Eaglesham records
Lookup searches – Access records in Scottish archives for ancestors in this parish (e.g. Kirk Session Records). Available from £1 a name a year.
Poor Law appeals – Indexed Poor Law appeals with the option to order images of records.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
School records – Index to School Leaving Certificate Examination results
Anatomy Registers – Index to the records of the Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland
Birth records with no father’s name – Hit a brick wall with no father named in a birth record? Help is at hand: see our list for this parish below.
Asylum records – Index to the General Register of Lunatics in Asylums
Male Heads of Families – Free transcripts of rolls of male heads of families from the 1830s
Kirk Sessions Index – Free extracts from Kirk Session records
Board of Supervision poor relief appeals
We are pleased to be able to offer to obtain images of the minutes for each appeal, at the following rates:
- £3 for a single minute
- £6 for up to 3 minutes for a single case
- £9 for any single case with more than 3 minutes (some cases have as many as 8 minutes)
Name | Address | Year(s)/ minutes | Order images | Deliverance |
Widow ARNEIL | 1867 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow Sarah CALLIGHAN or ARNEIL | 1862 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Catherine CAMPBELL | 1867 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
John CASSIDY | 1864 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) | |
Widow COLVIN | 1850 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
James COLVINE | Castle Hill Dailly | 1847 (4) | Order images | Refused, in respect of offer to remove him to Eaglesham |
Elizabeth CURRANS | 1854 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Ellen DONOHUE or HUGHES | 1864 (1) | Order images | Refused - informal | |
Widow Anne FENEY or MURRAY | 1852 (1) | Order images | Refused (poorhouse) - see 511 1851 | |
Widow Ann FENNIE | 1851 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Isabella HODGE or LAWSON | 1855 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Thomas HOGG | 1853 (1) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed - applicant may enter poorhouse | |
Thomas HOGG | 1853 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Catherine KEGO or FULTON | 1855 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Alexander KNOX | 1852 (2) | Order images | Ground of complaint removed | |
Widow Mary MACDONALD | 1849 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Mary MCDONALD | 1849 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
John MCGEECHAN | 1868 (1) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow MCQUADE | 1865 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Daniel O'CONNOR | 1847 (1) | Order images | Refused, on the understanding that he may be provided with house, food and clothing in the parish of Eaglesham, if he chooses to go there | |
Jean YOUNG | 1858 (2) | Order images | Refused | |
Widow Margaret YOUNG | 1853 (1) | Order images | Refused |
Sheriff Court paternity decrees
Mother name and residence | Defender name | Child birth | Order | Court |
Jane Craig ALLAN Inches, Eaglesham | Arthur WATSON | 12 Jun 1886 | Order now | Paisley SC58/7/23 |
Margaret BARR Castlehill, Eaglesham | John MORTON | 15 Sep 1878 | Order now | Kilmarnock SC7/5/11 |
Ann BROWN Montgomery Street, Eaglesham | Archibald KENNEDY | 7 Jan 1880 Montgomery Street, Eaglesham | Order now | Hamilton SC37/7/25 |
Agnes CUTHBERTSON Eaglesham | Donald GRAHAM | 4 Jul 1851 | Order now | Paisley SC58/7/12 |
Ann Or Agnes KERBY or KERBIN Eaglesham | Patrick KELLY | 13 Nov 1859 | Order now | Dumfries SC15/7/32 |
Margaret MCKAY High Craig, Eaglesham | Malcolm DOUGALL OR MCDOUGALL | 13 May 1862 | Order now | Paisley SC58/7/15 |
