Genealogy packages from Old Scottish Genealogy & Family History
Current Offers - You pay only for the ancestors we find in Scotland*
Ancestral Line - From £25 Take one particular ancestor right back through time and discover their direct forebears - choose which line you want to follow. For example find your father's father's father's father or your mother's mothers' mother's mother or traverse your tree. We shall search for all of the Births Deaths and Marriages as standard pertaining to the people in whichever line you choose. 4 Generation Pedigree - From £25 Designed so that you can take your research back generation by generation at your own pace. How many generations you can go back really depends on when the ancestor you are looking for was born. As a rough guide you may be able to go back at least 4 generations in the statutory records if your ancestor was born around the middle of the twentieth century e.g. 1954 or as many as 8 even if you are looking to produce a pedigree for a child born in recent times. *after initial deposit of £25 |
ALL Genealogy Packages from Old Scottish include;
Genealogy Searches in Source Record Set -
Scottish Statutory Registers of Birth, Death, and Marriage (1855-2015),
Old Parish and Catholic Registers
Decennial Census of Scotland 1841-1911
Genealogy Research Report - aims of our research for your ancestor(s); research and family tree report with any recommendations regarding further sources that may apply to your ancestor(s). All of our reports include full source citations so that you can easily order Certified Copies or digital images of original records if required.
Genealogy Chart - showing pedigree and family relationships discovered from the records we have found.
GEDCOM - a file containing our genealogical research in a format that can be uploaded to most family history software/websites and DNA test providers
Transcriptions - each Birth Marriage and Death record that we find that pertains to your genealogy research package will be transcribed and provided.
Additional Options
Event Maps showing where your Ancestors Lived and where Births Deaths and Marriages took place - PERFECT if you want to trace your ancestors' footsteps throughout Scotland
Genealogy Searches in Source Record Set -
Scottish Statutory Registers of Birth, Death, and Marriage (1855-2015),
Old Parish and Catholic Registers
Decennial Census of Scotland 1841-1911
Genealogy Research Report - aims of our research for your ancestor(s); research and family tree report with any recommendations regarding further sources that may apply to your ancestor(s). All of our reports include full source citations so that you can easily order Certified Copies or digital images of original records if required.
Genealogy Chart - showing pedigree and family relationships discovered from the records we have found.
GEDCOM - a file containing our genealogical research in a format that can be uploaded to most family history software/websites and DNA test providers
Transcriptions - each Birth Marriage and Death record that we find that pertains to your genealogy research package will be transcribed and provided.
Additional Options
Event Maps showing where your Ancestors Lived and where Births Deaths and Marriages took place - PERFECT if you want to trace your ancestors' footsteps throughout Scotland
Births Records 1855 - current release
Information about person being born Full Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Sex Parent's names Mother's maiden name Father's occupation Parent's usual residence Name of Informant and relationship to child Age and Place of birth of parents * Date and Place of Marriage of Parents ** Information on siblings * * only 1855 Birth records show this information ** 1856 -1860 records do not show this information |
Marriage Records 1855 - current release
Information about each party being married Full name Age Marital Status Occupation Date and place of marriage Name and occupations of couple's fathers* Name and maiden name of couple's mothers* Names of witnesses Names of officiating clergy Birth place of each person being married** Number of former marriages** * may note if parent is deceased ** This information was only taken in 1855 and then dropped until 1972. |
Deaths 1855 - Current release
Information about the deceased Full name Date, Time and Place of Death Sex Marital status Age Occupation Cause of death Duration of last illness Usual residence Parent's names and occupations* Place of Birth** Names and ages of children** Spouse's name*** Doctor's name Details of the Informant ( e.g. relationship to deceased, address) Place of burial **** Name of Undertaker**** When doctor last saw deceased alive **** * may note if parent is deceased **1855 only - shows year of death of any child who predeceased parent *** not required 1856-1860 |