the Parish of Lochlee but lately at Thornyhill in this Parish appeared before the Session and declared that she is pregnant by Alexander Murray residing at Thornyhill. Wherupon she was rebuked and dismissed & the officer was ordered to summon A Murray to appear before the Session next Sabbath.'
Other names: Jean Pirie; Alexander Murray
Name: Jean Pirie
Date: 22/07/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: Mother Compeared
Details: 'Which day Alexander Murray appeared before the Session & denied the truth of the charge therein contained. The officer having stated that Jean Pirrie was in attendance at the Door she was calledin. The parties being confronted she declared her adherence to her charege & he persisted in his denial. Whereupon they were dismissed with orders to reappear before the Session when required to do so by the officer.'
Other names: Alexander Murray; Jean Pirie
Name: David Ramsay
Date: 29/07/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Occupation: farmer
Address: Woodton Of Lethnot
Role: Alledged Father mention
Other parish: Lethnot, Kirk session of
Details: [See entry for Margt Christie of this date]
Other names: Margt Christie; David Ramsay
Name: David Ramsay
Date: 14/10/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Role: accused as father appeared
Details: [See entry for Margt Christie of this date]
Other names: David Ramsay; Margt Christie
Name: Jean Vallentine
Date: 25/03/1832
Case type: pregnancy
Address: Fettercairn
Role: Compeared as mother
Details: 'Which day the Session met and having been constituted compeared Jean Vallentine unmarried residing in Fettercairn and declared herself to be pregnant by Alexander Henderson unmarried, also residing in Fettercairn. Whereupon she was rebuked and dismissed for the time, the officer being at the same time ordered to summon A Henderson to appear before the Session next Lords Day to anser to the charge brought against him by J Vallentine'
Other names: Jean Vallentine; Alexander Henderson
Name: James Wyllie
Date: 04/03/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Occupation: tenant
Address: Mains Of Edzell
Role: Alledged Father mention
Other parish: Edzell, Kirk session of
Details: [See entry for Elizabeth Carnegie of this date]
Other names: Elizabeth Carnegie; James Wyllie
Name: James Wyllie
Date: 11/03/1832
Case type: illegitimate child
Address: Mains Of Edzell
Role: Alledged Father mention correspondence
Details: [See entry for Elizabeth Carnegie of this date]
Other names: James Wyllie; Mr Ayre; Rev Hutton