Janet YOUNG Eaglesham | William LANG | 12 Aug 1879 | Order now | Paisley SC58/7/20 |
School Leaving Certificate Exams
Anatomy register
List of Births with no Father's name 1855-1874
Child name | Date of birth | Mother name | Order |
Jeanie ANDREW | 6 December 1866 | Janet ANDREW | Find the father |
Isabella ARNEIL | 25 July 1856 | Isabella ARNEIL | Father found |
James ARNEIL | 19 September 1869 | Isabella ARNEIL | Find the father |
Jane ARNEIL | 14 July 1866 | Jane ARNEIL | Find the father |
Letitia ARNEIL | 9 March 1864 | Letitia ARNEIL | Find the father |
Mary ARNEIL | 4 December 1858 | Isabella ARNEIL | Find the father |
John BAIRD | 23 November 1855 | Janet Montgomerie BAIRD | Find the father |
Peter BEATON | 17 February 1858 | Margaret BEATON | Find the father |
James BENNET | 21 May 1868 | Margaret BENNET | Find the father |
Catherine BOYLIN | 25 April 1873 | Rosan BOYLIN | Find the father |
Hugh BROWN | 30 June 1867 | Margaret BROWN | Find the father |
Marion BROWN | 31 August 1865 | Margaret BROWN | Find the father |
Mary BROWN | 3 September 1871 | Margaret BROWN | Find the father |
William BROWNING | 3 January 1857 | Rebecca BROWNING | Find the father |
William BROWNING | 20 March 1861 | Janet BROWNING | Father found |
Elizabeth BURNS | 29 March 1870 | Elizabeth BURNS | Find the father |
Robert CAMERON | 27 September 1870 | Isabella CAMERON | Find the father |
Agnes CARSON | 1 February 1856 | Mary CARSON | Find the father |
Mary CASSELS | 3 March 1870 | Mary CASSELS | Find the father |
Lilias CLEMENT | 8 December 1861 | Margaret CLEMENT | Find the father |
John COCHRAN | 2 June 1860 | Janet COCHRAN | Father found |
John COLVIN | 13 July 1862 | Mary COLVIN | Find the father |
Agnes CUNNINGHAM | 31 March 1865 | Agnes CUNNINGHAM | Find the father |
Archibald CURRIE | 22 April 1870 | Mary CURRIE | Find the father |
Janet Clark CURRIE | 16 December 1856 | Janet CURRIE | Find the father |
Walter CURRIE | 28 April 1863 | Janet Reid CURRIE | Find the father |
Maryann CURTIS | 5 June 1856 | Ann CURTIS | Find the father |
Robert James Duncan DEMPSTER | 20 December 1871 | Margaret Jane DEMPSTER | Find the father |
Hugh DICK | 23 February 1858 | Susann DICK | Find the father |
Joseph DICK | 26 August 1857 | Jane DICK | Find the father |
Margaret DICK | 19 June 1861 | Jane DICK | Find the father |
James DORRAN | 11 September 1857 | Mary DORRAN | Find the father |
James DOUDS | 27 August 1872 | Elizabeth DOUDS | Find the father |
Margaret DOUDS | 30 March 1870 | Elizabeth DOUDS | Find the father |
Ann FAULDS | 23 May 1873 | Elizabeth FAULDS | Find the father |
John FAULDS | 20 July 1857 | Elizabeth FAULDS | Find the father |
John FAULDS | 9 October 1873 | Christina FAULDS | Father found |
William FLEMING | 17 June 1855 | Betsy FLEMING | Find the father |
George GARDINER | 23 July 1872 | Agnes GARDINER | Find the father |
Christina GORDON | 7 January 1861 | Christina GORDON | Find the father |
Isabella GORDON | 18 December 1860 | Mary GORDON | Find the father |
Mary GORDON | 6 July 1863 | Christina GORDON | Father found |
James HAMILTON | 24 May 1864 | Janet HAMILTON | Find the father |
Ann HAY | 23 April 1862 | Jane HAY | Find the father |
Susanna HAY | 25 May 1866 | Jane HAY | Find the father |
Thomas HAY | 2 July 1864 | Jane HAY | Find the father |
Janet HENSHELWOOD | 9 September 1859 | Jane HENSHELWOOD | Find the father |
Elizabeth HINSHELWOOD | 25 May 1866 | Jane HINSHELWOOD | Find the father |
William HINSHELWOOD | 27 October 1863 | Jane HINSHELWOOD | Find the father |
Janet HOSEY | 1 August 1858 | Elizabeth HOSEY | Find the father |
Edward JOHNSTONE | 1 March 1872 | Susan JOHNSTONE | Find the father |
Jessie JONES | 15 October 1866 | Ann JONES | Find the father |
Andrew KENNEDY | 19 July 1860 | Mary KENNEDY | Find the father |
Janet KENNEDY | 4 July 1873 | Martha KENNEDY | Find the father |
John KENNEDY | 15 October 1866 | Mary KENNEDY | Find the father |
Martha KENNEDY | 14 February 1855 | Mary KENNEDY | Find the father |
Mary KENNEDY | 4 July 1869 | Mary KENNEDY | Find the father |
Agnes KERLIN | 13 November 1859 | Agnes KERLIN | Find the father |
Jane KERR | 18 July 1855 | Jane KERR | Find the father |
Robert KIRKLAND | 27 February 1858 | Margaret KIRKLAND | Find the father |
Janet KNOX | 13 July 1866 | Janet KNOX | Find the father |
John LEITCH | 26 January 1855 | Jane LEITCH | Find the father |
John LEITCH | 16 November 1858 | Christina LEITCH | Find the father |
Agnes MCDONALD | 26 August 1872 | Elizabeth MCDONALD | Find the father |
Susan MCDONALD | 5 July 1872 | Mary MCDONALD | Find the father |
Allan MCDOUGALL | 18 September 1862 | Mary MCDOUGALL | Find the father |
William MCGILL | 4 January 1862 | Isabella MCGILL | Find the father |
Donald MCGILVRAY | 20 June 1866 | Margaret MCGILVRAY | Find the father |
Ann MCGINN | 21 February 1861 | Sarah MCGINN | Find the father |
William MCINDOE | 8 March 1860 | Jean MCINDOE | Find the father |
William MCKECHNIE | 8 October 1868 | Catherine MCKECHNIE | Find the father |
Peter MCLEAN | 25 December 1864 | Mary MCLEAN | Find the father |
Robert Currie MCLELLAN | 3 August 1869 | Elizabeth MCLELLAN | Find the father |
Agnes MCVEY | 25 February 1862 | Jane MCVEY | Find the father |
James MILLAR | 27 April 1873 | Bethia MILLAR | Find the father |
Janet MILLER | 10 March 1874 | Janet MILLER | Find the father |
Agnes MONTGOMERIE | 12 January 1857 | Agnes MONTGOMERIE | Find the father |
James Ferguson MONTGOMERY | 26 May 1864 | Margaret MONTGOMERY | Find the father |
Margaret MONTGOMERY | 30 May 1870 | Margaret MONTGOMERY | Find the father |
Jane MUIR | 12 April 1857 | Agnes MUIR | Find the father |
Jane MUIR | 28 November 1864 | Ann MUIR | Find the father |
Ann ORR | 11 December 1868 | Agnes ORR | Find the father |
John ORR | 20 January 1859 | Ann Howie ORR | Find the father |
William POLLOCK | 22 May 1856 | Susan POLLOCK | Find the father |
Bridget RONNIE | 24 October 1857 | Annie RONNIE | Find the father |
Thomas ROONIE | 2 December 1855 | Alice ROONIE | Find the father |
Mary STRANG | 10 May 1873 | Annie STRANG | Find the father |
Andrew SYM | 4 April 1858 | Catharine SYM | Find the father |
Janet THOMSON | 26 December 1859 | Ann THOMSON | Find the father |
Margaret WALLACE | 1 September 1862 | Isabella WALLACE | Find the father |
Margaret WALLACE | 4 August 1865 | Margaret WALLACE | Find the father |
Elizabeth WATERSTON | 28 November 1857 | Bety WATERSTON | Find the father |
Thomas WATERSTON | 5 May 1873 | Janet WATERSTON | Find the father |
William Henderson WHITECROSS | 24 July 1856 | Alice Henderson WHITECROSS | Find the father |
James Mckenzie WYLIE | 22 June 1863 | Mary WYLIE | Find the father |
Janet YOUNG | 27 October 1859 | Ann YOUNG | Find the father |
John YOUNG | 21 April 1869 | Barbara YOUNG | Find the father |
General Register of Lunatics
Name | Date of death | Order | Asylums | Years |
ARNEIL or NIXON, Margaret hawker, housewife, cadger's wife Born about 1845 Married Previous residence: Higgans Lodgings, 50 High Street, Dunfermline Chargeable parish: Dunfermline | 29 Dec 1888 | Order images (2) | Abbey Fife | 1885 |
NIXON or ARNEIL, Margaret hawker, housewife, cadger's wife Born about 1845 Married Previous residence: Higgans Lodgings, 50 High Street, Dunfermline Chargeable parish: Dunfermline | 29 Dec 1888 | Order images (2) | Abbey Fife | 1885 |
Rolls of Male Heads of Families
No Roll of Male Heads of Families has yet been found for this parish
Kirk Session Records Index
We have not yet indexed any Kirk Session records for this parish.